All Public Data, Other pages:
Collaboration Groups,
Collaboration Types,
Ocean Regions,
Published to OBIS
- Aarestrup, Kim -
- 2004_Gudena (ETN): 2004_Gudena - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2019_DTUAQUA (ETN): North Aegean Anguilla Tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BFTDK (OTN): Decadal tracking of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=18, LastModified=2022-10-12
- DTU-Aqua_RE (ETN): Running_eel - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GIBRALTRACK pilot (ETN): Pilot permanent deployment acoustic array Gibraltar ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Limfjord (ETN): Limfjord - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SMOLTRACK-Skjern (ETN): DTU-Skjern - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LCHASES (OTN): Consequences of land-use change and human ... - author Type=Data, Records=3274343, LastModified=2024-06-24
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- V2LLIMS (OTN): Pinnipeds and Salmonids in the Limfjord, ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=16800808, LastModified=2024-06-22
- V2LNR (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Norway - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=15380039, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Abad, Jordi -
- COREMAR (ETN): Evaluation of the effectiveness of the ... - data custodian Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Abascal, Francisco -
- SGB (OTN): OTN Strait of Gibraltar Line - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=336642, LastModified=2023-07-21
- Abecasis, David -
- BECORV (ETN): BECORV - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BlueCrab2022Algarve (ETN): Unravelling the migrations of the invasive ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GIBRALTRACK pilot (ETN): Pilot permanent deployment acoustic array Gibraltar ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- INFORBIOMARES (ETN): Inforbiomares - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Abel, Daniel -
- CCUSBR (FACT): CCUSBR Tags- Migratory movements of juvenile ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CCUSRP (FACT): CCUSRP Array- Factors Influencing Movements of ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LSCS (OTN): VR2W Loan - South Carolina Sharks - researcher Type=Data, Records=38277, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Abercrombie, Debbie -
- SUBUL (FACT): SUBUL Tags- Movements of bull sharks ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Abotaleb, Hamdy -
- SBUEPSRW (ACT): SBU Eco-Pod - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Acosta, Alejandro -
- FLKEYS (FACT): FLKEYS Array- Tracking movements of reef ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FLKEYST (FACT): FLKEYST Tags- Tracking movements of reef ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Acou, Anthony -
- 2011_Loire (ETN): 2011_Loire - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2017_Fremur (ETN): 2017_Fremur - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ESGL (ETN): ESGL - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Acre, Matthew -
- GCSRO (GLATOS): Grass Carp Sandusky River VPS 2022 - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GORGE (GLATOS): Cuyahoga River Gorge Dam Removal - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Adams, Aaron -
- BTTBFA (FACT): BTTBFA - (Array) Identifying Bonefish Pre-spawning ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BTTBONE (FACT): BTTBONE Tags- Bonefish in the Florida ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BTTFLK (OTN): Spatial Ecology of Permit and Atlantic ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=12631948, LastModified=2024-11-04
- BTTPER (FACT): BTTPER - (Tag) Spatial and resource ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BTTPERTAR (FACT): BTTPERTAR - (Array) Spatial Ecology of ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BTTTAR (FACT): BTTTAR - (Tag) Movement Patterns and ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LGBI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Finding Bonefish ... - author Type=Data, Records=8493201, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Adams, Colin -
- SMUOG (OTN): SeaMonitor: Defining the Costs and Pathways ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=10050552, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Adkins, Daryl -
- ECB (FACT): ECB Array- The Efficacy of Mitigation ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ECBNEAR (FACT): ECBNEAR Tags- The Function of Nearshore ... - technician Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Afonso, Pedro -
- 2021_YEELAZ (ETN): Yellow eel movement behaviour in the ... - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- AZR (OTN): OTN Azores Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=329893, LastModified=2024-05-14
- BECORV (ETN): BECORV - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GIBRALTRACK pilot (ETN): Pilot permanent deployment acoustic array Gibraltar ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Aguilar, Alex -
- SGB (OTN): OTN Strait of Gibraltar Line - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=336642, LastModified=2023-07-21
- Aguilar, Robert -
- BKTIP (ACT): SERC Blacktip Shark Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BULLS (ACT): SERC Bull Shark Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBALEW (ACT): SERC Alewife Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBASR (ACT): SERC Atlantic Stingray Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBBCF (ACT): SERC Blue Catfish Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBBCRAB (ACT): SERC Blue Crab Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBCNR (ACT): SERC Cownose Ray Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBCRP (ACT): SERC Common Carp Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBHSC (ACT): SERC Atlantic Horseshoe Crab Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBJUVSB (ACT): SERC Juvenile Striped Bass Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBRIVERS24 (ACT): SERC Chesapeake Bay Rivers Array - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DSKYS (ACT): SERC Dusky Shark Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SERC1 (ACT): SERC Acoustic Telemetry Arrays - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SERCSMDOG (ACT): SERC Smooth Dogfish Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SERCSPINR (ACT): SERC Spinner Shark Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ahr, Bonnie -
- DRMUCF (OTN): Assessing the role of estuarine impoundments ... - contributor Type=Tracker, Records=60, LastModified=2017-11-09
- KSC (FACT): KSC Array- Sportfish, Sharks, and Sea ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- KSCETM (FACT): KSCETM Tags- Life history of aquatic ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- KSCGLID (FACT): KSCGLID - (Glider Project) Use of ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MABASKMOLA (ACT): BOEM Livin' Large and Low - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MULUCF (FACT): MULUCF Tags- Striped mullet migration patterns ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- USNKSC (FACT): USNKSC Tags- Effects of Dredging on ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LDRUM (OTN): Assessing the role of estuarine impoundments ... - contributor Type=Deployment, Records=3138516, LastModified=2024-07-26
- V2LGA (OTN): VR2W Loan - Coastal Georgia - researcher Type=Data, Records=40239, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Aislabie, Luke -
- SMOLTRACK I -England (ETN): SMOLTRACK-I-Engeland - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ajemian, Matthew -
- CSABUL (FACT): CSABUL Tags - Ecology of young ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HBMOTE (FACT): HBMOTE Tags- Spotted Eagle Ray Movement ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HBOGDG (FACT): HBOGDG - (Tag) Get Down Goliath! ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HBOI (FACT): HBOI Array- Movement of Life Initiative ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HBOIRL (FACT): HBOIRL Tags- Assessing movement patterns in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HBOSER (FACT): HBOSER Tags- East Coast Spotted Eagle ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HBSERC (FACT): HBSERC Tags- Movement of Life Initiative ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- IRLSTS (FACT): IRLSTS Tags - Indian River Lagoon ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MONGOM (FACT): MONGOM - (Tag) Movement patterns of ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MOTGAS (FACT): MOTGAS - (Tag) Movement patterns of ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MOTSER (FACT): MOTSER Tags- Movement patterns of spotted ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCAN (FACT): SCAN Array- Multi-species movements along west ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ajmani, Asha -
- V2LPMQ (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Alewife Migration ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=11923, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Akins, Lad -
- UVILC (FACT): UVILC Tags - Movement patterns of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Albano, Patricia -
- V2LDHNR (SAF): De Hoop Nature Reserve Sharks - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=370780, LastModified=2024-06-13
- Alberts, Elaine -
- GAICFS (FACT): GAICFS Array- Movement of Manta Rays - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Albright, Atticus -
- LamYorOus18-20 (ETN): River_Lamprey_Yorkshire Ouse_2018-20 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Alday, Carson -
- GOMMIG (FACT): Coastal and marine vertebrate migratory activity ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GOMMIGA (FACT): GOMMIGA - (Array) Coastal and marine ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Alday, Joseph -
- GOMMIG (FACT): Coastal and marine vertebrate migratory activity ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GOMMIGA (FACT): GOMMIGA - (Array) Coastal and marine ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Alexandre, Carlos -
- PTN-Silver eel-Mondego (ETN): PTN-Silver eel-Mondego - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Alfredsen, Jo Arve -
- V2LNR (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Norway - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=15380039, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Allain, Renee -
- CBTSC (OTN): Snow Crab in the Cape Breton ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=3012526, LastModified=2024-06-27
- Allegue, Hassen -
- IDLM (OTN): Magdalen Islands White Shark & Grey ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=177, LastModified=2024-05-01
- VMLPPWS (OTN): Spatiotemporal associations and interactions between grey ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=660, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Alonso Fernandez, Alexandre -
- GTN (ETN): Galician (NW Spain) acoustic Tracking Network - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MOBEIA (ETN): Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas ... - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Alós, Josep -
- BTN-DeepWater-IMEDEA (ETN): Balearic Tracking Network - Spanish Deep ... - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BTN-IMEDEA (ETN): Balearic Tracking Network - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- COREMAR (ETN): Evaluation of the effectiveness of the ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GIBRALTRACK pilot (ETN): Pilot permanent deployment acoustic array Gibraltar ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JSATS-PalmaBay-2019 (ETN): JSATS-PalmaBay-2019 - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- paintedcomber (ETN): paintedcomber - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Alp, Ahmet -
- Mangar-Keban (ETN): Movement, Range Size and Habitat Utilization ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Alves Bezerra, Natalia -
- V4LSPSPA (OTN): VR4 Loan - Saint Peter and ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Alves de Mendonça, Sibele -
- V4LSPSPA (OTN): VR4 Loan - Saint Peter and ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Amidon, Zach -
- JLWFM (GLATOS): Juvenile Lake Whitefish Movements - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Amiro, Peter -
- LHV (OTN): LaHave River: Salmon tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=60, LastModified=2013-07-30
- Ammann, Arnold -
- NMFSOT20 (PATH): Chinook inform trawl efficiency estimate - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=26, LastModified=2022-08-19
- REYES (NEP): Point Reyes - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=33639, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Anders, Darrel -
- DEASBT (SAF): Aliwal Shoal shark tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=44, LastModified=2016-04-18
- Anderson, Brendan -
- COWCTT (NEP): Cowichan Lake Cutthroat Trout - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=4787282, LastModified=2024-11-01
- Anderson, James -
- LHWI (PIRAT): Central Pacific Scalloped Hammerhead - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=559649, LastModified=2024-06-27
- Andree, Karl -
- MIGRATOEBRE (ETN): MIGRATOEBRE - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Andres, Alyssa -
- CRBSP (FACT): CRBSP - (Array) Investigating bull shark ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Andres, Mike -
- GULFTT (FACT): GULFTT Tags- Tripletail in the Gulf ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Andrews, Kelly -
- ADM (NEP): Admiralty Inlet Puget Sound - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=78177, LastModified=2023-10-24
- ANDRW (NEP): Andrews Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=391, LastModified=2013-09-09
- Andrews, Samuel -
- V2LNSSB (OTN): Nova Scotia Striped Bass Tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=824564, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Andrusak, Greg -
- V2LBTC (NEP): Chilko Lake Bull Trout - collaborator Type=Data, Records=5025867, LastModified=2024-04-04
- Andrzejaczek, Samantha -
- TOPPWS (NEP): TOPPWS - researcher Type=Data, Records=766, LastModified=2024-06-14
- Aoki, Derek -
- JBLB (OTN): Juno Beach Leatherback Tagging - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=52, LastModified=2024-07-19
- Aoufi, Sofya -
- CODEVCO (ETN): CODEVCO fish detectors - originator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PureWind (ETN): Purewind fish detectors - originator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- April, Julien -
- V2LVFS (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Vieux-Fort Salmon - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=14205, LastModified=2014-10-31
- Arauz, Daniel -
- V2LCOSTERO (MIGRAMAR): Coastal tracking and monitoring of endangered ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=541288, LastModified=2023-03-08
- Arauz, Randall -
- V2LCOCOS (MIGRAMAR): Long-term acoustic monitoring program of endagered ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2040807, LastModified=2023-11-02
- V2LCOSTERO (MIGRAMAR): Coastal tracking and monitoring of endangered ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=541288, LastModified=2023-03-08
- Archambault, Philippe -
- V2LBDP (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Baie de ... - author Type=Data, Records=2739906, LastModified=2023-11-02
- V2LMAL (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Malpeque Bay ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=7431322, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LMAL1 (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Malpeque Bay ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=1218021, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LRIC (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - 2016 Malpeque ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=2223652, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Arechavala-Lopez, Pablo -
- FarmTrack (ETN): FarmTrack_Spain22 - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Arendt, Michael -
- CCUSBR (FACT): CCUSBR Tags- Migratory movements of juvenile ... - resource provider Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCARE (FACT): SCARE Array- South Carolina Coastal Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCARET (FACT): SCARET Tags- Movements of loggerhead sea ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Arlinghaus, Robert -
- Boddenhecht (ETN): Boddenhecht - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JSATS-PalmaBay-2019 (ETN): JSATS-PalmaBay-2019 - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Arnekleiv, Jo Vegar -
- RNP (OTN): NTNU River Nidelva Project - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=3589922, LastModified=2023-12-19
- V2LNR (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Norway - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=15380039, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Arnoldi, Natalie -
