OTN Data Management Workshop Re-presentation (September 11th, 2014)

A re-presentation of the Data Management Workshop from the 2014 OTN Symposium

Creating Maps with Geoserver in Python and QGISPresented by Jon Pye at the Data Management Workshop Re-presentation @ Dalhousie, September 11th, 2014
OTN and GitLab - a primer on version control at OTNPresented by Jon Pye at the Data Management Workshop Re-presentation @ Dalhousie, September 11th, 2014
The OTN SandBox and Data Processing ToolboxPresented by Marta Mihoff at the Data Management Workshop Re-presentation @ Dalhousie, September 11th, 2014
OTN Data / Tools AccessPresented by Lenore Bajona at the Data Management Workshop Re-presentation @ Dalhousie, September 11th, 2014