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Public Ocean Tracking Network data products, although usable without consent or permission of contributors must be cited according to OTN Data policy.
- If you're looking for 'Mystery Tags', we invite you to please use our search tool to find any OTN unlinked acoustic tags which may be claimed by completing and submitting a tag deployment metadata sheet. The tool will pre-fill your searched-for tags into a sheet for submission to
- 'Stations' products list location, time and status of known stations.
- 'Deployments' products list details of instrument deployment and recovery at known stations.
- 'Animal' products list details of tagged animal releases including release date, time and location, taxonomic hierarchy and animal morphological details if provided.
More products coming soon. Address all suggestions, comments and concerns to
Collection Code
ABC (OTN): West River, Sheet Harbour, Brook Trout
Animal - kml, csv (n=32) . -
ABO (OTN): Tracking Greenland halibut in Offshore Baffin ...
Stations - kml (n=56), Deployments - csv (n=169). -
ACB (OTN): Integrating acoustic telemetry and genomics to ...
Stations - kml (n=231), Deployments - csv (n=411). -
ACS (OTN): OTN Arctic Cumberland Sound Array
Stations - kml (n=118), Deployments - csv (n=149). -
ADEON (OTN): Atlantic Deepwater Ecosystem Observatory Network
Stations - kml (n=9), Deployments - csv (n=43). -
ADM (NEP): Admiralty Inlet Puget Sound
Stations - kml (n=31), Deployments - csv (n=65). -
AEON (OTN): AEON NW Atlantic
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=5). -
AFN (BRZ): Shark monitoring program of Fernando de ...
Stations - kml (n=16), Deployments - csv (n=16). -
Stations - kml (n=17), Deployments - csv (n=17). -
ALFA (NEP): Oregon State University - Hatfield Marine ...
Stations - kml (n=24), Deployments - csv (n=24). -
ALGLFP (PIRAT): Anaa Atoll Bonefish
Stations - kml (n=17), Deployments - csv (n=17). -
ALLIMB (OTN): Juvenile striped bass overwintering behaviour
Stations - kml (n=14), Deployments - csv (n=44). -
ALS (OTN): OTN Arctic Lancaster Sound Array
Stations - kml (n=196), Deployments - csv (n=503). -
Stations - kml (n=35), Deployments - csv (n=52). -
ANL (OTN): Arctic Nettling Lake
Stations - kml (n=27), Deployments - csv (n=54). -
ANT (OTN): Sea-Run Brook Trout, Antigonish Harbour, NS ...
Stations - kml (n=30), Deployments - csv (n=67). -
API (OTN): OTN Arctic Pond Inlet Array
Stations - kml (n=20), Deployments - csv (n=40). -
ARLNAIN (OTN): Acoustic Release Loan - Rock Cod ...
Stations - kml (n=12), Deployments - csv (n=17). -
ASF (OTN): Atlantic Salmon Federation
Stations - kml (n=1139), Deployments - csv (n=3074). -
ASI (OTN): OTN Arctic Scott Inlet Array
Stations - kml (n=188), Deployments - csv (n=610). -
AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking
Stations - kml (n=81), Deployments - csv (n=113). -
AWF (OTN): Using acoustic telemetry to study Endangered ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=142), Stations - kml (n=54), Deployments - csv (n=54). -
AZR (OTN): OTN Azores Array
Stations - kml (n=62), Deployments - csv (n=205). -
BALF (NEP): Balfry Tags
Animal - kml, csv (n=40) . -
BDL (OTN): OTN Bras d'Or Lakes Array
Animal - kml, csv (n=98), Stations - kml (n=38), Deployments - csv (n=155). -
BDLSPG (OTN): Apoqnmatulti'k - Bras D'Or Lake
Animal - kml, csv (n=116), Stations - kml (n=110), Deployments - csv (n=273). -
BEFS (OTN): Baie d'Espoir Fjord Salmon
Stations - kml (n=85), Deployments - csv (n=90). -
BKTIP (ACT): SERC Blacktip Shark Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=3) . -
BOO53N (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - OSNAP 53N
Stations - kml (n=11), Deployments - csv (n=11). -
BOOABS (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Arctic Barrow ...
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
BOOBBBP (OTN): Bedford Basin Bottom Pod
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=1). -
BOOCAMP (OTN): The Coastal Acoustic Monitoring Project
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=1). -
BOOCCSB (OTN): VR2W loaner used on SS Cool ...
Stations - kml (n=14), Deployments - csv (n=14). -
BOODEEP (OTN): Buoy of Opportunity: Deepwater VMT
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=1). -
BOODST (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Davis Strait ...
Stations - kml (n=12), Deployments - csv (n=23). -
BOODUNC (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Bay Tender ...
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=5). -
BOOFORCE (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - FORCE Tidal ...
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=42). -
BOOGMR (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - GEOMAR
Stations - kml (n=26), Deployments - csv (n=30). -
BOOGSL (OTN): Buoys Of Opportunity - Gulf of ...
Stations - kml (n=58), Deployments - csv (n=138). -
BOOJAS (OTN): Assess ambient noise, man-made noise and ...
Stations - kml (n=11), Deployments - csv (n=22). -
BOOJAY (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - DFO NW ...