- PECO (PIRAT): Palau FAD and EcoBuoy - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=67816, LastModified=2023-10-25
- Arnt, Jeremy -
- CCUSRP (FACT): CCUSRP Array- Factors Influencing Movements of ... - data custodian (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JLACL1 (FACT): JLACL1 Tags- Demographics, Residency and Movement ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Artero, Céline -
- SAMARCH Tracking network (ETN): SAMARCH - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Aruety, Tal -
- V2LLIONFS (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Lionfish (Pterios ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=18, LastModified=2019-09-13
- Asch, Rebecca -
- SOFLONC (ACT): ECU Southern Flounder Spawning Study - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ashton, Mayra -
- LWLSNAP (FACT): LWLSNAP Tags- Habitat Utilization by ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Aspillaga, Eneko -
- BTN-DeepWater-IMEDEA (ETN): Balearic Tracking Network - Spanish Deep ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BTN-IMEDEA (ETN): Balearic Tracking Network - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- COREMAR (ETN): Evaluation of the effectiveness of the ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CTN (ETN): Catalan Tracking Network - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JSATS-PalmaBay-2019 (ETN): JSATS-PalmaBay-2019 - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ResMed (ETN): ResMed - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Scytrack (ETN): Scytrack - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Atkinson, Ernest J. -
- MCS (OTN): Maine DMR: Coastal rivers Adult Salmon ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=60, LastModified=2013-07-30
- Atkinson, Jamieson -
- V2LCOBS (NEP): VR2W Loan - Cowichan Bay Salmon - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=817947, LastModified=2024-06-19
- V2LSOGCK (NEP): Differential migration behaviour of Chinook Salmon ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=403762, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Aubry, Eliane -
- SPI (OTN): Shippagan, NB: Cod tagging - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=1045, LastModified=2015-10-13
- Ault, Erick -
- FNEMO (FACT): FNEMO - (Tag) Impacts of freshwater ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSMOV (FACT): FSMOV - (Tag) Movements of Fat ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GGINEC (FACT): GGINEC Tags- Habitat use and movement ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JBIM (FACT): JBIM (Tag)- Jensen Beach Impoundment Movement - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LWLPBCERM (FACT): LWLPBCERM - (Tag) Lake Worth Lagoon ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LWLSNAP (FACT): LWLSNAP Tags- Habitat Utilization by ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOAAGS (FACT): NOAAGS - (Tag) Spawning aggregations of ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SLFWI (FACT): SLFWI Tags - Spotted Seatrout and ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TEQ (FACT): TEQ Array- FWRI multi-species array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Avery, Trevor -
- CARP (OTN): Annapolis River watershed anadromous species - collaborator Type=Data, Records=1030204, LastModified=2024-11-04
- OAKEEL (OTN): Oakland Lake Eel - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=182593, LastModified=2021-08-05
- SLRRT (OTN): Tench in the St. Lawrence River - researcher Type=Data, Records=292, LastModified=2020-04-24
- V2LNSSB (OTN): Nova Scotia Striped Bass Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=824564, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Aviljas, Suncica -
- SLRRT (OTN): Tench in the St. Lawrence River - collaborator Type=Data, Records=292, LastModified=2020-04-24
- Axtell, Sidney -
- CNEMBON (ACT): UNH - Coastal New England MBON ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Badalamenti, Fabio -
- ARAISOLA02 (ETN): ARAISOLA02 - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ARAISOLA03 (ETN): ARAISOLA03 - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SARTELARAM (ETN): SARTELARAM - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SARTELTG (ETN): SARTELTG - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SARTELZINGARO (ETN): SARTELZINGARO - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Baer, Ashley -
- AMEELA (FACT): AMEELA Array- Migration dynamics of silver ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- AMEELT (FACT): AMEELA Tags- Migration dynamics of silver ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Baeyaert, Joffrey -
- INFORBIOMARES (ETN): Inforbiomares - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Baeyens, Raf -
- 2011 Rivierprik (ETN): 2011 Rivierprik - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2012 Leopoldkanaal (ETN): 2012 Leopoldkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2013 Albertkanaal (ETN): 2013 Albertkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2014 Demer (ETN): 2014 Demer - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham (ETN): 2015_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015 Dijle (ETN): 2015 Dijle - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2016_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham (ETN): 2016_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2017_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham (ETN): 2017_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2019_Lake_Anundsjo (ETN): Lake_Anundsjo_VPS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Albertkanaal (ETN): Albertkanaal - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham (ETN): Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Maas (ETN): 2013_Maas - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Baez, Jennifer -
- LWLPBCERM (FACT): LWLPBCERM - (Tag) Lake Worth Lagoon ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LWLSNAP (FACT): LWLSNAP Tags- Habitat Utilization by ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bailey, Helen -
- LBTPCR (MIGRAMAR): Leatherback Turtle Tracking in Pacuare Wildlife ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=16, LastModified=2019-06-12
- Bailey, Megan -
- V2LATSLM (OTN): SPG - Atlantic salmon migration, survival ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=5386, LastModified=2023-03-08
- Bailey, Michael -
- CHARLS (OTN): Acoustic telemetry in American Shad - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CONRH (OTN): Movement of Alewife in the Concord ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PBU (OTN): USGS: Salmon tagging - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=9871, LastModified=2024-02-13
- Bajinskis, Janis -
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - researcher Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- Baker, Jillian -
- V2LCBHNP (OTN): Cape Breton Highlands National Park salmon ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=163203, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Baker, Steven -
- DRMUCF (OTN): Assessing the role of estuarine impoundments ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=60, LastModified=2017-11-09
- V2LDRUM (OTN): Assessing the role of estuarine impoundments ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=3138516, LastModified=2024-07-26
- Bakker, Judith -
- SHAM (SAF): Smooth hammerhead shark tracking in Mossel ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=22, LastModified=2023-02-10
- Bakker, Willem -
- Swimway Vechte (ETN): Swimway Vechte - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bakke, Snorre -
- Crab_behavior_aquaculture_Norway (ETN): Behaviour of Cancer pagurus in proximity ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Baktoft, Henrik -
- COD_OG_DK_2023 (ETN): Acoustic telemetry data for Atlantic cod ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- COD_OWF (ETN): Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LCELASE (OTN): Sportfish movement in Florida Bay - collaborator Type=Data, Records=20730746, LastModified=2024-10-31
- V2LLIMS (OTN): Pinnipeds and Salmonids in the Limfjord, ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=16800808, LastModified=2024-06-22
- Balazik, Matthew -
- ERDCBRUNS (ACT): ERDC_Brunswick - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JAMESRVA (ACT): ERDC-VCU James River Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VCUWORK (ACT): VCU/ERDCTelemetry Tags - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Baldwin, John -
- LWLSNAP (FACT): LWLSNAP Tags- Habitat Utilization by ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bales, Brenna -
- NLFLAT (OTN): DFO-NL Flatfish Telemetry - student Type=Tracker, Records=24, LastModified=2024-10-10
- Balfry, Shannon -
- BALF (NEP): Balfry Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2012-07-13
- Balguerias, Eduardo -
- SGB (OTN): OTN Strait of Gibraltar Line - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=336642, LastModified=2023-07-21
- Ballard, Jennifer -
- AMEELA (FACT): AMEELA Array- Migration dynamics of silver ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- AMEELT (FACT): AMEELA Tags- Migration dynamics of silver ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ballard, Kirsty -
- MONGOM (FACT): MONGOM - (Tag) Movement patterns of ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Balouskus, Richard -
- DEARRAY (ACT): Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RICSS (ACT): RIDEM DMF Coastal Shark Tagging Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RIDMF (ACT): RI DMF Acoustic Array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RINWR (ACT): RI DMF Narrow River Striped Bass - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RISME (ACT): Pinniped Movement in Rhode Island Waters - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RISUM (ACT): RI DMF Summer Flounder Movement - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RIWFCC (ACT): Narragansett Bay Cable Corridor Monitoring - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RIWFL (ACT): RI DMF Winter Flounder Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bangley, Charles -
- BKTIP (ACT): SERC Blacktip Shark Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BOOOBC (OTN): Habitat use of coastal sharks in ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=23698, LastModified=2020-02-14
- BULLS (ACT): SERC Bull Shark Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBCNR (ACT): SERC Cownose Ray Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DSKYS (ACT): SERC Dusky Shark Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HBSERC (FACT): HBSERC Tags- Movement of Life Initiative ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MSRPWS (ACT): Massachusetts White Shark Research Program - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PSRAY (ACT): Pamlico Sound Sharks and Rays - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SERCSMDOG (ACT): SERC Smooth Dogfish Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SERCSPINR (ACT): SERC Spinner Shark Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LRAP (OTN): FORCE Risk Assessment Program - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=70060500, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Banister, Trevor -
- CNEMBON (ACT): UNH - Coastal New England MBON ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Baquero, Andres -
- MIGHIS (MIGRAMAR): Migramar historical tag data - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=62, LastModified=2019-11-19
- Barker, Joanna -
- V2LCASP (OTN): Canaries Angel Shark Project - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2277153, LastModified=2024-09-18
- Barkley, Amanda -
- QIK (OTN): Habitat connectivity of Greenland halibut and ... - author Type=Data, Records=32210, LastModified=2022-10-25
- V2LAMP (OTN): OTN Arctic Monitoring Program - Hussey ... - student Type=Data, Records=436139, LastModified=2023-10-31
- Barkley, Andrea -
- SMAFBI (OTN): Seamonitor: River Bush study - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=29862, LastModified=2022-06-13
- Barlaup, Bjørn Torgeir -
- BTN (OTN): The Bergen Telemetry Network - researcher Type=Data, Records=272914, LastModified=2021-07-28
- Barnett, Adam -
- SSST (SAF): Shark Spotters shark tracking - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=177, LastModified=2022-03-18
- V2LANG (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Angola - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1386889, LastModified=2019-12-20
- Baron, Zethra -
- DLION (FACT): DLION - (Tag) Movements of Invasive ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DNTN (FACT): DNTN - (Array) Dominica National Telemetry ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Barry, James -
- 2013_Foyle (ETN): 2013_Foyle - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Barthelotte, Jay -
- BOO53N (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - OSNAP 53N - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=723, LastModified=2022-06-20
- BOOABS (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Arctic Barrow ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=6, LastModified=2020-11-02
- BOOJAY (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - DFO NW ... - technical contact Type=Deployment, Records=2994, LastModified=2024-07-25
- SPONGE (OTN): OTN Sponge Ground Landers - technician Type=Deployment, Records=628, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Barton, Mark -
- FNEMO (FACT): FNEMO - (Tag) Impacts of freshwater ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Basic, Tea -
- Eel_migration_Test_2023 (ETN): Acoustic telemetry data for European eel ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Basset, Alberto -
- PhD_Marrocco (ETN): PhD_Marrocco - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bassett, Edward -
- V2LPMQ (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Alewife Migration ... - resource provider Type=Data, Records=11923, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Bassos-Hull, Kim -
- HBMOTE (FACT): HBMOTE Tags- Spotted Eagle Ray Movement ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MONGOM (FACT): MONGOM - (Tag) Movement patterns of ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MOTGAS (FACT): MOTGAS - (Tag) Movement patterns of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MOTSER (FACT): MOTSER Tags- Movement patterns of spotted ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PERC (FACT): PERC Tags- Highly Migratory Species in ... - data custodian Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCAN (FACT): SCAN Array- Multi-species movements along west ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bate, Caitlin -
- BDLSPG (OTN): Apoqnmatulti'k - Bras D'Or Lake - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=23195965, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Bateman, Elizabeth -
- ALLIMB (OTN): ALLIMB - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=3224549, LastModified=2024-11-04
- V2LNSSB (OTN): Nova Scotia Striped Bass Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=824564, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Bates, Kiernan -
- BSRP2 (ACT): RUMFS - BOEM Sand Ridge Phase ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MUFISH (ACT): Monmouth University Coastal Fisheries Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MUNCSHARK (ACT): Monmouth University-Nature Conservancy Sharks - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MURMI (ACT): Monmouth University - NJDEP RMI - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RUMFS01 (ACT): RUMFS Observatory - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RUMFSWIND (ACT): RUMFS Ocean Wind Array - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SHS3974 (ACT): RUMFS Structured Habitat - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Batt, John -
- AWF (OTN): Using acoustic telemetry to study Endangered ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=521, LastModified=2024-10-15
- V2LCBHNP (OTN): Cape Breton Highlands National Park salmon ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=163203, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Batt, Mark -
- BOOSJS (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity – Saint John ... - technical contact Type=Deployment, Records=8471, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Bauer, Nick -
- CDFWA15 (PATH): CDFWA15 - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2727071, LastModified=2023-10-24
- Baumann, Hannes -
- CTSEC6 (ACT): CT DEEP Sturgeon movements in CT, ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Baum, Diane -
- ASCENS (OTN): ASCENS - collaborator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bayard, Amanda -
- MCGTOMCOD (OTN): Shubenacadie River Monitoring Project: Tomcod - collaborator Type=Data, Records=6767, LastModified=2021-11-01
- Beamish, Richard -
- BEAM (NEP): Beamish Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=290, LastModified=2012-07-17
