The Ocean Tracking Network's Data Centre is leveraging the efforts of hundreds of individual researchers worldwide to expand their reach to a global scale. Our collaborators track hundreds of species of economic and ecological concern. Below are some summary statistics about the studies that comprise the Ocean Tracking Network, the growth in global receiver coverage over the lifetime of the Network, and the currently active set of OTN-affiliated receivers.
Number of Animals Tagged
The Ocean Tracking Network manages data for 410 different species of ecological and economic importance. Telemetry technology allows researchers to track a broad range of taxa and describe their interspecies interactions, define their habitat usage, and evaluate any potential migration pathways and timings. The colour coding used by this chart denotes the species' threat level as reported by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™.
Deployed Stations Year-by-Year
The chart below represents the number of receivers OTN has a record of being deployed by year. These receivers can be equipment that OTN has deployed, such as the Halifax line (HFX), or from researchers who have submitted their records to OTN for data management.
Total Detections by Type
OTN has a total of 1,998,847,163 detections divided up into the following:
Animal: These detections are confirmed as belonging to a tagged animal deployed by an OTN-affiliated researcher or data partner.
Transmitter: These detections are from tags that were deployed in fixed locations (i.e. sentinel tags), or tag codes used by transceiver units, i.e. for inter-receiver synchronization.
Mystery Tag: These detections are not yet associated with any deployed tag. The mystery tag lookup tool can be used to discover matches to your tags in the OTN database.
Test: These detections are of tags that have been identified by manufacturers as reserved for testing purposes only, but for which we have no associated information (i.e in the case of shipboard testing or sentinel transmitters).