Stations - kml (n=14), Deployments - csv (n=17). -
BOOLUNA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity: LunaSea Solutions Wavebuoys
Stations - kml (n=3), Deployments - csv (n=7). -
BOOMA (OTN): BOO Scituate
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=3). -
BOOMBARI (NEP): Acoustic Receiver on CICESE Buoy in ...
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=1). -
BOONSW (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - NOAA Salmon ...
Stations - kml (n=26), Deployments - csv (n=36). -
BOONWA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity Northwest Atlantic
Stations - kml (n=14), Deployments - csv (n=25). -
BOOOBC (OTN): Habitat use of coastal sharks in ...
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=5). -
BOOONC (NEP): Buoys of Opportunity - ONC
Stations - kml (n=20), Deployments - csv (n=70). -
BOOPAP (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Porcupine Abyssal ...
Stations - kml (n=3), Deployments - csv (n=3). -
BOOPIRATA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - PIRATA
Stations - kml (n=23), Deployments - csv (n=137). -
BOORAMA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - RAMA
Stations - kml (n=35), Deployments - csv (n=93). -
BOOSBI (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Smart Bay ...
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=4). -
BOOSBNMS (OTN): Stellwagan Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Stations - kml (n=10), Deployments - csv (n=10). -
BOOSJS (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity – Saint John ...
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=6). -
BOOSOAR (OTN): SOAR Tidal Generation
Stations - kml (n=11), Deployments - csv (n=21). -
BOOSPM (OTN): Opportunistic receiver deployments in Saint Pierre ...
Stations - kml (n=3), Deployments - csv (n=8). -
BOOSSL (OTN): Monitoring tagged aquatic species distribution in ...
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
BOOUNF (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - UNF
Stations - kml (n=4), Deployments - csv (n=4). -
BRKS (NEP): Brooks Peninsula
Stations - kml (n=8), Deployments - csv (n=24). -
BSB (OTN): Cape Breton Striped Bass
Stations - kml (n=49), Deployments - csv (n=154). -
BST (OTN): OTN Bass Strait Array
Stations - kml (n=65), Deployments - csv (n=273). -
BTN (OTN): The Bergen Telemetry Network
Stations - kml (n=66), Deployments - csv (n=122). -
BTTFLK (OTN): Spatial Ecology of Permit and Atlantic ...
Stations - kml (n=209), Deployments - csv (n=693). -
BULLS (ACT): SERC Bull Shark Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=4) . -
BURR (NEP): Burrard Inlet (Vancouver)
Stations - kml (n=14), Deployments - csv (n=16). -
CAPL (NEP): Capilano Lake
Stations - kml (n=8), Deployments - csv (n=12). -
CARP (OTN): Annapolis River watershed anadromous species
Stations - kml (n=80), Deployments - csv (n=151). -
CASC (NEP): Cascade Head, OR
Stations - kml (n=70), Deployments - csv (n=126). -
CASSB (OTN): UNB Atlantic sturgeon and striped bass ...
Stations - kml (n=301), Deployments - csv (n=444). -
CBALEW (ACT): SERC Alewife Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=150) . -
CBASR (ACT): SERC Atlantic Stingray Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=1) . -
CBBCF (ACT): SERC Blue Catfish Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=47) . -
CBBCRAB (ACT): SERC Blue Crab Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=35) . -
CBCNR (ACT): SERC Cownose Ray Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=86) . -
CBCRP (ACT): SERC Common Carp Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=15) . -
CBHSC (ACT): SERC Atlantic Horseshoe Crab Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=16) . -
CBJUVSB (ACT): SERC Juvenile Striped Bass Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=40) . -
CBS (OTN): OTN Cabot Strait Line
Stations - kml (n=290), Deployments - csv (n=1696). -
CBT (OTN): Movements of Brown Trout in the ...
Stations - kml (n=12), Deployments - csv (n=12). -
CBTSC (OTN): Snow Crab in the Cape Breton ...
Stations - kml (n=16), Deployments - csv (n=48). -
CCS (NEP): Residence Time and Survival of Fraser ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=100) . -
CCSALMON (NEP): Mortality, Movements, and Migration Timing of ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=80), Stations - kml (n=22), Deployments - csv (n=22). -
Stations - kml (n=25), Deployments - csv (n=138). -
CIL (OTN): Crow Island Lobster
Stations - kml (n=19), Deployments - csv (n=30). -
CMMAT (OTN): The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq acoustic ...
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=9). -
CNEMBON (ACT): UNH - Coastal New England MBON ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=94) . -
COAST (NEP): Salish Sea Salmon Tracking
Stations - kml (n=16), Deployments - csv (n=56). -
COLR (NEP): Columbia River
Stations - kml (n=111), Deployments - csv (n=389). -
COQT (NEP): Coquitlam Lake
Stations - kml (n=11), Deployments - csv (n=12). -
COWCTT (NEP): Cowichan Lake Cutthroat Trout
Stations - kml (n=45), Deployments - csv (n=243). -
COWR (NEP): Cowichan River (Vancouver Island)
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
CPELIZ (NEP): Cape Elizabeth line
Stations - kml (n=12), Deployments - csv (n=42). -
CULT (NEP): Cultus Lake
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=1). -
Stations - kml (n=10), Deployments - csv (n=29). -
DPT (OTN): Darren Porter Tomcod in the Halfway ...
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=16). -
DPW (OTN): Darren Porter Bay of Fundy Weir ...