- Beaulieu, Jean-Louis -
- MCC (OTN): Gulf and 3Ps Atlantic Cod - researcher Type=Data, Records=728, LastModified=2021-04-15
- Beaumaster, Robert -
- MARSS (OTN): Maritimes Region Atlantic salmon marine survival ... - technician Type=Data, Records=4705244, LastModified=2022-11-16
- Beccio, Marc -
- CDFWA15 (PATH): CDFWA15 - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2727071, LastModified=2023-10-24
- CDFWGS (NEP): California Department of Fish and Wildlife ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=42, LastModified=2021-05-12
- CDFWJGS (NEP): California Department of Fish and Wildlife ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=156, LastModified=2022-10-07
- Beech, Sarah -
- BQLWF (GLATOS): Bay of Quinte Lake Whitefish - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Beggiato, Antonia -
- OC2020A (FACT): OC2020A Array- Shark Research at Ocean ... - student Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- OC2020T (FACT): OC2020T Tags- Shark Research at Ocean ... - student Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Begler, Christian -
- BOOGMR (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - GEOMAR - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=90, LastModified=2023-06-21
- Béguer, Mélanie -
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Behringer, David -
- NCDMFS3 (ACT): NCDMF Multi-Species Tagging Program - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Behringer, Donald -
- BLCR1 (ACT): Tracking Callinectes sapidus - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Beland, Joseph -
- MCGTOMCOD (OTN): Shubenacadie River Monitoring Project: Tomcod - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=6767, LastModified=2021-11-01
- Belcik, John -
- IWWAC (GLATOS): IL Waterway Asian Carp - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bell, Desiree -
- DLION (FACT): DLION - (Tag) Movements of Invasive ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DNTN (FACT): DNTN - (Array) Dominica National Telemetry ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DTURT (FACT): DTURT - (Tag) Site Fidelity and ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Belmaker, Jonathan -
- SCIUI (OTN): Stress On the Reef - author Type=Data, Records=987444, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Siganid_East_Med (ETN): Siganid_East_Med - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SIUI (OTN): Marine invasive species: Eilat, Gulf of ... - author Type=Data, Records=1272411, LastModified=2024-07-26
- SMED (OTN): Sdot Yam, Haifa District: The ... - author Type=Data, Records=1820438, LastModified=2024-07-26
- VEMTB (OTN): High-resolution tracking of parrotfish in the ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=8576296, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Belo, Ana Filipa -
- PTN/PROTECT2012 (ETN): PTN/PROTECT2012 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PTN/PROTECT2013 (ETN): PTN/PROTECT2013 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Benavides, Martin -
- UNC1 (FACT): UNC1 Array- Movements of bonnethead sharks ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UNCNCS (FACT): UNCNCS Tags- Movements of bonnethead sharks ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ben Cherifi, Salah -
- SGB (OTN): OTN Strait of Gibraltar Line - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=336642, LastModified=2023-07-21
- Benchetrit, José -
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Bennett, Rhett -
- EAGL (SAF): Eagle ray movement patterns along coastal ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=26, LastModified=2023-02-13
- NOSYBE (SAF): Madagascar Whale Sharks - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2200, LastModified=2024-06-20
- RBWW (SAF): Whitespotted Wedgefish Movement - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=16, LastModified=2022-03-14
- SAIAB (SAF): SAIAB fish tracking - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=823, LastModified=2023-02-10
- V2LPOINTA (SAF): V2LPOINTA - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LWMMC (SAF): OTN monitoring in the Mozambique Channel - researcher Type=Data, Records=1809, LastModified=2024-10-17
- Bennett, Sarah -
- INPWS (NEP): INPWS - researcher Type=Data, Records=240, LastModified=2024-06-19
- Bennett, Scott -
- SQUIBSTRPR (ACT): MBL/WTGHA Striped Bass Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Benoit, Hugues -
- GSFP (OTN): Quantifying grey seal foraging pressure (abundance ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2024-04-16
- Benson, Scott -
- LBTCACUR (PATH): Upwell Turtles: California Current Leatherbacks - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=4, LastModified=2022-08-11
- LBTPCR (MIGRAMAR): Leatherback Turtle Tracking in Pacuare Wildlife ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=16, LastModified=2019-06-12
- Bentzen, Paul -
- NCAT (OTN): Northern Cod Acoustic Telemetry - researcher Type=Data, Records=75153, LastModified=2024-10-15
- Berejikian, Barry -
- BRJKN (NEP): Berejikian Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=100, LastModified=2012-06-08
- Berenger, Lucas -
- Csapidus_monitoring_Occitanie_Southern_France (ETN): Blue crab telemetry monitoring in three ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Berger, Andrew -
- BRGR (NEP): Berger Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=132, LastModified=2012-06-08
- Bergeron, Normand -
- ISMRS (OTN): INRS Sainte-Marguerite River salmon - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=24, LastModified=2014-12-16
- Berges, Benoit -
- APELAFICO (ETN): Acoustic Ecology of Pelagic Fish Communities - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Berhe, Saron -
- V2LSVAL (OTN): Svalbard Tracking Project - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=571895, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Berlinsky, David -
- V2LNHGB (OTN): OTN Loan - Value of estuaries ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=10974, LastModified=2022-07-25
- Bernanke, Matthew -
- MBSHHA (FACT): MBSHHA - (Tag) The effect of ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MBSHHN (FACT): MBSHHN - (Tag) Effect of environmental ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bernard, Tim -
- MCPSB (OTN): Striped Bass tagging in PEI - technician Type=Data, Records=40, LastModified=2023-07-24
- Bernatchez, Louis -
- ACB (OTN): Integrating acoustic telemetry and genomics to ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=33986340, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Bernotas, Priit -
- NARVAEEL (ETN): NARVAEEL - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - researcher Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- Berry, Alan -
- BOOSBI (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Smart Bay ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=215, LastModified=2022-10-19
- Bertelsen, Rod -
- CLEMPAR (FACT): CLEMPAR Tags- Influences of substrate composition ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bertram, Michael -
- DSM (ETN): Dalalven Smolt Migration - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Beslin, Wilfried -
- GOODFO (OTN): Glider of Opportunity - DFO acoustic ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=11, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Bessudo, Sandra -
- MALP (MIGRAMAR): Sanctuary of Malpelo Acoustic Telemetry - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=34, LastModified=2023-10-03
- MIGHIS (MIGRAMAR): Migramar historical tag data - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=62, LastModified=2019-11-19
- Bethel, Enrique -
- OC2020A (FACT): OC2020A Array- Shark Research at Ocean ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- OC2020T (FACT): OC2020T Tags- Shark Research at Ocean ... - technician Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Beukes, Tinus -
- ELAS (SAF): spatial ecology of chondricthyans in False ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=30, LastModified=2023-02-10
- TOA (SAF): Two Oceans Aquarium raggedtooth shark tagging - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=58, LastModified=2022-02-10
- Beumer, Larissa -
- V2LSVAL (OTN): Svalbard Tracking Project - collaborator Type=Data, Records=571895, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Beyea, Taylor -
- V2LBFC (OTN): Big Fish Caribbean - researcher Type=Data, Records=230, LastModified=2024-04-01
- Bickford, Joel -
- V2LGMX (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Integrative Tracking ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=42155487, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Bicknell, Anthony -
- V2LPREP (OTN): Predator and Prey Around Renewable Energy ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=5280494, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Bijleveld, Allert Imre -
- SWIMWAY_2021 (ETN): SWIMWAY_2021 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Binder, Benjamin -
- FLKSHK (FACT): FLKSHK Tags- Effects of Caribbean reef ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PECLGG (FACT): PECLGG Tags- Storms effects on goliath ... - student Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PECLJP (FACT): PECL Array- Storms effects on goliath ... - student Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PECLRF (FACT): PECLRF Tag- Storm effects on reefish - student Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Binder, Thomas -
- ASRSH (GLATOS): Au Sable River Juvenile Steelhead - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DRMLT (GLATOS): Drummond Island Lake Trout Spawning - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GBLWF (GLATOS): Green Bay Lake Whitefish - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GTJWF (GLATOS): Grand Traverse Bay Juvenile Lake Whietfish - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ISRLT (GLATOS): Isle Royale siscowet lake trout - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NRLAT (GLATOS): Northern Refuge Lake Trout - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TBLTR (GLATOS): Thunder Bay Artificial Reef - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- THBLT (GLATOS): Thunder Bay Lake Trout - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Biologist, Provincial -
- FWS (NEP): OTN Canada Fraser River White Sturgeon ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=1632226, LastModified=2024-10-24
- Birnie-Gauvin, Kim -
- DTU-Aqua_RE (ETN): Running_eel - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bishop, Amanda -
- PSSME (NEP): PSSME - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=48, LastModified=2024-04-22
- Bishop, Mary Anne -
- MBL (NEP): Bishop Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=44, LastModified=2012-06-08
- PWS (NEP): OTN Prince William Sound Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=2173734, LastModified=2024-11-01
- PWSPC (NEP): PWSSC Pacific Cod - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=250, LastModified=2015-05-08
- PWSPH (NEP): PWSSC Pacific Herring - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=1120, LastModified=2020-01-21
- Bison, Robert -
- BISN (NEP): Bison Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=200, LastModified=2012-06-08
- Black, Matt -
- PBSM (OTN): Quoddy Region Pelagics Telemetry - researcher Type=Data, Records=45493883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Blanpain, Olivier -
- FISHOWF (ETN): FISHOWF_Array_France - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MMERMAID (ETN): MMERMAID_Array_France - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Block, Barbara -
- BLCK (NEP): Block Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=12, LastModified=2013-10-25
- TAG (OTN): Tag-A-Giant - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=678, LastModified=2024-01-03
- TOPPWS (NEP): TOPPWS - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=766, LastModified=2024-06-14
- Blow, Georgie -
- SwanseaBristolArray (ETN): Swansea Uni acoustic receiver array: Bristol ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bobbitt, Judith -
- V2LOLTD (OTN): Fish Tag Receiver Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=5, LastModified=2021-07-22
- Boehner, Laura -
- GOODFO (OTN): Glider of Opportunity - DFO acoustic ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=11, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Boggio-Pasqua, Atlantine -
- MONGOM (FACT): MONGOM - (Tag) Movement patterns of ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MOTSER (FACT): MOTSER Tags- Movement patterns of spotted ... - student Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bohaboy, Erin -
- V2LGMXSNAP (OTN): Post-release Mortality of Eastern Gulf of ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=47202915, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Bohnenstiehl, DelWayne -
- CRFLII (FACT): CRFLII Array- Persistence and Habitat Use ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GALAP (FACT): GALAP - (Array) Galapagos-Assessing the Interacting ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCCFOS (FACT): NCCFOS - (Array) Completing the Pamlico ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bolland, Jonathan -
- 2014_Nene (ETN): 2014_Nene - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LamTre20/21 (ETN): River_lamprey_River Trent_2020/21 - originator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LamYorOus18-20 (ETN): River_Lamprey_Yorkshire Ouse_2018-20 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SwanseaBristolArray (ETN): Swansea Uni acoustic receiver array: Bristol ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UtS (ETN): Unlocking the Severn - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LWATCH (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - The Wash ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=29, LastModified=2016-08-19
- Bond, Mark -
- V2LAND (OTN): Tracking the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=548210, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Bonnaud, Guillaume -
- NOSYBE (SAF): Madagascar Whale Sharks - technician Type=Data, Records=2200, LastModified=2024-06-20
- Boomer, Andrew -
- BST (OTN): OTN Bass Strait Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1915087, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Bopp, Justin -
- HSCNY (ACT): SBU New York Horseshoe Crab - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bordeleau, Xavier -
- BDK (OTN): Overwinter biology, migrations, and carryover effects ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=222, LastModified=2016-12-20
- GSFP (OTN): Quantifying grey seal foraging pressure (abundance ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2024-04-16
- IDLM (OTN): Magdalen Islands White Shark & Grey ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=177, LastModified=2024-05-01
- KERG (OTN): Kerguelen Brown Trout Tracking - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2240816, LastModified=2023-11-03
- PVSLE (OTN): Harbour seal pups' survival and connectivity ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=134, LastModified=2022-10-12
- V2LLIMS (OTN): Pinnipeds and Salmonids in the Limfjord, ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=16800808, LastModified=2024-06-22
- VMLPPWS (OTN): Spatiotemporal associations and interactions between grey ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=660, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Bose, Neil -
- GOOMUN (OTN): Gliders of Opportunity - Memorial University - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=53589, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Bosgraaf, Sebastian -
- ICOD_receiver_array (ETN): ICOD: array to monitor interaction between ... - data custodian Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SkagNor (ETN): Skagerrak_temeletry_array_Norway - data custodian Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bosman, Katie -
- BOODEEP (OTN): Buoy of Opportunity: Deepwater VMT - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=282639, LastModified=2024-05-06
- Bossart, Gregory D. -
- GAICFS (FACT): GAICFS Array- Movement of Manta Rays - contributor Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Boston, Christine -
- V2LWLONA (OTN): Western Lake Ontario Nearshore Array - researcher Type=Data, Records=1046291, LastModified=2023-11-02
- Boswell, Kevin -
- FIUBULL (FACT): FIUBULL - (Array) Movements of bull ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FIUBULLT (FACT): FIUBULLT - (Tag) Movements of bull ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FLKSHK (FACT): FLKSHK Tags- Effects of Caribbean reef ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PECLGG (FACT): PECLGG Tags- Storms effects on goliath ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PECLJP (FACT): PECL Array- Storms effects on goliath ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PECLRF (FACT): PECLRF Tag- Storm effects on reefish - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bothwell, Max -
