2015 Breece MEE

Glider telemetry and acoustic tag detection dataset for OTIS, a glider deployed in the Mid-Atlantic in the spring and fall of 2013. Data published in support of Matthew Breece's publication in MME

OTIS (UD275) glider telemetry 2013Telemtry for OTIS, a U Delaware glider deployed in 2013 with an onboard acoustic tracking device as part of Gliderpalooza. Provided by Matthew Breece.
Mobile receiver detection data (w/ interpolated locations)Detections by OTIS from its deployment in 2013 as part of Gliderpalooza. Detection locations are interpolated using glider's telemetry. Data provided by Matthew Breece.
2015 Breece MEE - zip of all filesContains the detections with interpolated locations by time of detection, as well as the glider telemetry data from the Slocum glider OTIS (UD275) that was used to locate the detections. All files received from Matthew Breece in support of his paper in MEE (DOI for the paper to follow)