Stations - kml (n=14), Deployments - csv (n=14). -
DSKYS (ACT): SERC Dusky Shark Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=29) . -
Animal - kml, csv (n=317), Stations - kml (n=28), Deployments - csv (n=411). -
Animal - kml, csv (n=107), Stations - kml (n=98), Deployments - csv (n=151). -
ELPBR (BRZ): Telemetria acústica no Estuario da Lagoa ...
Stations - kml (n=7), Deployments - csv (n=7). -
ENGR (NEP): Englishman River (Vancouver Island)
Stations - kml (n=3), Deployments - csv (n=7). -
ESIAOI (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Eastern Shore Islands ...
Stations - kml (n=38), Deployments - csv (n=70). -
ESRF (OTN): ESRF Atlantic Salmon Offshore Tracking Project
Stations - kml (n=295), Deployments - csv (n=520). -
ESS (NEP): Essington Tags
Animal - kml, csv (n=44) . -
EST (OTN): Exuma Shark Tracking
Stations - kml (n=34), Deployments - csv (n=148). -
FRASER (NEP): Fraser River (BC)
Stations - kml (n=78), Deployments - csv (n=363). -
FRO (OTN): Frobisher Bay, Canada
Animal - kml, csv (n=61), Stations - kml (n=64), Deployments - csv (n=65). -
FSUGG (FACT): FSUGG Tags- Spawning migration patterns of ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=50) . -
FWS (NEP): OTN Canada Fraser River White Sturgeon ...
Stations - kml (n=66), Deployments - csv (n=109). -
GBT (OTN): Gilbert Bay Telemetry
Animal - kml, csv (n=332), Stations - kml (n=62), Deployments - csv (n=104). -
GDL (OTN): Glider Operations
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=21). -
GEERG (OTN): St. Lawrence River Estuary Tag Release ...
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=5). -
GEFT (SAF): Goukou Estuary fish tracking
Animal - kml, csv (n=33) . -
GMEN (OTN): Gulf of Maine Estuary Network
Stations - kml (n=38), Deployments - csv (n=129). -
Stations - kml (n=28), Deployments - csv (n=166). -
GOOMUN (OTN): Gliders of Opportunity - Memorial University
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
GPZ (OTN): Gliderpalooza
Stations - kml (n=11), Deployments - csv (n=11). -
GRAVES (NEP): Graves Harbor Icy Strait
Stations - kml (n=23), Deployments - csv (n=118). -
GRAVN (NEP): Port Gravina (Prince William Sound, AK)
Stations - kml (n=23), Deployments - csv (n=84). -
GSLHER (OTN): Gulf of St. Lawrence Herring
Stations - kml (n=45), Deployments - csv (n=131). -
GTALPH (SAF): Response to recreational fishing, Seyechelles
Stations - kml (n=71), Deployments - csv (n=504). -
GULMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Gully Marine Protected ...
Stations - kml (n=18), Deployments - csv (n=20). -
HALIBT (OTN): HaliBT Project
Stations - kml (n=77), Deployments - csv (n=123). -
HCTP (PIRAT): Hawaii Community Tagging Project FADs
Stations - kml (n=28), Deployments - csv (n=128). -
HERG (NEP): Hering Tags
Animal - kml, csv (n=107) . -
HFX (OTN): OTN Halifax Line
Stations - kml (n=322), Deployments - csv (n=2012). -
HNCH (NEP): Hinch Tags
Animal - kml, csv (n=196) . -
HOWE (NEP): Howe Sound (Vancouver)
Stations - kml (n=15), Deployments - csv (n=73). -
HRFORCE (OTN): Quantifying fish-turbine interactions using new high ...
Stations - kml (n=8), Deployments - csv (n=28). -
HUMGS (NEP): Humboldt Green Sturgeon
Stations - kml (n=19), Deployments - csv (n=19). -
IBFS (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Striped Bass
Animal - kml, csv (n=419), Stations - kml (n=52), Deployments - csv (n=109). -
IBOFK (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Kelts
Animal - kml, csv (n=104) . -
ICESF (OTN): Cod and saithe tracking in the ...
Stations - kml (n=33), Deployments - csv (n=63). -
IDLM (OTN): Magdalen Islands White Shark & Grey ...
Stations - kml (n=29), Deployments - csv (n=66). -
IFS3 (OTN): Salmonids in the north
Stations - kml (n=80), Deployments - csv (n=81). -
INDARM (NEP): Indian Arm (Vancouver)
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
IOA (OTN): OTN Indian Ocean Array
Stations - kml (n=43), Deployments - csv (n=54). -
JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking
Stations - kml (n=271), Deployments - csv (n=271). -
JDF (NEP): OTN Strait of Juan de Fuca ...
Stations - kml (n=62), Deployments - csv (n=316). -
JLS (OTN): Movements and migrations of mature lemon ...
Stations - kml (n=20), Deployments - csv (n=245). -
JPBS (OTN): DFO: Porbeagle and Blue Sharks
Animal - kml, csv (n=47) . -
JTUR (OTN): Jupiter Inlet Green Turtle Telemetry Study
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=4). -
KEOG (NEP): Keogh River
Stations - kml (n=3), Deployments - csv (n=11). -
KERG (OTN): Kerguelen Brown Trout Tracking
Stations - kml (n=61), Deployments - csv (n=61). -
KNTM (NEP): Kintama 2004-2011 tags
Animal - kml, csv (n=10361) . -
KRS (NEP): Kintama Research Services: Seymour River steelhead ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=50) . -
KRSPSF (NEP): Kintama Research Services Loan to Pacific ...