- MLNCHK (NEP): Effects of ultraviolet radiation exposure on ... - author Type=Tracker, Records=1272, LastModified=2012-06-08
- Boucek, Ross -
- BTTBFA (FACT): BTTBFA - (Array) Identifying Bonefish Pre-spawning ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BTTBONE (FACT): BTTBONE Tags- Bonefish in the Florida ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BTTFLK (OTN): Spatial Ecology of Permit and Atlantic ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=12631948, LastModified=2024-11-04
- BTTPER (FACT): BTTPER - (Tag) Spatial and resource ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BTTPERTAR (FACT): BTTPERTAR - (Array) Spatial Ecology of ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BTTTAR (FACT): BTTTAR - (Tag) Movement Patterns and ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CGJACK (FACT): CGJACK Tags- Crevalle Jack Movement Patterns - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TBPERM (FACT): TBPERM Tags- Tracking permit migrations - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LCELA (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Coastal Everglades ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=7355092, LastModified=2024-02-06
- Bouchard Marmen, Marieve -
- SPONGE (OTN): OTN Sponge Ground Landers - technician Type=Deployment, Records=628, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Boucher, Tyler -
- BOOFORCE (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - FORCE Tidal ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=36372, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Boudreau, Jason -
- BOOSOAR (OTN): SOAR Tidal Generation - technician Type=Deployment, Records=528790, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Boudreau, Stephanie A. -
- CBTSC (OTN): Snow Crab in the Cape Breton ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=3012526, LastModified=2024-06-27
- Bourdon, Robert -
- SUSQAME (ACT): Susquehanna River American Eel Migration - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bourjea, Jérôme -
- CONNECT-MED (ETN): Connectivity of coastal fish in the ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FISHOWF (ETN): FISHOWF_Array_France - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LGOL (OTN): VR2W Loan - Gulf of Lion - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=34488, LastModified=2023-11-02
- Bourque, Jean-Francois -
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Bowen, Don -
- CBS (OTN): OTN Cabot Strait Line - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=796046, LastModified=2024-10-31
- SGS (OTN): OTN Canada Sable Island Grey Seal ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1033220, LastModified=2024-08-28
- Bowen, Emma -
- BST (OTN): OTN Bass Strait Array - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1915087, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Bowers, Beth -
- BLKTP (FACT): BLKTP Tags- Migration of blacktip sharks ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FAUK (FACT): FAUK Array- Blacktip migration Western Atlantic - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FBLTP (FACT): FBLTP Tags- Sexual segregation of the ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bowlby, Heather -
- IDLM (OTN): Magdalen Islands White Shark & Grey ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=177, LastModified=2024-05-01
- JPBS (OTN): DFO: Porbeagle and Blue Sharks - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=139, LastModified=2017-09-19
- V2LWSAMP (OTN): White Shark Acoustic Monitoring Program - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=629773, LastModified=2024-02-28
- VMLPPWS (OTN): Spatiotemporal associations and interactions between grey ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=660, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Bowling, Tyler -
- SHKBTA (FACT): SKKBTA Array - Shark Bite Study - student (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SHKBTT (FACT): SHKBTT Tags - Shark Bite Study - student (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Braccini, Matias -
- WST (OTN): WAF Shark Tracking - researcher Type=Data, Records=123, LastModified=2015-09-10
- Braddy, Chris -
- NCDMFA2 (ACT): NCDMF Tar-Pam Neuse Arrays - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bradford, Jessica -
- SNMCG (OTN): MCG SOFAR Buoy - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=3, LastModified=2022-05-31
- Bradford, Rod -
- BDLSPG (OTN): Apoqnmatulti'k - Bras D'Or Lake - collaborator Type=Data, Records=23195965, LastModified=2024-11-04
- HRFORCE (OTN): Quantifying fish-turbine interactions using new high ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=8171179, LastModified=2023-10-15
- IBFS (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Striped Bass - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=5336479, LastModified=2024-10-31
- MPD (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Sturgeon Tracking - researcher Type=Data, Records=16824227, LastModified=2024-11-04
- NSP (OTN): /ACADIA Minas Passage of the Bay ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=531932, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Bradford, Russ -
- GWS (OTN): WAFish/CSIRO - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=10, LastModified=2011-03-17
- Bradshaw, Michelle -
- ABAP (SAF): Algoa Bay African Penguin tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brassard, Claude -
- SBICOD (OTN): Estimation of Cod Movements in the ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=256, LastModified=2022-03-22
- Brattey, John -
- IFC (OTN): Ian Fleming Cod Tagging - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=160, LastModified=2012-09-24
- MCC (OTN): Gulf and 3Ps Atlantic Cod - researcher Type=Data, Records=728, LastModified=2021-04-15
- NLCOD (OTN): DFO-NL Atlantic Cod Telemetry - researcher Type=Data, Records=4013744, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Braun McNeill, Joanne -
- CORES (ACT): Core Sound NC sea turtle survey - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Breece, Matthew -
- CT001 (ACT): CT DEEP LIS array (Sec. 6 ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CTSEC6 (ACT): CT DEEP Sturgeon movements in CT, ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CTSWG1 (ACT): CT DEEP Atlantic Sturgeon Studies 2006-2009 - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DAS (OTN): DSU: Atlantic sturgeon tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=2, LastModified=2011-03-14
- HRSB04 (ACT): UMCES Resident Hudson Striped Bass Migration - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MUFISH (ACT): Monmouth University Coastal Fisheries Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- OBAS (OTN): Acoustic transmitter detections in the coastal ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=2712, LastModified=2024-06-24
- PAXSB08 (ACT): UMCES Striped Bass Thermal Squeeze - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SSTDEL (OTN): Atlantic Sturgeon and Sand Tiger Acoustic ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UDASSNSPOT (ACT): UD Potomac River - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VCUWORK (ACT): VCU/ERDCTelemetry Tags - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VIMS4ACIPO (ACT): VIMS Sturgeon Project - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Breeze, Heather -
- BOOCAMP (OTN): BOOCAMP - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=95, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Brenden, Travis -
- LEGRC (GLATOS): Lake Erie Grass Carp - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brenkert, Karl -
- COBCRP (FACT): COBCRP Tags- Determining the stock boundary ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brennan, Adam -
- V2LTL (NEP): OTN VR2W Loan - Trapper Lake - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=4162142, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Breslin, John -
- BOOSBI (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Smart Bay ... - resource provider Type=Deployment, Records=215, LastModified=2022-10-19
- Breve, Niels -
- Haringvliet2023-2026 (ETN): Haringvlietdam - Rhine-Meuse Delta Acoustic Network - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brickle, Paul -
- V2LFALK (OTN): Brown trout in the Falkland Islands - collaborator Type=Data, Records=3691, LastModified=2021-04-05
- Brinton, Cameron -
- GAARA (FACT): GAARA - (Array) Georgia Artificial Reef ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GACRA (FACT): GACRA Array- Georgia Offshore Coastal Receiver ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Britton, Robert -
- 2020 PhD - Winter (ETN): 2020_PhD_Winter - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Northern Norfolk Broads (ETN): Northern_Norfolk_Broads - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PhD Nolan (ETN): PhD_Nolan - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Teme barbel 1 (ETN): 2015_PhD_Gutmann_Roberts - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Broadbent, Heather -
- GOOUSF (OTN): Gliders of Opportunity - University of ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=1559, LastModified=2024-06-18
- Brodersen, Jakob -
- V2LGAC (OTN): Greenland Arctic Char - researcher Type=Data, Records=9631333, LastModified=2024-10-31
- V2LGAC2 (OTN): Greenland Arctic Charr - researcher Type=Data, Records=5756963, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Brodin, Tomas -
- VFM_BP (ETN): VFM_BalticProper - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_DSTL (ETN): VFM_DeepSeaTrackingLab - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_GoB (ETN): VFM_GulfOfBotnia - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_Hjalmaren (ETN): VFM_Hjalmaren - co-investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_Malaren (ETN): VFM_Malaren - co-investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_RG (ETN): VFM_RiverGota - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_Siljan (ETN): VFM_Siljan - co-investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_Vattern (ETN): VFM_Vattern - co-investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_WCC (ETN): VFM_WestCoastCostal - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bromilow, Mandy -
- CBBBS (ACT): NCBO-VMRC Chesapeake Backbone South - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBIBS (ACT): NCBO CBIBS - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brooks, Annabelle -
- ELEU (FACT): ELEU Tags- The spatial ecology of ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ELEUA (FACT): ELEUA - (Array) Fine-scale habitat use ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brooks, Edward -
- ELEU (FACT): ELEU Tags- The spatial ecology of ... - author Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ELEUA (FACT): ELEUA - (Array) Fine-scale habitat use ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brooks, Jill -
- HAMLO (GLATOS): Hamilton Harbour Lake Ontario Multi-species - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LWLONA (OTN): Western Lake Ontario Nearshore Array - researcher Type=Data, Records=1046291, LastModified=2023-11-02
- Broome, Jeremy -
- AWF (OTN): Using acoustic telemetry to study Endangered ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=521, LastModified=2024-10-15
- MPD (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Sturgeon Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=16824227, LastModified=2024-11-04
- NSP (OTN): /ACADIA Minas Passage of the Bay ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=531932, LastModified=2024-10-31
- V2LEMERA (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Emera Snow ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=42540329, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Broos, Sarah -
- 2022_Albertkanaal_VPS_Hasselt (ETN): 2022_Albertkanaal_VPS_Hasselt - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Albertkanaal_VPS_Hasselt (ETN): Albertkanaal_VPS_Hasselt - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brouder, Quentin -
- NOSYBE (SAF): Madagascar Whale Sharks - technician Type=Data, Records=2200, LastModified=2024-06-20
- Brown, Caliyena -
- IBOFK (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Kelts - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=70, LastModified=2024-06-17
- Browne, David -
- V2LEOR (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Eels in ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=58610, LastModified=2018-05-28
- V2LEOR2 (OTN): American Eel Assesment at Hydropower Facility - researcher Type=Data, Records=3269771, LastModified=2023-11-08
- Brown, Erin -
- BQCIS (GLATOS): Bay of Quinte Cisco - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BQMUS (GLATOS): Bay of Quinte Muskellunge - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brown, Gareth -
- OC2020A (FACT): OC2020A Array- Shark Research at Ocean ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- OC2020T (FACT): OC2020T Tags- Shark Research at Ocean ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brown, Oliver -
- Usk:2021-2024 (ETN): River Usk receiver network 2021-2024 - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brownscombe, Jacob -
- BTTFLK (OTN): Spatial Ecology of Permit and Atlantic ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=12631948, LastModified=2024-11-04
- FLKSHK (FACT): FLKSHK Tags- Effects of Caribbean reef ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LBTW (OTN): Beneath the Waves - collaborator Type=Data, Records=2526661, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Bruce, Barry -
- BST (OTN): OTN Bass Strait Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1915087, LastModified=2024-03-06
- GWS (OTN): WAFish/CSIRO - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=10, LastModified=2011-03-17
- Bruchs, Colby W.B. -
- MCS (OTN): Maine DMR: Coastal rivers Adult Salmon ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=60, LastModified=2013-07-30
- Bruneel, Stijn -
- 2024_bovenschelde (ETN): Acoustic telemetry network in the non-tidal ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Brust, Colleen -
- MURMI (ACT): Monmouth University - NJDEP RMI - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bubb, Damian -
- LamYorOus18-20 (ETN): River_Lamprey_Yorkshire Ouse_2018-20 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bucatari, Jennifer -
- USNKSC (FACT): USNKSC Tags- Effects of Dredging on ... - resource provider Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Buckel, Jeffrey -
- CMAST (FACT): CMAST Array- Estimating survival and stock ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCCOBIA (FACT): NCCOBIA Tags- Stock structure of cobia - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCGAJ (FACT): NCGAJ - (Tag) Fine-scale movements and ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCSUAB (FACT): Atlantic Bonito movement - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SGGAJ (FACT): SGGAJ - (Tag) Estimating abundance of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Buffet, Kathleen -
- GOODFO (OTN): Glider of Opportunity - DFO acoustic ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=11, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Buhariwalla, Colin -
- BSB (OTN): Cape Breton Striped Bass - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1454657, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Bukowski, Carl -
- THUENEN_BALTIC (ETN): Movements of cod, plaice, flounder and ... - originator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Bultel, Elise -
- 2011_Loire (ETN): 2011_Loire - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Burdick, Summer -
- USGSACEAM20 (PATH): USGSACEAM20 - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=3055319, LastModified=2024-10-24
- Burge, Erin -
- SMARTRI (FACT): SMARTRI Array- Acoustic receiver detections ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LSCS (OTN): VR2W Loan - South Carolina Sharks - collaborator Type=Data, Records=38277, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Burgess, George -
- CSABUL (FACT): CSABUL Tags - Ecology of young ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Burke, Chantelle -
- ESRF (OTN): ESRF Atlantic Salmon Offshore Tracking Project - collaborator Type=Data, Records=25088809, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Burke, Teah -
- AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking - student Type=Data, Records=43625155, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Burt, Jenn -
- PSS1 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=800, LastModified=2011-03-14
- Butkowski, Drew -
- FSCAPE (FACT): FSCAPE- (Tag) Integrating reef-seagrass functional connectivity ... - student Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSCAPEA (FACT): FSCAPEA - (Array) Integrating reef-seagrass functional ... - student Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PECLRF (FACT): PECLRF Tag- Storm effects on reefish - student Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Butler, Edward -
- EAGL (SAF): Eagle ray movement patterns along coastal ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=26, LastModified=2023-02-13
