OTN Collaboration Agreement Schedules

This folder contains the schedules that are attached to the OTN Collaboration Agreement

Schedule A - Project PlanSchedule A is the Project Plan and is created by the partner. It contains specific details (who, what, when, where and how) about the deployment of the OTN supplied equipment. It's purpose is to communicate the specifics of the OTN partner's deployment plans and to ensure everyone has a common understanding before the agreement is signed.
Schedule B - List of EquipmentThis schedule is created by Dalhousie and is a detailed description of the equipment being sent to the partner. A sample has been attached.
Schedule C - OTN Data GuidelinesThis schedule is created by Dalhousie and provides an overall description of the process used by OTN to collect data from the partners.
Schedule E - Records and ReportsThis document is a template and is to be completed by the partner on an annual basis. The partner is not required to complete it at the time the agreement is signed. This document is designed to provide OTN with an update on our active lines. These reports will be compiled and sent to CFI (our funding agency) annually.
OTN Canada Project PlanThis template is to be used by OTN Canada partners to describe their deployment plans. Please refer to highlighted text for specific guidance on each section.