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=7). -
KURCH (OTN): Grazing and kelp forest dynamics from ...
Stations - kml (n=85), Deployments - csv (n=85). -
KWCHK (NEP): Spatiotemporal overlap of killer whales and ...
Stations - kml (n=15), Deployments - csv (n=59). -
LESPUR (OTN): Spatial Ecology of spurdog (Squalus acanthias) ...
Stations - kml (n=4), Deployments - csv (n=4). -
LHWI (PIRAT): Central Pacific Scalloped Hammerhead
Stations - kml (n=18), Deployments - csv (n=61). -
LIPPY (NEP): Lippy Point (W Vancouver Island)
Stations - kml (n=44), Deployments - csv (n=92). -
LSB (OTN): St. Lawrence River Striped Bass
Stations - kml (n=515), Deployments - csv (n=1532). -
MACFL (NEP): Macfarlane Tags
Animal - kml, csv (n=2257) . -
MANGA (FACT): MANGA - (Tag) Habitat use of ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=5) . -
MARSS (OTN): Maritimes Region Atlantic salmon marine survival ...
Stations - kml (n=171), Deployments - csv (n=249). -
MCC (OTN): Gulf and 3Ps Atlantic Cod
Stations - kml (n=43), Deployments - csv (n=43). -
MCGTOMCOD (OTN): Shubenacadie River Monitoring Project: Tomcod
Stations - kml (n=26), Deployments - csv (n=28). -
MCPSB (OTN): Striped Bass tagging in PEI
Stations - kml (n=16), Deployments - csv (n=17). -
MCR (NEP): Investigation of Dredged Sediment Deposition Events ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=176), Stations - kml (n=36), Deployments - csv (n=36). -
MCS (OTN): Maine DMR: Coastal rivers Adult Salmon ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=30) . -
MEHAL (OTN): Maine Department of Marine Resources Atlantic ...
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=7). -
MKOIO (PIRAT): Molokai Oio Tracking
Stations - kml (n=10), Deployments - csv (n=10). -
MLNCHK (NEP): Effects of ultraviolet radiation exposure on ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=636) . -
MMS (NEP): Moore Tags
Stations - kml (n=56), Deployments - csv (n=117). -
MNB (OTN): Effect of shipping noise on Buccinum ...
Stations - kml (n=16), Deployments - csv (n=16). -
MNUI (PIRAT): Molokini and Maui Nui
Stations - kml (n=11), Deployments - csv (n=15). -
MOLOKI (PIRAT): Molokini Tracking Study
Stations - kml (n=7), Deployments - csv (n=21). -
MPD (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Sturgeon Tracking
Stations - kml (n=369), Deployments - csv (n=754). -
MPS (OTN): OTN Minas Passage Line
Stations - kml (n=35), Deployments - csv (n=376). -
MUSQMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Musquash Marine Protected ...
Stations - kml (n=26), Deployments - csv (n=38). -
NCAT (OTN): Northern Cod Acoustic Telemetry
Stations - kml (n=75), Deployments - csv (n=257). -
NIMR (NEP): Nimpkish River (Vancouver Island)
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=8). -
NLCOD (OTN): DFO-NL Atlantic Cod Telemetry
Stations - kml (n=241), Deployments - csv (n=1020). -
NLFLAT (OTN): DFO-NL Flatfish Telemetry
Stations - kml (n=18), Deployments - csv (n=26). -
NLWF (OTN): Newfoundland Wolffish
Stations - kml (n=45), Deployments - csv (n=141). -
NMFSOT20 (PATH): Chinook inform trawl efficiency estimate
Stations - kml (n=9), Deployments - csv (n=9). -
NOAK (NEP): Noakes Tags
Animal - kml, csv (n=164) . -
NOSYBE (SAF): Madagascar Whale Sharks
Stations - kml (n=10), Deployments - csv (n=48). -
NSBS (OTN): OTN NS Blue Shark Tracking
Animal - kml, csv (n=159), Stations - kml (n=3), Deployments - csv (n=3). -
NSCM (OTN): Nova Scotia Coastal Monitoring
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=1). -
NSDFA (OTN): CMAR Nova Scotia Environmental Sensor Sites
Stations - kml (n=96), Deployments - csv (n=1679). -
NSOG (NEP): OTN Northern Strait of Georgia Line
Stations - kml (n=58), Deployments - csv (n=418). -
NSP (OTN): /ACADIA Minas Passage of the Bay ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=345), Stations - kml (n=72), Deployments - csv (n=116). -
NSTR (OTN): NSTR - Atlantic Torpedo Ray Tracking
Stations - kml (n=4), Deployments - csv (n=37). -
NSWS (OTN): Nova Scotia White Shark Monitoring
Stations - kml (n=24), Deployments - csv (n=67). -
OAKEEL (OTN): Oakland Lake Eel
Stations - kml (n=4), Deployments - csv (n=4). -
OBAS (OTN): Acoustic transmitter detections in the coastal ...
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=1). -
ORE (SAF): Oceans Research elasmobranch tracking
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=5). -
OSS (NEP): Exposure of Free-Ranging Salmon Smolts to ...