- Buyse, Jolien -
- JJ_Belwind (ETN): Belwind temporary acoustic receiver network 2020 ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Buysse, David -
- 2011_Bovenschelde (ETN): 2011_Bovenschelde - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2011 Rivierprik (ETN): 2011 Rivierprik - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2012 Leopoldkanaal (ETN): 2012 Leopoldkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2024_bovenschelde (ETN): Acoustic telemetry network in the non-tidal ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Leopoldkanaal (ETN): Leopoldkanaal - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Byers, Jeb -
- UNC1 (FACT): UNC1 Array- Movements of bonnethead sharks ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UNCNCS (FACT): UNCNCS Tags- Movements of bonnethead sharks ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Byrne, Tyler -
- CMARG (OTN): CMAR Glider Surveys - technician Type=Deployment, Records=185, LastModified=2021-08-05
- Cabanellas-Reboredo, Miguel -
- GIBRALTRACK pilot (ETN): Pilot permanent deployment acoustic array Gibraltar ... - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GRIBRALTAR_STRAITS (ETN): Monitoring Gibraltral Strait Using Acoustic Telemetry - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cabral, Tatiana -
- V2LCV (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Cabo Verde: ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=33681, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Caiger, Paul -
- BOONSW (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - NOAA Salmon ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=440814, LastModified=2023-10-11
- Caillaud, Damien -
- VMLSOCBS (OTN): A novel approach to observing the ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=18, LastModified=2023-02-10
- Cain, Stephen -
- V2LURB (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Miami & ... - technician Type=Data, Records=636522, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Cairns, David K. -
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Calafat, Antonio -
- SGB (OTN): OTN Strait of Gibraltar Line - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=336642, LastModified=2023-07-21
- Calles, Olle -
- DSM (ETN): Dalalven Smolt Migration - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LBSSM (ETN): Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Calvanese, Tom -
- ALFA (NEP): Oregon State University - Hatfield Marine ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=66, LastModified=2016-03-16
- Calvert, Jason -
- V2LTL (NEP): OTN VR2W Loan - Trapper Lake - researcher Type=Data, Records=4162142, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Cameron, Brent -
- SABMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: St. Anns Bank ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=6517895, LastModified=2024-11-04
- ZSC (OTN): Scotian Shelf Snow Crab Tagging - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2351, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Campana, Steve -
- JGS (OTN): DFO: Sable Island Greenland Sharks - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=10, LastModified=2012-09-27
- MCC (OTN): Gulf and 3Ps Atlantic Cod - researcher Type=Data, Records=728, LastModified=2021-04-15
- WDG (OTN): Bay of Fundy: Spiny Dogfish - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=39, LastModified=2012-10-01
- Campbell, Beckah -
- V2LBTW (OTN): Beneath the Waves - student Type=Data, Records=2526661, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Campbell, Justin -
- FSCAPE (FACT): FSCAPE- (Tag) Integrating reef-seagrass functional connectivity ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSCAPEA (FACT): FSCAPEA - (Array) Integrating reef-seagrass functional ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Canals, Miquel -
- SGB (OTN): OTN Strait of Gibraltar Line - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=336642, LastModified=2023-07-21
- Cantin, Sylvain -
- BOOGSL (OTN): Buoys Of Opportunity - Gulf of ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=1542868, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Capizzano, Connor -
- MSRPWS (ACT): Massachusetts White Shark Research Program - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cardeñosa, Diego -
- V2LSHCOL (OTN): OTN Loan - Small Hammerheads in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=383000, LastModified=2024-06-27
- Caretti, Olivia -
- CRFLII (FACT): CRFLII Array- Persistence and Habitat Use ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Carlisle, Aaron -
- ACSK (NEP): Carlisle Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=53, LastModified=2020-03-26
- PWSSHK (NEP): Prince William Sound salmon sharks - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=110287, LastModified=2023-10-24
- Carlson, Andrew -
- INLMN (GLATOS): Elk Lake walleye - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Carlson, John -
- NOAAMAN (FACT): NOAAMAN Tags- NOAA Manta Ray Conservation ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOSAW (FACT): NOSAW Tags- Movements and habitat ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOSAWR (FACT): NOSAWR Array- Habitat use of smalltooth ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LAND (OTN): Tracking the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=548210, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Caron, Francois -
- ISMRS (OTN): INRS Sainte-Marguerite River salmon - resource provider Type=Tracker, Records=24, LastModified=2014-12-16
- Carr, Jonathan -
- ASF (OTN): Atlantic Salmon Federation - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=19511523, LastModified=2024-11-04
- FPS (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Salmon Tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=88, LastModified=2012-03-26
- GSLHER (OTN): Gulf of St. Lawrence Herring - collaborator Type=Data, Records=519115, LastModified=2024-11-04
- NLCPEI (OTN): North Lake Creek Salmon - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=212, LastModified=2019-05-28
- PBSM (OTN): Quoddy Region Pelagics Telemetry - collaborator Type=Data, Records=45493883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- RRT (OTN): PEI Rainbow Trout Tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=688852, LastModified=2020-08-11
- SOBI (OTN): OTN Strait of Belle Isle Array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Carroll, Donna -
- NCCSB (OTN): NunatuKavut Community Council's Striped Bass - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Carroll, Jessica -
- COBGMA (FACT): COBGOMA Array- Movements of Cobia in ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Carroll, Lindsay -
- DPT (OTN): Darren Porter Tomcod in the Halfway ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=51146, LastModified=2024-07-25
- EELSPG (OTN): SPG Project: Coastal ecology of American ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=148, LastModified=2021-07-21
- TOMSPG (OTN): SPG Project: Determining Atlantic tomcod spawning ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=461, LastModified=2021-02-01
- Carruthers, Erin -
- SBICOD (OTN): Estimation of Cod Movements in the ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=256, LastModified=2022-03-22
- Carswell, Abigail -
- SEBCR (MIGRAMAR): 180khz Tagging in Santa Elena Bay, ... - student Type=Data, Records=1644909, LastModified=2022-10-07
- Carter, Liam -
- 2014_Nene (ETN): 2014_Nene - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cartwright, Amy -
- FISHINTEL (ETN): Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Casagrande, Andy -
- ABC4 (FACT): ABC4 - (Array) Baseline ecological assessment ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Casals Blanch, David -
- CTN (ETN): Catalan Tracking Network - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ResMed (ETN): ResMed - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Caselle, Jennifer -
- TETSHK (PIRAT): Tetiaroa Sharks - researcher Type=Data, Records=172, LastModified=2024-10-09
- Casselberry, Grace -
- BTTFLK (OTN): Spatial Ecology of Permit and Atlantic ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=12631948, LastModified=2024-11-04
- UMASSHK (FACT): UMASSSHK Tags - Shark Community around ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Castillo, Bernard -
- UVILC (FACT): UVILC Tags - Movement patterns of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Castillo, Nicholas -
- BTTBONE (FACT): BTTBONE Tags- Bonefish in the Florida ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Castleton, Michael -
- TAG (OTN): Tag-A-Giant - custodian Type=Tracker, Records=678, LastModified=2024-01-03
- TOPPWS (NEP): TOPPWS - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=766, LastModified=2024-06-14
- Castonguay, Martin -
- BOOGSL (OTN): Buoys Of Opportunity - Gulf of ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=1542868, LastModified=2024-06-25
- CBS (OTN): OTN Cabot Strait Line - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=796046, LastModified=2024-10-31
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- MCC (OTN): Gulf and 3Ps Atlantic Cod - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=728, LastModified=2021-04-15
- Castro-Santos, Theodore -
- CTR2024RH (ACT): CT River - River Herring Study - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CTRBBH (ACT): USGS Conte and USFWS - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DEBAYALS (ACT): USGS-Delaware Bay Shad - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Catalano, Matthew -
- SGGAJ (FACT): SGGAJ - (Tag) Estimating abundance of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Catizone, Daniel -
- GOMMIG (FACT): Coastal and marine vertebrate migratory activity ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GOMMIGA (FACT): GOMMIGA - (Array) Coastal and marine ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Caughron, Juliane -
- FNEMO (FACT): FNEMO - (Tag) Impacts of freshwater ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cerchio, Salvatore -
- V2LPOINTA (SAF): V2LPOINTA - collaborator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LWMMC (SAF): OTN monitoring in the Mozambique Channel - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1809, LastModified=2024-10-17
- Chadwick, Kate -
- ASCENS (OTN): ASCENS - collaborator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Chafe, Graham -
- ASF (OTN): Atlantic Salmon Federation - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=19511523, LastModified=2024-11-04
- SOBI (OTN): OTN Strait of Belle Isle Array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Chalupnicki, Marc -
- LOATS (GLATOS): Atlantic Salmon Movements - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LOBLO (GLATOS): Bloater Movements in Lake Ontario - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LOLAS (GLATOS): Lake Sturgeon Movements in Lake Ontario - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SLATS (GLATOS): Atlantic Salmon Movements in the St. ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Chamberlin, Joshua -
- ADM (NEP): Admiralty Inlet Puget Sound - collaborator Type=Data, Records=78177, LastModified=2023-10-24
- Chandler, Craig -
- BOOSOAR (OTN): SOAR Tidal Generation - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=528790, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Channell, Frederick -
- BOONSW (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - NOAA Salmon ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=440814, LastModified=2023-10-11
- Chan, Stephanie -
- AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking - student Type=Data, Records=43625155, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Chapman, Bruce -
- HALIBT (OTN): HaliBT Project - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=3804326, LastModified=2024-10-31
- NCAT (OTN): Northern Cod Acoustic Telemetry - collaborator Type=Data, Records=75153, LastModified=2024-10-15
- Chapman, Demian -
- SRQDEP (FACT): SRQDEP Tags- Human-animal conflict: Shark behavior ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SRQMVMT (FACT): SRQMVT Tags- Coastal shark presence at ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LSHCOL (OTN): OTN Loan - Small Hammerheads in ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=383000, LastModified=2024-06-27
- Chapple, Taylor -
- WBSG (NEP): WBSG - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Charest-Gélinas, Philippe -
- SSLRS (OTN): SSLRS - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=170, LastModified=2024-06-04
- Chase, Robert -
- RCS (NEP): Chase Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=20, LastModified=2012-06-08
- Chauvaud, Laurent -
- MNB (OTN): Effect of shipping noise on Buccinum ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=714712, LastModified=2023-11-03
- Chavarie, Louise -
- V2LCREA (OTN): Developing Knowledge on the Status of ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=13135440, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Chavarie, Steve -
- V2LENGLB (OTN): VR2W Loan - Englobe - technician Type=Data, Records=14634484, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Chaves, Francisco -
- BOOMBARI (NEP): Acoustic Receiver on CICESE Buoy in ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=2, LastModified=2018-03-19
- Chaves-Zamora, Isaac -
- GSECR (MIGRAMAR): Gulfo de Santa Elena Megafauna Tracking - student Type=Data, Records=4931642, LastModified=2023-11-06
- Chávez Calderón, Elpis J. -
- MIGHIS (MIGRAMAR): Migramar historical tag data - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=62, LastModified=2019-11-19
- SOSP (MIGRAMAR): Saving Our Sharks Mexico - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=162029, LastModified=2023-06-16
- V2LCOCOS (MIGRAMAR): Long-term acoustic monitoring program of endagered ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2040807, LastModified=2023-11-02
- V2LCOSTERO (MIGRAMAR): Coastal tracking and monitoring of endangered ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=541288, LastModified=2023-03-08
- Cheel, Richard -
- BOOLUNA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity: LunaSea Solutions Wavebuoys - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=322990, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Cherkiss, Michael -
- USGSST (FACT): USGSST - (Tag) Sea Turtles in ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Chiaviello, Katherine -
- JUFBLN (FACT): JUFBLN - (Array) Primary nursery and ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Childress, Michael -
- CLEMPAR (FACT): CLEMPAR Tags- Influences of substrate composition ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Childs, Amber -
- BLUE (SAF): Endemic blue stingrays in the Knysna ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=30, LastModified=2023-02-10
- EAGL (SAF): Eagle ray movement patterns along coastal ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=26, LastModified=2023-02-13
- REDR (SAF): Estimating the impact of exploitation on ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=70, LastModified=2023-02-10
- SAIAB (SAF): SAIAB fish tracking - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=823, LastModified=2023-02-10
- V2LANG (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Angola - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1386889, LastModified=2019-12-20
- V2LSAROMN (SAF): South Africa Red Roman - researcher Type=Data, Records=2242884, LastModified=2024-04-04
- Chisholm, John -
- MMFSTS (OTN): MMF Sand Tiger Sharks - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=130, LastModified=2014-02-25
- MSRPWS (ACT): Massachusetts White Shark Research Program - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NGOMWS (ACT): MEDMR White Shark Monitoring - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Chittenden, Cedar -
- CHIT (NEP): Chittenden Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=120, LastModified=2012-07-13
- Choate, Kate -
- NEFSCGOM (ACT): NEFSC_GOM - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEFSCMARI (ACT): NEFSC_MA-RI - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEFSCMDATL (ACT): NEFSC_MIDATL - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEFSCSB (ACT): NEFSC_SBNMS - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Choi, Jae -
- SABMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: St. Anns Bank ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=6517895, LastModified=2024-11-04
- ZSC (OTN): Scotian Shelf Snow Crab Tagging - researcher Type=Data, Records=2351, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Cholewiak, Danielle -
- BOONSW (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - NOAA Salmon ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=440814, LastModified=2023-10-11
- Chong, Stephen -
- SMRWA (GLATOS): St Marys River Walleye Seasonal Migration ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Christensen, Villy -
- MLNCHK (NEP): Effects of ultraviolet radiation exposure on ... - author Type=Tracker, Records=1272, LastModified=2012-06-08
