
Material in support of the 2015 submission to Science - 'Aquatic animal telemetry across diverse scales: discovery, applications and relevance'

2015_Science_aquatic_animal_telemetry.zipZIP of all files in the supporting dataset
Acoustic List Locations and Species Info.tsvTab-separated listing of acoustic telemetry studies by location and species
Satellite List Locations and Species Info.tsvTab-separated listing of satellite telemetry studies by location and species
Supplementary Materials Acoustic Telemetry Papers List.docxList of papers used in the data compilation
Supplementary Materials Satellite Telemetry Papers List.docxList of papers used in the data compilation
Acoustic List Locations and Species Info.xlsxListing of acoustic telemetry studies by location and species
Satellite List Locations and Species Info.xlsxListing of acoustic telemetry studies by location and species
aquatic_animal_telemetry_figure_1.ipynbiPython Notebook w/ examples of how to produce subplot figures from the data set.