Stations - kml (n=27), Deployments - csv (n=90). -
PBGC (OTN): Placentia Bay Green Crab
Stations - kml (n=61), Deployments - csv (n=61). -
PBN (OTN): NOAA Penobscot Salmon Tracking
Stations - kml (n=184), Deployments - csv (n=184). -
PBSM (OTN): Quoddy Region Pelagics Telemetry
Animal - kml, csv (n=1173), Stations - kml (n=690), Deployments - csv (n=1152). -
PCA (OTN): Pirenne Cabled Arrays
Stations - kml (n=7), Deployments - csv (n=13). -
PECO (PIRAT): Palau FAD and EcoBuoy
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
PEIPARR (OTN): Using Novel Microacoustic Tags to Track ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=113), Stations - kml (n=21), Deployments - csv (n=21). -
PFRL (PIRAT): Pelagic Fish Research Lab - Hawaii ...
Stations - kml (n=179), Deployments - csv (n=996). -
PGS (NEP): Migration and Habitat Use of Green ...
Stations - kml (n=75), Deployments - csv (n=101). -
PLAUTNA (PIRAT): Palau FADs and Tuna
Stations - kml (n=4), Deployments - csv (n=13). -
PML (OTN): Port Mouton Lobster
Stations - kml (n=269), Deployments - csv (n=350). -
POSS (NEP): Possession Sound
Stations - kml (n=10), Deployments - csv (n=10). -
POZS (SAF): Ponta do Ouro zambezi shark tracking
Animal - kml, csv (n=111) . -
PRT (OTN): OTN Perth Line
Stations - kml (n=82), Deployments - csv (n=722). -
PSL (NEP): US West Coast Sea Lions
Stations - kml (n=16), Deployments - csv (n=16). -
PSS2 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=3377), Stations - kml (n=115), Deployments - csv (n=207). -
PTATK (NEP): Point Atkinson
Stations - kml (n=6), Deployments - csv (n=15). -
PWS (NEP): OTN Prince William Sound Array
Stations - kml (n=81), Deployments - csv (n=373). -
Stations - kml (n=7), Deployments - csv (n=12). -
PWSSHK (NEP): Prince William Sound salmon sharks
Stations - kml (n=8), Deployments - csv (n=25). -
QBI (OTN): Quebec Benthic Invertebrates
Stations - kml (n=160), Deployments - csv (n=162). -
QCS (NEP): OTN Queen Charlotte Strait Line
Stations - kml (n=55), Deployments - csv (n=266). -
QIK (OTN): Habitat connectivity of Greenland halibut and ...
Stations - kml (n=28), Deployments - csv (n=68). -
QSLR (OTN): St. Lawrence River Fish Monitoring
Stations - kml (n=349), Deployments - csv (n=1048). -
RABY (NEP): Raby Coho Salmon Tagging
Animal - kml, csv (n=420) . -
RANK (OTN): Arctic char in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut
Stations - kml (n=72), Deployments - csv (n=101). -
REYES (NEP): Point Reyes
Stations - kml (n=19), Deployments - csv (n=20). -
RNP (OTN): NTNU River Nidelva Project
Animal - kml, csv (n=224), Stations - kml (n=29), Deployments - csv (n=30). -
ROBID (NEP): Robichaud sturgeon
Animal - kml, csv (n=110), Stations - kml (n=11), Deployments - csv (n=14). -
RRT (OTN): PEI Rainbow Trout Tracking
Stations - kml (n=49), Deployments - csv (n=95). -
SABMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: St. Anns Bank ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=258), Stations - kml (n=143), Deployments - csv (n=436). -
SAF (SAF): OTN South African Array
Stations - kml (n=174), Deployments - csv (n=1789). -
SALMR (NEP): Salmon River (Vancouver Island)
Stations - kml (n=12), Deployments - csv (n=22). -
SCIUI (OTN): Stress On the Reef
Stations - kml (n=13), Deployments - csv (n=13). -
SERCSMDOG (ACT): SERC Smooth Dogfish Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=21) . -
SERCSPINR (ACT): SERC Spinner Shark Study
Animal - kml, csv (n=2) . -
SEYMR (NEP): Seymour River (Vancouver)
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=1). -
SGB (OTN): OTN Strait of Gibraltar Line
Stations - kml (n=10), Deployments - csv (n=21). -
SGS (OTN): OTN Canada Sable Island Grey Seal ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=883), Stations - kml (n=31), Deployments - csv (n=31). -
SIA (OTN): OTN Sable Island Array
Stations - kml (n=11), Deployments - csv (n=44). -
SIUI (OTN): Marine invasive species: Eilat, Gulf of ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=7), Stations - kml (n=8), Deployments - csv (n=8). -
SJHARB (OTN): Fish movement in Saint John Harbour
Stations - kml (n=9), Deployments - csv (n=9). -
SJRBL (OTN): Coastal Environmental Baseline program, Maritimes Region
Stations - kml (n=10), Deployments - csv (n=62). -
SJRRP (NEP): San Joaquin River Restoration Program
Stations - kml (n=14), Deployments - csv (n=17). -
SKEENA (NEP): Skeena River, AK
Stations - kml (n=26), Deployments - csv (n=28). -
SMAFBI (OTN): Seamonitor: River Bush study
Stations - kml (n=11), Deployments - csv (n=17). -
SMED (OTN): Sdot Yam, Haifa District: The ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=17), Stations - kml (n=20), Deployments - csv (n=20). -
SMLA (OTN): SeaMonitor - Defining the migration route ...