- Christie, Barrett -
- TMALIS (ACT): The Maritime Aquarium Long Island Sound ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Chumbinho, Rogerio -
- BOOSBI (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Smart Bay ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=215, LastModified=2022-10-19
- Cimino, Joe -
- CMAST (FACT): CMAST Array- Estimating survival and stock ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCCOBIA (FACT): NCCOBIA Tags- Stock structure of cobia - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Clabburn, Pete -
- Usk:2021-2024 (ETN): River Usk receiver network 2021-2024 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Clarke, Corey -
- FPS (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Salmon Tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=88, LastModified=2012-03-26
- Clarke, David -
- SwanseaBristolArray (ETN): Swansea Uni acoustic receiver array: Bristol ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Clarke, Keith -
- V2LEMERA (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Emera Snow ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=42540329, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Clark, Harrison -
- CRBSP (FACT): CRBSP - (Array) Investigating bull shark ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Clarkson, Jason -
- BOOSOAR (OTN): SOAR Tidal Generation - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=528790, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Clark, Tim -
- PSS1 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=800, LastModified=2011-03-14
- PSS2 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1356863, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Claussen, Julie -
- V2LGBI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Finding Bonefish ... - author Type=Data, Records=8493201, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Clemente, Tara -
- BOOPIRATA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - PIRATA - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=242, LastModified=2024-06-19
- BOORAMA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - RAMA - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=171, LastModified=2024-02-14
- Clementi, Gina -
- FLKSHK (FACT): FLKSHK Tags- Effects of Caribbean reef ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TETSHK (PIRAT): Tetiaroa Sharks - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=172, LastModified=2024-10-09
- Cliche, Levi -
- CARP (OTN): Annapolis River watershed anadromous species - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1030204, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Cliff, Geremy -
- KZNSB (SAF): KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board shark tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=44, LastModified=2014-08-28
- Cling Sr., Marvin -
- V2LPMQ (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Alewife Migration ... - resource provider Type=Data, Records=11923, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Clua, Eric -
- TETSHK (PIRAT): Tetiaroa Sharks - collaborator Type=Data, Records=172, LastModified=2024-10-09
- Coeck, Johan -
- 2011_Bovenschelde (ETN): 2011_Bovenschelde - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2011 Rivierprik (ETN): 2011 Rivierprik - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2012 Leopoldkanaal (ETN): 2012 Leopoldkanaal - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2013 Albertkanaal (ETN): 2013 Albertkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2014 Demer (ETN): 2014 Demer - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham (ETN): 2015_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015 Dijle (ETN): 2015 Dijle - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015 PhD Verhelst_eel (ETN): 2015 PhD Verhelst_eel - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2016_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham (ETN): 2016_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2016 PhD Vergeynst (ETN): 2016 PhD Vergeynst - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2017_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham (ETN): 2017_Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2019_Grotenete (ETN): 2019_Grotenete - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2019_Lake_Anundsjo (ETN): Lake_Anundsjo_VPS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2021_Dijle (ETN): Dijle_VPS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2022_Albertkanaal_VPS_Hasselt (ETN): 2022_Albertkanaal_VPS_Hasselt - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2024_bovenschelde (ETN): Acoustic telemetry network in the non-tidal ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Albertkanaal (ETN): Albertkanaal - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham (ETN): Albertkanaal_VPS_Ham - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Albertkanaal_VPS_Hasselt (ETN): Albertkanaal_VPS_Hasselt - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Demer (ETN): Demer - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dijle (ETN): Dijle - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Maas (ETN): 2013_Maas - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- rt2020_zeeschelde (ETN): rt2020_zeeschelde - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Westerschelde 2 (ETN): Westerschelde 2 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Westerschelde 3 (ETN): Westerschelde 3 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cohuo, Alfonso -
- V2LCETUS (OTN): CETUS: Cetacean, Elasmobranch, Turtle, and Seabird ... - student Type=Data, Records=185, LastModified=2023-08-25
- Cokan, Blaz -
- Marble (ETN): Comparative study of marble and rainbow ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MRTB (ETN): Marble vs rainbow trout - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Coleman, Felicia -
- FSUGG (FACT): FSUGG Tags- Spawning migration patterns of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Collard, Allison -
- CARP (OTN): Annapolis River watershed anadromous species - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1030204, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Collatos, Caroline -
- CCUSBR (FACT): CCUSBR Tags- Migratory movements of juvenile ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQACK (ACT): NEAQ: Nantucket Shark Tagging - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQSHA (ACT): NEAQSHA: New England Aquarium Array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Collette, Mélanie -
- V2LTL (NEP): OTN VR2W Loan - Trapper Lake - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=4162142, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Collier, Jessica -
- KRLAS (GLATOS): Kewaunee River Lake Sturgeon Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Collins, Patrick -
- V2LSMQUB (OTN): SeaMonitor - QUB Project - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=115, LastModified=2022-02-16
- Collins, Sean -
- V2LTL (NEP): OTN VR2W Loan - Trapper Lake - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=4162142, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Collins, Tim -
- V2LWMMC (SAF): OTN monitoring in the Mozambique Channel - researcher Type=Data, Records=1809, LastModified=2024-10-17
- Colm, Julia -
- TRCCM (GLATOS): Thames River Common Carp Movement Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Colson, Dylan -
- Walloneel (ETN): Silver Eel downstream migration in the ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Colton, Keeler -
- NCCSB (OTN): NunatuKavut Community Council's Striped Bass - student Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Comeau, Adam -
- GDL (OTN): Glider Operations - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=1292863, LastModified=2024-11-04
- GPZ (OTN): Gliderpalooza - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=222, LastModified=2022-04-01
- Comeau, Luc -
- CBS (OTN): OTN Cabot Strait Line - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=796046, LastModified=2024-10-31
- SPI (OTN): Shippagan, NB: Cod tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=1045, LastModified=2015-10-13
- Connell, Kenneth -
- BOOPIRATA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - PIRATA - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=242, LastModified=2024-06-19
- BOORAMA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - RAMA - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=171, LastModified=2024-02-14
- Connor, Ed -
- CNNR (NEP): Connor Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=764, LastModified=2014-12-15
- Conradie, Janneman -
- V2LMMFIN (OTN): OTN Loan: MMF - Inhambane - technician Type=Data, Records=1950, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Consuegra, Sonia -
- V2LFALK (OTN): Brown trout in the Falkland Islands - collaborator Type=Data, Records=3691, LastModified=2021-04-05
- Conway, Corinne -
- IFS1 (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Salmon Smolt DST ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=215, LastModified=2013-07-30
- IFS2 (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Salmon Kelt DST ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=108, LastModified=2013-07-30
- Cook, Adam -
- ZSC (OTN): Scotian Shelf Snow Crab Tagging - author Type=Data, Records=2351, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Cook, David -
- NSDFA (OTN): CMAR Nova Scotia Environmental Sensor Sites - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=5795410, LastModified=2024-06-27
- Cooke, Steven -
- BTTFLK (OTN): Spatial Ecology of Permit and Atlantic ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=12631948, LastModified=2024-11-04
- FLKSHK (FACT): FLKSHK Tags- Effects of Caribbean reef ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GTALPH (SAF): Response to recreational fishing, Seyechelles - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=4903618, LastModified=2024-06-13
- KWBT (NEP): Bull Trout in the Kinbasket Reservoir - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PSS1 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=800, LastModified=2011-03-14
- PSS2 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1356863, LastModified=2024-06-24
- TAAS (NEP): Tracking anadromous adult salmonids - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=368, LastModified=2018-04-04
- V2LEOR2 (OTN): American Eel Assesment at Hydropower Facility - collaborator Type=Data, Records=3269771, LastModified=2023-11-08
- V2LGBI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Finding Bonefish ... - author Type=Data, Records=8493201, LastModified=2024-10-31
- V2LUMI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Bahamas Tiger ... - author Type=Data, Records=237259, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LWLONA (OTN): Western Lake Ontario Nearshore Array - researcher Type=Data, Records=1046291, LastModified=2023-11-02
- Cook, Geoffrey -
- DRMUCF (OTN): Assessing the role of estuarine impoundments ... - contributor Type=Tracker, Records=60, LastModified=2017-11-09
- MULUCF (FACT): MULUCF Tags- Striped mullet migration patterns ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LDRUM (OTN): Assessing the role of estuarine impoundments ... - contributor Type=Deployment, Records=3138516, LastModified=2024-07-26
- Cook, Katrina -
- RABY (NEP): Raby Coho Salmon Tagging - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=840, LastModified=2015-05-12
- Cooney, Joesph -
- TBELASMO (OTN): Tralee Bay Elasmobranch tracking - technician Type=Data, Records=142, LastModified=2024-06-18
- Cooper, Robert -
- DTURT (FACT): DTURT - (Tag) Site Fidelity and ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Corbett, Steve -
- GDLGS (NEP): Paired Glider and Receiver Detections of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cote, Dave -
- ARLNAIN (OTN): Acoustic Release Loan - Rock Cod ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=232970, LastModified=2021-04-15
- NLGM (OTN): Effects of seismic activity on groundfish ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=344, LastModified=2023-10-19
- V2LEMERA (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Emera Snow ... - contributor Type=Data, Records=42540329, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Cotter, Deirdre -
- VMLSMMI (OTN): VMT Loan - SeaMonitor Marine Institute - researcher Type=Data, Records=614331, LastModified=2023-10-31
- Couto, Thiago -
- BKTIP (ACT): SERC Blacktip Shark Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BRAWSHAD (ACT): Brandywine Shad - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- BULLS (ACT): SERC Bull Shark Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBASR (ACT): SERC Atlantic Stingray Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBCNR (ACT): SERC Cownose Ray Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBJUVSB (ACT): SERC Juvenile Striped Bass Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CT001 (ACT): CT DEEP LIS array (Sec. 6 ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CTR0204 (ACT): CT River Sturgeon (2002-2004) - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CTRBBH (ACT): USGS Conte and USFWS - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CTSEC6 (ACT): CT DEEP Sturgeon movements in CT, ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CTSWG1 (ACT): CT DEEP Atlantic Sturgeon Studies 2006-2009 - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFALOSA (ACT): MADMF Alosine Telemetry - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFAN (ACT): MADMF Striped Bass Acoustic Arrays North - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFBOSWF (ACT): MADMF GOM Winter Flounder Studies - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFCS (ACT): MADMF Striped Bass Migration Ecology Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DSKYS (ACT): SERC Dusky Shark Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GOMHMS (ACT): MEDMR Highly Migratory Species - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HSCNY (ACT): SBU New York Horseshoe Crab - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LIARS (ACT): SBU Artificial Reef Habitat Use - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RUMFSWIND (ACT): RUMFS Ocean Wind Array - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SBUINGRAM (ACT): SBU - Ingram - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SERCSMDOG (ACT): SERC Smooth Dogfish Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SERCSPINR (ACT): SERC Spinner Shark Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SOFLONC (ACT): ECU Southern Flounder Spawning Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TNCBSBNC (ACT): TNC small black sea bass tagging ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UNCSHEEP (ACT): UNC Sheepshead movements - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VIMS4ACIPO (ACT): VIMS Sturgeon Project - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VIMS4CYN (ACT): VIMS Spotted Seatrout - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Couturier, Lydie -
- FISHINTEL (ETN): Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FISHOWF (ETN): FISHOWF_Array_France - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MMERMAID (ETN): MMERMAID_Array_France - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Covert, Paul -
- KURCH (OTN): KURCH - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1379, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Cowley, Paul -
- GEFT (SAF): Goukou Estuary fish tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=66, LastModified=2013-09-10
- MOZS (SAF): Mozambique shark tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=116, LastModified=2022-03-18
- ORE (SAF): Oceans Research elasmobranch tracking - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=239, LastModified=2023-02-10
- ORI (SAF): ORI Tags - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=40, LastModified=2021-07-27
- POZS (SAF): Ponta do Ouro zambezi shark tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=132, LastModified=2022-03-16
- SAF (SAF): OTN South African Array - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=9796712, LastModified=2024-02-28
- SAIAB (SAF): SAIAB fish tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=823, LastModified=2023-02-10
- SAIABR (SAF): South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=196, LastModified=2023-02-10
- SAIABS (SAF): South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=82, LastModified=2021-11-08
- TMNT (SAF): Turtle tracking in South Africa using ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=26, LastModified=2023-02-09
- V2LDHNR (SAF): De Hoop Nature Reserve Sharks - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=370780, LastModified=2024-06-13
- Cox, Derek -
- GGINEC (FACT): GGINEC Tags- Habitat use and movement ... - contributor Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TEQ (FACT): TEQ Array- FWRI multi-species array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Coxey, Mariana -
- V2LTAMS (OTN): Effectiveness of a no-take zone - contributor Type=Data, Records=199180, LastModified=2023-08-09
