

2015 Breece MEEGlider telemetry and acoustic tag detection dataset for OTIS, a glider deployed in the Mid-Atlantic in the spring and fall of 2013. Data published in support of Matthew Breece's publication in MME
2015CLARKTCHILKOChilko Salmon detections as used in published paper in Ecological Applications by Timothy Clark
2015ScienceMaterial in support of the 2015 submission to Science - 'Aquatic animal telemetry across diverse scales: discovery, applications and relevance'
2016_Dever_JGRCTD data from the Scotian Shelf and the Norwegian Shelf, as measured by research cruises and with Slocum gliders. Submitted in support of Mathieu Dever's publication to the Journal of Geophysical Research.
2016_IAFRATE_PLOSONEFiles submitted by Joe Iafrate in support of a publication in PLOS ONE
2016FUREYJAEIn support of Nathan B. Furey's 2016 paper in JAE
2017_BARKLEY_GREENLAND_JAEData submitted in support of Amanda Barkley's 2017-2018 paper in Journal of Applied Ecology
2018_HaulseeAnimal-matched acoustic detection information plus associated satellite oceanographic readings, in support of publications in MEPS and ICES Journal of Marine Science
FUREY201604JAEData prepared by and published in support of Nathan B. Furey's April 2016 submission to the Journal of Animal Ecology.
FureyPLOSOneData supporting Nathan B Furey's 2015 publication in PLOSOne