Stations - kml (n=144), Deployments - csv (n=243). -
SMR (OTN): St. Mary's River Salmon Tracking
Animal - kml, csv (n=75), Stations - kml (n=61), Deployments - csv (n=97). -
SMRSL (OTN): St. Marys River Sea Lamprey
Stations - kml (n=125), Deployments - csv (n=305). -
SMUOG (OTN): SeaMonitor: Defining the Costs and Pathways ...
Stations - kml (n=150), Deployments - csv (n=184). -
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=1). -
SOBAD (NEP): Salmon Ocean Behavior and Distribution
Stations - kml (n=364), Deployments - csv (n=454). -
SOBI (OTN): OTN Strait of Belle Isle Array
Stations - kml (n=58), Deployments - csv (n=58). -
SPI (OTN): Shippagan, NB: Cod tagging
Animal - kml, csv (n=520) . -
Stations - kml (n=15), Deployments - csv (n=32). -
SPONGE (OTN): OTN Sponge Ground Landers
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=6). -
SSOG (NEP): Southern Strait of Georgia
Stations - kml (n=23), Deployments - csv (n=23). -
SSST (SAF): Shark Spotters shark tracking
Animal - kml, csv (n=80) . -
SUPERSAT (OTN): Southern Norway brown trout
Animal - kml, csv (n=94), Stations - kml (n=42), Deployments - csv (n=42). -
TAG (OTN): Tag-A-Giant
Animal - kml, csv (n=146) . -
TAMBR (BRZ): ZPVM na APA Costa dos Corais
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
TBELASMO (OTN): Tralee Bay Elasmobranch tracking
Stations - kml (n=26), Deployments - csv (n=26). -
TNC (OTN): Terra Nova National Park Cod
Stations - kml (n=46), Deployments - csv (n=110). -
TNGS (OTN): Assessing the efficiency of the downstream ...
Stations - kml (n=16), Deployments - csv (n=20). -
TNS (OTN): Terra Nova National Park Sculpin
Stations - kml (n=19), Deployments - csv (n=19). -
Animal - kml, csv (n=296) . -
TOUR (OTN): Tourelle benthic invertebrates
Stations - kml (n=164), Deployments - csv (n=438). -
TRWL (OTN): Testing trawl-proof mooring designs
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
UCDCORE (PATH): Core Array
Stations - kml (n=337), Deployments - csv (n=2716). -
UCDHIST (PATH): Multi-Agency Fish Tracking Array
Animal - kml, csv (n=10035), Stations - kml (n=809), Deployments - csv (n=7576). -
UCDMSX20 (PATH): UC Davis Ocean Striped Bass migration ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=1), Stations - kml (n=22), Deployments - csv (n=22). -
Stations - kml (n=45), Deployments - csv (n=225). -
Animal - kml, csv (n=309) . -
UNBEEL (OTN): UNB Ecology of the American eel
Stations - kml (n=113), Deployments - csv (n=145). -
UNBMIR (OTN): UNB Miramichi River
Stations - kml (n=104), Deployments - csv (n=151). -
Stations - kml (n=26), Deployments - csv (n=159). -
Animal - kml, csv (n=90), Stations - kml (n=14), Deployments - csv (n=38). -
V2L7GILL (OTN): Sevengill sharks in Fiordland, NZ
Stations - kml (n=29), Deployments - csv (n=29). -
V2LAMP (OTN): OTN Arctic Monitoring Program - Hussey ...
Stations - kml (n=271), Deployments - csv (n=834). -
V2LAND (OTN): Tracking the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish
Stations - kml (n=34), Deployments - csv (n=109). -
V2LANG (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Angola
Stations - kml (n=53), Deployments - csv (n=188). -
V2LATSLM (OTN): SPG - Atlantic salmon migration, survival ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=262), Stations - kml (n=4), Deployments - csv (n=4). -
V2LBBFSF (OTN): Multi-elasmobranch species telemetry project
Stations - kml (n=88), Deployments - csv (n=809). -
V2LBDP (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Baie de ...
Stations - kml (n=48), Deployments - csv (n=258). -
V2LBEIAR (OTN): OTN Loan - Beiarfjorden
Animal - kml, csv (n=152), Stations - kml (n=58), Deployments - csv (n=201). -
V2LBFC (OTN): Big Fish Caribbean
Stations - kml (n=6), Deployments - csv (n=23). -
V2LBRTUR (OTN): Boca Raton Green Turtle Fishing Net ...
Stations - kml (n=33), Deployments - csv (n=92). -
V2LBTC (NEP): Chilko Lake Bull Trout
Stations - kml (n=23), Deployments - csv (n=32). -
V2LBTW (OTN): Beneath the Waves
Stations - kml (n=67), Deployments - csv (n=160). -
V2LBUZZ (OTN): Spatial ecology of diamondback terrapin
Stations - kml (n=25), Deployments - csv (n=33). -
V2LCASP (OTN): Canaries Angel Shark Project
Stations - kml (n=15), Deployments - csv (n=43). -
V2LCBHNP (OTN): Cape Breton Highlands National Park salmon ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=64), Stations - kml (n=29), Deployments - csv (n=64). -
V2LCELA (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Coastal Everglades ...
Stations - kml (n=94), Deployments - csv (n=607). -
V2LCELASE (OTN): Sportfish movement in Florida Bay
Stations - kml (n=100), Deployments - csv (n=478). -
V2LCETUS (OTN): CETUS: Cetacean, Elasmobranch, Turtle, and Seabird ...