- Cox, Sam L. -
- SMUCC (OTN): SeaMonitor - UCC Project - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cozzola, Angelo -
- WBSAR (GLATOS): Winnebago System Acoustic Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Crane, Derek -
- V2LSCS (OTN): VR2W Loan - South Carolina Sharks - collaborator Type=Data, Records=38277, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Crawford, Richard -
- ALS (OTN): OTN Arctic Lancaster Sound Array - collaborator Type=Data, Records=34668449, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Crear, Dan -
- VIMCHES (FACT): VIMCHES Array- Southeast Chesapeake Bay array - student (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VIMCOB (FACT): VIMCOB Tags- Movements of cobia within ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Crews, Julia -
- MONTAUK11 (ACT): OSEAS - Seasonal Shortfin Mako Shark ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cronje, Paul -
- TOA (SAF): Two Oceans Aquarium raggedtooth shark tagging - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=58, LastModified=2022-02-10
- Crossin, Glenn -
- BDK (OTN): Overwinter biology, migrations, and carryover effects ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=222, LastModified=2016-12-20
- FWS (NEP): OTN Canada Fraser River White Sturgeon ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1632226, LastModified=2024-10-24
- KERG (OTN): Kerguelen Brown Trout Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2240816, LastModified=2023-11-03
- PBSM (OTN): Quoddy Region Pelagics Telemetry - collaborator Type=Data, Records=45493883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- SCIUI (OTN): Stress On the Reef - author Type=Data, Records=987444, LastModified=2022-10-25
- V2LATSLM (OTN): SPG - Atlantic salmon migration, survival ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=5386, LastModified=2023-03-08
- V2LCBHNP (OTN): Cape Breton Highlands National Park salmon ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=163203, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LCHASES (OTN): Consequences of land-use change and human ... - author Type=Data, Records=3274343, LastModified=2024-06-24
- V2LFALK (OTN): Brown trout in the Falkland Islands - collaborator Type=Data, Records=3691, LastModified=2021-04-05
- VEMTB (OTN): High-resolution tracking of parrotfish in the ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=8576296, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Crothers, Patrick -
- SMAFBI (OTN): Seamonitor: River Bush study - technician Type=Data, Records=29862, LastModified=2022-06-13
- Crough, Kiernan -
- MDRSHARK (ACT): COA Shark Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Crowder, Andrew -
- USGSST (FACT): USGSST - (Tag) Sea Turtles in ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Crundwell, Charles -
- SwanseaBristolArray (ETN): Swansea Uni acoustic receiver array: Bristol ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cruz-Marrero, Wilmelie -
- BCNCBO (ACT): NCBO Back Creek - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBBBMB (ACT): UMCES Chesapeake Backbone, Mid-Bay - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBBBN (ACT): NCBO-MD DNR Chesapeake Backbone North - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBBBS (ACT): NCBO-VMRC Chesapeake Backbone South - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBIBS (ACT): NCBO CBIBS - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CHOPTANK (ACT): NCBO Choptank array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HYPOXIA (ACT): NCBO Hypoxia - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cuatrecasas, Andrea -
- MIGRATOEBRE (ETN): MIGRATOEBRE - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cudmore, Becky -
- SLRRT (OTN): Tench in the St. Lawrence River - collaborator Type=Data, Records=292, LastModified=2020-04-24
- Culberson, Abigale -
- UNBLMB (OTN): UNB Largemouth Bass - student Type=Data, Records=18, LastModified=2023-04-11
- Cullain, Nakia -
- V2LMMFIN (OTN): OTN Loan: MMF - Inhambane - researcher Type=Data, Records=1950, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Cummins, Alex -
- GACRA (FACT): GACRA Array- Georgia Offshore Coastal Receiver ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GADNRMISC (FACT): GADNRMISC Tags- Multi-Species Tagging Project. - technician Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GADNRRD (FACT): GADNRRD Tags- Georgia red drum tagging - technician Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GADNRTT (FACT): GADNRTT Tags- Monitoring movement and survival ... - technician Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GAOS (FACT): GAOS Array- Monitoring movement and survival ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GAWAS (FACT): GAWAS Array - Red Drum Monitoring ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Curry, Allen -
- CASSB (OTN): UNB Atlantic sturgeon and striped bass ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=10225817, LastModified=2024-10-31
- CBT (OTN): Movements of Brown Trout in the ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1826197, LastModified=2024-06-25
- TNGS (OTN): Assessing the efficiency of the downstream ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=67574, LastModified=2023-11-02
- TNGS (OTN): Assessing the efficiency of the downstream ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=67574, LastModified=2023-11-02
- UNBEEL (OTN): UNB Ecology of the American eel - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=9006688, LastModified=2024-11-04
- UNBLMB (OTN): UNB Largemouth Bass - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=18, LastModified=2023-04-11
- Curtis, Judd -
- V2LTEXAAN (OTN): Texas Acoustic Array Network - Corpus ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2708, LastModified=2020-04-29
- Curtis, Tobey -
- NYSHARKS (ACT): New York Juvenile White Shark Study - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cypher, Alysha -
- PWS (NEP): OTN Prince William Sound Array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=2173734, LastModified=2024-11-01
- Dadswell, Mike -
- BSB (OTN): Cape Breton Striped Bass - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1454657, LastModified=2024-07-25
- HRFORCE (OTN): Quantifying fish-turbine interactions using new high ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=8171179, LastModified=2023-10-15
- MFAL (OTN): Movement patterns of American lobsters in ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=100, LastModified=2018-01-19
- MPD (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Sturgeon Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=16824227, LastModified=2024-11-04
- V2LNSSB (OTN): Nova Scotia Striped Bass Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=824564, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Dahl, Alisa -
- CDFWA21 (PATH): CDFWA21 - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dainys, Justas -
- SEMP (ETN): Semp Lithuania - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - researcher Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- Dales, Jack -
- JUFBLN (FACT): JUFBLN - (Array) Primary nursery and ... - student Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Daley, Jennifer -
- LEOSW (GLATOS): Icebreaker Wind Fish Behavior Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Daly, Ryan -
- IWP (SAF): IWP fish tracking - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=128, LastModified=2017-10-19
- MOZS (SAF): Mozambique shark tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=116, LastModified=2022-03-18
- ORIS (SAF): Oceanographic Research Institute sharks - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=174, LastModified=2023-02-10
- POZS (SAF): Ponta do Ouro zambezi shark tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=132, LastModified=2022-03-16
- SAIABR (SAF): South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=196, LastModified=2023-02-10
- SAIABS (SAF): South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=82, LastModified=2021-11-08
- V2LMMFIN (OTN): OTN Loan: MMF - Inhambane - researcher Type=Data, Records=1950, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Damon-Randall, Kimberly -
- GMS (OTN): Gulf of Maine Sturgeon - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=982, LastModified=2019-12-02
- Dance, Michael -
- MKOIO (PIRAT): Molokai Oio Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=511103, LastModified=2023-10-10
- Daniels, Jason -
- PBSM (OTN): Quoddy Region Pelagics Telemetry - collaborator Type=Data, Records=45493883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Daniels, Miles -
- UCSCNOAAOT22 (PATH): UCSCNOAAOT22 - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=553, LastModified=2024-04-12
- Danielson, Seth -
- PWS (NEP): OTN Prince William Sound Array - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=2173734, LastModified=2024-11-01
- D'Anna, Giovanni -
- ARAISOLA02 (ETN): ARAISOLA02 - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ARAISOLA03 (ETN): ARAISOLA03 - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SARTELARAM (ETN): SARTELARAM - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SARTELTG (ETN): SARTELTG - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SARTELZINGARO (ETN): SARTELZINGARO - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Danylchuk, Andy -
- ALGLFP (PIRAT): Anaa Atoll Bonefish - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=106546, LastModified=2023-11-07
- BTTFLK (OTN): Spatial Ecology of Permit and Atlantic ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=12631948, LastModified=2024-11-04
- GTALPH (SAF): Response to recreational fishing, Seyechelles - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=4903618, LastModified=2024-06-13
- UMASSHK (FACT): UMASSSHK Tags - Shark Community around ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Darden, Tanya -
- CMAST (FACT): CMAST Array- Estimating survival and stock ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCCOBIA (FACT): NCCOBIA Tags- Stock structure of cobia - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- da Silva, Charlene -
- BRFT (SAF): Breede River fish tracking - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=116, LastModified=2016-12-07
- Davidsen, Anette -
- V2LTROD (OTN): OTN Loan - Salmonids in Trondheimsfjorden - technician Type=Data, Records=9861100, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Davidsen, Jan Grimsrud -
- Crab_behavior_aquaculture_Norway (ETN): Behaviour of Cancer pagurus in proximity ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- EMMN (ETN): EMMN - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- KERG (OTN): Kerguelen Brown Trout Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2240816, LastModified=2023-11-03
- NTNU Gaulosen (ETN): NTNU-Gaulosen - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- OTN-Skjerstadfjorden (ETN): OTN-Skjerstadfjorden - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- OTN-Tosenfjorden (ETN): OTN-Tosenfjorden - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RNP (OTN): NTNU River Nidelva Project - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=3589922, LastModified=2023-12-19
- V2LBEIAR (OTN): OTN Loan - Beiarfjorden - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=6356015, LastModified=2023-10-31
- V2LCHASES (OTN): Consequences of land-use change and human ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=3274343, LastModified=2024-06-24
- V2LGAC (OTN): Greenland Arctic Char - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=9631333, LastModified=2024-10-31
- V2LGAC2 (OTN): Greenland Arctic Charr - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=5756963, LastModified=2024-11-04
- V2LMJO (OTN): V2LMJO - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LNR (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Norway - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=15380039, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LTROD (OTN): OTN Loan - Salmonids in Trondheimsfjorden - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=9861100, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Davies, Peter -
- UtS (ETN): Unlocking the Severn - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Davis, Chris -
- CLHLS (GLATOS): Lake-wide movements of Lake Sturgeon in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CLHLT (GLATOS): Lake-wide movements of Lake Trout in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CLHWA (GLATOS): Lake-wide movements of Walleye in Lake ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LHCAN (GLATOS): Acoustic Receivers in Canadian Waters of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LHLWF (GLATOS): Lake-wide movements of Lake Whitefish in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Davis, Matt -
- GOMHMS (ACT): MEDMR Highly Migratory Species - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NGOMWS (ACT): MEDMR White Shark Monitoring - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Davis, Richard -
- GDL (OTN): Glider Operations - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=1292863, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Dawdy, Ashley -
- ABCOWN (FACT): ABCOWN Tags - Ontogenetic and seasonal ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- APBAY (FACT): APBAY Array- Apalachicola Bay Acoustic Array - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- APFISH (FACT): APFISH Tags- Predator-prey interactions in a ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dawson, Heather -
- FRFHR (GLATOS): Flint River Fish and Habitat Restoration - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- de Albuquerque Martins, Cristiane C. -
- BOOSSL (OTN): BOOSSL - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=22, LastModified=2024-10-23
- DeAngelis, Bryan -
- UMASSHK (FACT): UMASSSHK Tags - Shark Community around ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DeAngelis, Monica -
- PVN (OTN): Harbor Seal Distribution in US waters - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=8, LastModified=2021-11-10
- De Backer, Annelies -
- JJ_Belwind (ETN): Belwind temporary acoustic receiver network 2020 ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- de Boer, Marcus -
- Fish_Mig_Wad_Sea (ETN): Fish migration from source to Waddensea - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Debusschere, Elisabeth -
- APELAFICO (ETN): Acoustic Ecology of Pelagic Fish Communities - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cpodnetwork (ETN): cpodnetwork - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PelFish (ETN): Duurzame economische dragers in Vlaamse kustvisserijgemeenschappen ... - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- De Clippele, Laurence -
- SPONGE (OTN): OTN Sponge Ground Landers - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=628, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Degraer, Steven -
- 2010_PHD_REUBENS (ETN): 2010_phd_reubens - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2010_phd_Reubens_sync (ETN): 2010_phd_reubens_sync - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Thorntonbank (ETN): Thorntonbank - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Degroot, Breanna -
- HBMOTE (FACT): HBMOTE Tags- Spotted Eagle Ray Movement ... - data custodian Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HBOSER (FACT): HBOSER Tags- East Coast Spotted Eagle ... - data custodian Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MONGOM (FACT): MONGOM - (Tag) Movement patterns of ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MOTGAS (FACT): MOTGAS - (Tag) Movement patterns of ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MOTSER (FACT): MOTSER Tags- Movement patterns of spotted ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCAN (FACT): SCAN Array- Multi-species movements along west ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Delarue, Coralie -
- V2LGAC (OTN): Greenland Arctic Char - student Type=Data, Records=9631333, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Dell Apa, Andrea -
- BOOOBC (OTN): Habitat use of coastal sharks in ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=23698, LastModified=2020-02-14
- del Rio Fernandez, Joaquin -
- RESBIO (ETN): Redes de Sensores submarinos autonomos para ... - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- del Villar, Diego -
- SMLA (OTN): SeaMonitor - Defining the migration route ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=3852759, LastModified=2022-08-31
- De Maerteleire, Nico -
- 2011 Rivierprik (ETN): 2011 Rivierprik - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2012 Leopoldkanaal (ETN): 2012 Leopoldkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2013 Albertkanaal (ETN): 2013 Albertkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2014 Demer (ETN): 2014 Demer - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015 Dijle (ETN): 2015 Dijle - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015 PhD Verhelst_eel (ETN): 2015 PhD Verhelst_eel - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2019_Lake_Anundsjo (ETN): Lake_Anundsjo_VPS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2024_bovenschelde (ETN): Acoustic telemetry network in the non-tidal ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Maas (ETN): 2013_Maas - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dembkowski, Daniel -