Stations - kml (n=45), Deployments - csv (n=45). -
V2LCHASES (OTN): Consequences of land-use change and human ...
Animal - kml, csv (n=319), Stations - kml (n=83), Deployments - csv (n=129). -
V2LCOBS (NEP): VR2W Loan - Cowichan Bay Salmon
Stations - kml (n=30), Deployments - csv (n=53). -
V2LCREA (OTN): Developing Knowledge on the Status of ...
Stations - kml (n=25), Deployments - csv (n=25). -
V2LCV (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Cabo Verde: ...
Stations - kml (n=32), Deployments - csv (n=38). -
V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds
Stations - kml (n=73), Deployments - csv (n=150). -
V2LDHNR (SAF): De Hoop Nature Reserve Sharks
Stations - kml (n=14), Deployments - csv (n=35). -
V2LDRUM (OTN): Assessing the role of estuarine impoundments ...
Stations - kml (n=10), Deployments - csv (n=10). -
V2LEMERA (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Emera Snow ...
Stations - kml (n=147), Deployments - csv (n=255). -
V2LENGLB (OTN): VR2W Loan - Englobe
Stations - kml (n=70), Deployments - csv (n=182). -
V2LEOR (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Eels in ...
Stations - kml (n=45), Deployments - csv (n=62). -
V2LEOR2 (OTN): American Eel Assesment at Hydropower Facility
Stations - kml (n=53), Deployments - csv (n=125). -
V2LFALK (OTN): Brown trout in the Falkland Islands
Stations - kml (n=19), Deployments - csv (n=19). -
V2LFPI (OTN): OTN Loan - French Polynesia
Stations - kml (n=63), Deployments - csv (n=176). -
V2LGA (OTN): VR2W Loan - Coastal Georgia
Stations - kml (n=7), Deployments - csv (n=27). -
V2LGAC (OTN): Greenland Arctic Char
Animal - kml, csv (n=85), Stations - kml (n=36), Deployments - csv (n=36). -
V2LGAC2 (OTN): Greenland Arctic Charr
Stations - kml (n=44), Deployments - csv (n=44). -
V2LGBI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Finding Bonefish ...
Stations - kml (n=214), Deployments - csv (n=229). -
V2LGLFC (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Lake Erie ...
Stations - kml (n=147), Deployments - csv (n=270). -
V2LGMX (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Integrative Tracking ...
Stations - kml (n=221), Deployments - csv (n=743). -
V2LGMXSNAP (OTN): Post-release Mortality of Eastern Gulf of ...
Stations - kml (n=120), Deployments - csv (n=166). -
V2LGOL (OTN): VR2W Loan - Gulf of Lion
Stations - kml (n=12), Deployments - csv (n=18). -
V2LGSL (OTN): Gulf of St. Lawrence DFO Quebec ...
Stations - kml (n=86), Deployments - csv (n=260). -
V2LHITUR (OTN): Hutchinson Island Power Plant Green Turtle ...
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=12). -
V2LIDM (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Lobster movement ...
Stations - kml (n=24), Deployments - csv (n=24). -
V2LIISD (OTN): Assessing the effects of QACs on ...
Stations - kml (n=12), Deployments - csv (n=32). -
V2LIMFSTP (OTN): OTN VR2AR Loan - Marine Scotland ...
Stations - kml (n=775), Deployments - csv (n=874). -
V2LJPN (OTN): Tracking Hammerhead Sharks in Japan
Stations - kml (n=6), Deployments - csv (n=6). -
V2LKZNSB (SAF): The occurrence and movement patterns of ...
Stations - kml (n=11), Deployments - csv (n=12). -
V2LLIMS (OTN): Pinnipeds and Salmonids in the Limfjord, ...
Stations - kml (n=87), Deployments - csv (n=103). -
V2LLIONFS (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Lionfish (Pterios ...
Stations - kml (n=8), Deployments - csv (n=8). -
V2LMAL (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Malpeque Bay ...
Stations - kml (n=67), Deployments - csv (n=67). -
V2LMAL1 (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Malpeque Bay ...
Stations - kml (n=45), Deployments - csv (n=45). -
V2LMMFIN (OTN): OTN Loan: MMF - Inhambane
Stations - kml (n=17), Deployments - csv (n=18). -
V2LMOZ (SAF): Tracking large sharks in the coastal ...
Stations - kml (n=13), Deployments - csv (n=47). -
V2LNASTI (OTN): Mackerel tracking in the Northwest Arm
Animal - kml, csv (n=250), Stations - kml (n=16), Deployments - csv (n=16). -
V2LNHGB (OTN): OTN Loan - Value of estuaries ...
Stations - kml (n=24), Deployments - csv (n=25). -
V2LNR (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Norway
Animal - kml, csv (n=517), Stations - kml (n=133), Deployments - csv (n=186). -
V2LNSCC (OTN): Halifax Harbour Array - NSCC Oceans ...
Stations - kml (n=26), Deployments - csv (n=44). -
V2LNSSA (OTN): Nova Scotia Salmon Association, Sheet Harbour
Stations - kml (n=56), Deployments - csv (n=124). -
V2LNSSB (OTN): Nova Scotia Striped Bass Tracking
Stations - kml (n=12), Deployments - csv (n=12). -
V2LOLTD (OTN): Fish Tag Receiver Study
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
V2LPMQ (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Alewife Migration ...
Stations - kml (n=19), Deployments - csv (n=19). -
V2LPREP (OTN): Predator and Prey Around Renewable Energy ...
Stations - kml (n=136), Deployments - csv (n=241). -
V2LPSAP (OTN): Quantifying net-pen aquaculture effects in Lake ...
Stations - kml (n=83), Deployments - csv (n=88). -
V2LRAP (OTN): FORCE Risk Assessment Program
Stations - kml (n=34), Deployments - csv (n=175). -
V2LRIC (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - 2016 Malpeque ...
Stations - kml (n=7), Deployments - csv (n=7). -
V2LSAROMN (SAF): South Africa Red Roman
Stations - kml (n=30), Deployments - csv (n=30). -
V2LSBERS (OTN): Scatarie Bank Experiential Research Site
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=1). -
V2LSCS (OTN): VR2W Loan - South Carolina Sharks
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=5). -
V2LSHCOL (OTN): OTN Loan - Small Hammerheads in ...
Stations - kml (n=10), Deployments - csv (n=10). -
V2LSMER (OTN): Scottish Salmonid Tracking Project
Stations - kml (n=101), Deployments - csv (n=215). -
V2LSMQUB (OTN): SeaMonitor - QUB Project
Stations - kml (n=27), Deployments - csv (n=27). -
V2LSOGCK (NEP): Differential migration behaviour of Chinook Salmon ...
Stations - kml (n=16), Deployments - csv (n=33). -
V2LSRCBAY (OTN): SRC - Biscayne Bay
Stations - kml (n=9), Deployments - csv (n=21). -
V2LSRCMRT (OTN): SRC Miami Reef Tract
Stations - kml (n=9), Deployments - csv (n=26). -
V2LSTADC (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - 2016 Doctors ...
Stations - kml (n=39), Deployments - csv (n=50). -
V2LSTANI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - 2016 Navy ...
Stations - kml (n=28), Deployments - csv (n=28). -
V2LSVAL (OTN): Svalbard Tracking Project
Stations - kml (n=55), Deployments - csv (n=59). -
V2LTAMS (OTN): Effectiveness of a no-take zone
Stations - kml (n=20), Deployments - csv (n=34). -
V2LTEXAAN (OTN): Texas Acoustic Array Network - Corpus ...
Stations - kml (n=6), Deployments - csv (n=6). -
V2LTL (NEP): OTN VR2W Loan - Trapper Lake
Stations - kml (n=63), Deployments - csv (n=63). -
V2LTROD (OTN): OTN Loan - Salmonids in Trondheimsfjorden
Animal - kml, csv (n=461), Stations - kml (n=89), Deployments - csv (n=364). -
V2LTSTN (OTN): Bluefish migration between the Black and ...
Stations - kml (n=23), Deployments - csv (n=58). -
V2LUMI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Bahamas Tiger ...
Stations - kml (n=32), Deployments - csv (n=32). -
V2LURB (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Miami & ...
Stations - kml (n=54), Deployments - csv (n=332). -
V2LVFS (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Vieux-Fort Salmon
Stations - kml (n=3), Deployments - csv (n=3). -
V2LWATCH (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - The Wash ...
Stations - kml (n=16), Deployments - csv (n=16). -
V2LWLONA (OTN): Western Lake Ontario Nearshore Array
Stations - kml (n=10), Deployments - csv (n=24). -
V2LWMMC (SAF): OTN monitoring in the Mozambique Channel
Stations - kml (n=7), Deployments - csv (n=51). -
V2LWNERR (OTN): Movement ecology of invasive green crabs ...
Stations - kml (n=8), Deployments - csv (n=8). -
V2LWSAMP (OTN): White Shark Acoustic Monitoring Program
Stations - kml (n=74), Deployments - csv (n=166). -
V4LPSF (NEP): OTN V4L Loan - Pacific Salmon ...
Stations - kml (n=57), Deployments - csv (n=63). -
VEMTB (OTN): High-resolution tracking of parrotfish in the ...
Stations - kml (n=116), Deployments - csv (n=116). -
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
VMLSMMI (OTN): VMT Loan - SeaMonitor Marine Institute
Stations - kml (n=35), Deployments - csv (n=68). -
Stations - kml (n=5), Deployments - csv (n=5). -
VTB (OTN): Vemco Receiver Test Bed
Stations - kml (n=1), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
WBKOR (OTN): Atlantic Salmon Survival and Movement in ...
Stations - kml (n=2), Deployments - csv (n=2). -
WCVICT (NEP): Adult Chinook salmon distribution within killer ...
Stations - kml (n=180), Deployments - csv (n=252). -
WDG (OTN): Bay of Fundy: Spiny Dogfish
Animal - kml, csv (n=13) . -
WILL (NEP): Willapa Bay, OR
Stations - kml (n=76), Deployments - csv (n=219). -
WRS (OTN): NS Southern Upland Salmon Tagging
Animal - kml, csv (n=186), Stations - kml (n=100), Deployments - csv (n=102). -
WSMBUW (OTN): Tancook Island White Shark Array
Stations - kml (n=47), Deployments - csv (n=86). -
ZSC (OTN): Scotian Shelf Snow Crab Tagging
Animal - kml, csv (n=301), Stations - kml (n=8), Deployments - csv (n=16).