- GBGLW (GLATOS): Green Bay Grid Lake Whitefish - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GWDNR (GLATOS): Green Bay Wisconsin DNR - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Demers, Ebony -
- SNMCG (OTN): MCG SOFAR Buoy - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=3, LastModified=2022-05-31
- Dempson, Brian -
- IFS3 (OTN): Salmonids in the north - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=4843754, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Demuynck, Jozefien -
- APELAFICO (ETN): Acoustic Ecology of Pelagic Fish Communities - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Deneudt, Klaas -
- 2015_Homarus (ETN): 2015_Homarus - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- APELAFICO (ETN): Acoustic Ecology of Pelagic Fish Communities - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cpodnetwork (ETN): cpodnetwork - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PBARN (ETN): BPNS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Westerschelde 1 (ETN): Westerschelde 1 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- den Heyer, Cornelia -
- GSFP (OTN): Quantifying grey seal foraging pressure (abundance ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2024-04-16
- GULMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Gully Marine Protected ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=76947, LastModified=2024-10-31
- HALIBT (OTN): HaliBT Project - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=3804326, LastModified=2024-10-31
- NCAT (OTN): Northern Cod Acoustic Telemetry - researcher Type=Data, Records=75153, LastModified=2024-10-15
- VMLPPWS (OTN): Spatiotemporal associations and interactions between grey ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=660, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Denny, Shelley -
- BDLSPG (OTN): Apoqnmatulti'k - Bras D'Or Lake - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=23195965, LastModified=2024-11-04
- ESRF (OTN): ESRF Atlantic Salmon Offshore Tracking Project - collaborator Type=Data, Records=25088809, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Derridj, Olivier -
- CONNECT-MED (ETN): Connectivity of coastal fish in the ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Desmet, Peter -
- 2010_PHD_REUBENS (ETN): 2010_phd_reubens - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2011 Rivierprik (ETN): 2011 Rivierprik - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2012 Leopoldkanaal (ETN): 2012 Leopoldkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2013 Albertkanaal (ETN): 2013 Albertkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2014 Demer (ETN): 2014 Demer - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015 Dijle (ETN): 2015 Dijle - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015_Homarus (ETN): 2015_Homarus - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015 PhD Verhelst_cod (ETN): 2015 PhD Verhelst_cod - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015 PhD Verhelst_eel (ETN): 2015 PhD Verhelst_eel - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Deveau, Gabrielle -
- OAKEEL (OTN): Oakland Lake Eel - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=182593, LastModified=2021-08-05
- Devine, Brynn -
- AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking - technician Type=Data, Records=43625155, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Devitt, Steven -
- NCAT (OTN): Northern Cod Acoustic Telemetry - collaborator Type=Data, Records=75153, LastModified=2024-10-15
- DeVoe, William -
- MEHAL (OTN): Maine Department of Marine Resources Atlantic ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=740353, LastModified=2024-11-04
- NGOMWS (ACT): MEDMR White Shark Monitoring - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- de Vries, Iwan -
- Swimway Vechte (ETN): Swimway Vechte - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- de Young, Brad -
- GOOMUN (OTN): Gliders of Opportunity - Memorial University - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=53589, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Dhellemmes, Felicie -
- Boddenhecht (ETN): Boddenhecht - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Diamant, Stella -
- NOSYBE (SAF): Madagascar Whale Sharks - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2200, LastModified=2024-06-20
- V2LPOINTA (SAF): V2LPOINTA - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LWMMC (SAF): OTN monitoring in the Mozambique Channel - collaborator Type=Data, Records=1809, LastModified=2024-10-17
- Diaz Viñolas, David -
- Scytrack (ETN): Scytrack - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dicken, Matt -
- TZWS (SAF): Thresher, zambezi, and white shark tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=49, LastModified=2016-12-06
- V2LKZNSB (SAF): The occurrence and movement patterns of ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=3454, LastModified=2022-03-26
- V2LMOZ (SAF): Tracking large sharks in the coastal ... - author Type=Data, Records=73463, LastModified=2023-12-05
- Dick, Terry -
- ACS (OTN): OTN Arctic Cumberland Sound Array - resource provider Type=Data, Records=2356030, LastModified=2024-08-23
- ALS (OTN): OTN Arctic Lancaster Sound Array - resource provider Type=Data, Records=34668449, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Di Franco, Antonio -
- SARTELTG (ETN): SARTELTG - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DiGiacomo, Alexandra -
- TOPPWS (NEP): TOPPWS - student Type=Data, Records=766, LastModified=2024-06-14
- DiGiovanni, Robert -
- PVN (OTN): Harbor Seal Distribution in US waters - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=8, LastModified=2021-11-10
- DiMarco, Steven -
- GOOTAM (OTN): GOOTAM - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dionne, Mélanie -
- ISMRS (OTN): INRS Sainte-Marguerite River salmon - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=24, LastModified=2014-12-16
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Dionne, Phillip -
- DION (NEP): Northeast Pacific Green Sturgeon Tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=740, LastModified=2021-03-11
- Diviney, Chris -
- CDFWA21 (PATH): CDFWA21 - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dixon, Olivia -
- BTWMOL (OTN): BTW Ocean sunfish - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=14, LastModified=2022-11-28
- V2LBTW (OTN): Beneath the Waves - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2526661, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Dmytriw, Russel -
- BOOFORCE (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - FORCE Tidal ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=36372, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Dodd, Jamie -
- LamTre20/21 (ETN): River_lamprey_River Trent_2020/21 - originator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LamYorOus18-20 (ETN): River_Lamprey_Yorkshire Ouse_2018-20 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dodd, Jane -
- LESPUR (OTN): Spatial Ecology of spurdog (Squalus acanthias) ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=772453, LastModified=2024-04-05
- Dodd, Jon -
- ASIARRAY (ACT): ASI - Acoustic Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ASIBLKTIP (ACT): ASI Blacktip Shark Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ASISPINNER (ACT): ASI Spinner Shark Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ASIWHITE (ACT): ASI White Shark Study, Southern NE - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ASIWHITE21 (ACT): ASI & O'Seas - White Shark ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dodge, Kara -
- NEAQSHA (ACT): NEAQSHA: New England Aquarium Array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQTURTLE (ACT): NEAQTURT: Sea turtle tagging - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dodson, Julian -
- ISMRS (OTN): INRS Sainte-Marguerite River salmon - resource provider Type=Tracker, Records=24, LastModified=2014-12-16
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Doerr, Holly -
- RSTSNCA (FACT): RSTSNCA Array- North Carolina shipwreck array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RSTSNCT (FACT): RSTSNCT Tags- Reproductive life history of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UNCST (FACT): UNCST Tags- Movements of sand tiger ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Doerr, Jennifer -
- NOAACONCH (FACT): NOAACONCH Tags - Movement of Queen ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Doka, Susan -
- V2LWLONA (OTN): Western Lake Ontario Nearshore Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1046291, LastModified=2023-11-02
- Doksæter Sivle, Lise -
- SPAWNSEIS (ETN): SPAWNSEIS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dolby, Jes -
- Limfjord (ETN): Limfjord - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Domingos, Isabel -
- PTN-Silver eel-Mondego (ETN): PTN-Silver eel-Mondego - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Donnellan, Michael -
- PGS (NEP): Migration and Habitat Use of Green ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=759678, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Dorow, Malte -
- 2011_Warnow (ETN): 2011_Warnow - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Doughty, Lynda -
- PVN (OTN): Harbor Seal Distribution in US waters - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=8, LastModified=2021-11-10
- Dove, Alistair DM -
- GAICFS (FACT): GAICFS Array- Movement of Manta Rays - contributor Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MANGA (FACT): MANGA - (Tag) Habitat use of ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Downton, Peter -
- IFS1 (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Salmon Smolt DST ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=215, LastModified=2013-07-30
- Doyle, Tom -
- CESB (OTN): CMRC European Sea Bass Tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=28, LastModified=2014-02-13
- V2LCETUS (OTN): CETUS: Cetacean, Elasmobranch, Turtle, and Seabird ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=185, LastModified=2023-08-25
- Draime, Alexandra -
- V2LBLFK (OTN): V2LBLFK - technician Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Drake, Daniel -
- SKWAE (GLATOS): 2021 Skaneateles Walleye - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Drenner, Matt -
- PSS1 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=800, LastModified=2011-03-14
- Driscoll, Christopher -
- BHMUS (GLATOS): Buffalo Harbor Muskellunge - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Driscoll, Sarah -
- MABASKMOLA (ACT): BOEM Livin' Large and Low - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Drobniewska, Natalia -
- SASC (SAF): SASC - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=40, LastModified=2022-06-07
- Drouin, Annick -
- CIL (OTN): Crow Island Lobster - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=7215635, LastModified=2024-06-25
- SLRRT (OTN): Tench in the St. Lawrence River - researcher Type=Data, Records=292, LastModified=2020-04-24
- V2LBDP (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Baie de ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2739906, LastModified=2023-11-02
- V2LMAL (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Malpeque Bay ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=7431322, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LMAL1 (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Malpeque Bay ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1218021, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LRIC (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - 2016 Malpeque ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2223652, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LSTADC (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - 2016 Doctors ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=13109410, LastModified=2024-10-31
- V2LSTANI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - 2016 Navy ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=10394645, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Drumm, Alan -
- TBELASMO (OTN): Tralee Bay Elasmobranch tracking - technician Type=Data, Records=142, LastModified=2024-06-18
- DuFour, Mark -
- LEYPA (GLATOS): Lake Erie Yellow Perch Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Duguid, Will -
- CCSALMON (NEP): Mortality, Movements, and Migration Timing of ... - co-investigator Type=Data, Records=420757, LastModified=2019-12-20
- V2LCOBS (NEP): VR2W Loan - Cowichan Bay Salmon - student Type=Data, Records=817947, LastModified=2024-06-19
- V2LSOGCK (NEP): Differential migration behaviour of Chinook Salmon ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=403762, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Dumont, Pierre -
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Dunton, Keith -
- BTWMOL (OTN): BTW Ocean sunfish - researcher Type=Data, Records=14, LastModified=2022-11-28
- FDT (OTN): Frisk and Dunton Tags - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=2, LastModified=2014-02-10
- MUFISH (ACT): Monmouth University Coastal Fisheries Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MUNCSHARK (ACT): Monmouth University-Nature Conservancy Sharks - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MURMI (ACT): Monmouth University - NJDEP RMI - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SBUSTURG (ACT): SBU Sturgeon study 2010-2014 - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Du Plessis, Jean -
- GEFT (SAF): Goukou Estuary fish tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=66, LastModified=2013-09-10
- Dupuis-Desormeaux, Marc -
- TWRWT (GLATOS): Toronto Waterfront Restored Wetlands Turtles - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dupuis, Todd -
- RRT (OTN): PEI Rainbow Trout Tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=688852, LastModified=2020-08-11
- Dureuil, Manuel -
- NSBS (OTN): OTN NS Blue Shark Tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1194, LastModified=2024-10-10
- V2LCV (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Cabo Verde: ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=33681, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Durland, Allison -
- FSCTB (FACT): FSCTB - (Array) Long-term assessment of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSCTBT (FACT): FSCTBT - (Tag) Long-term assessment of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dussureault, Johanne -
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Dutka-Gianelli, Jynessa -
- TQCSPP (FACT): TQCSPP Tags- Apex predators in coastal ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TQLMB (FACT): TQLMB Tags- Apex predators in coastal ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Dwyer, Ross -
- V2L7GILL (OTN): V2L7GILL - researcher Type=Data, Records=94, LastModified=2024-06-18
- Dyson, Danielle -
- BSRP2 (ACT): RUMFS - BOEM Sand Ridge Phase ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MUNCSHARK (ACT): Monmouth University-Nature Conservancy Sharks - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NJDEPSTURG (ACT): NJDEP Delaware Bay Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RUMFS01 (ACT): RUMFS Observatory - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RUMFSWIND (ACT): RUMFS Ocean Wind Array - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SHS3974 (ACT): RUMFS Structured Habitat - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Eberhardt, Alyson -
- V2LNHGB (OTN): OTN Loan - Value of estuaries ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=10974, LastModified=2022-07-25
- Edman, Bobby -
- SCDNRTIG (FACT): SCDNRTIG Tags- Movement and habitat utilization ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Edwards, Catherine -
- GOOUGA (OTN): Glider of Opportunity - University of ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GRNMSAUV (FACT): GRNMSAUV Mobile Array- Connectivity of GRNMS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Edwards, Ewan -
- V2LIMFSTP (OTN): OTN VR2AR Loan - Marine Scotland ... - resource provider Type=Data, Records=42548979, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Edwards, Jena -
- SWIMWAY_2021 (ETN): SWIMWAY_2021 - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Eggenberger, Cody -
- V2LCELA (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Coastal Everglades ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=7355092, LastModified=2024-02-06
- Eggleston, David -
- CRFLII (FACT): CRFLII Array- Persistence and Habitat Use ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GALAP (FACT): GALAP - (Array) Galapagos-Assessing the Interacting ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCCFOS (FACT): NCCFOS - (Array) Completing the Pamlico ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Eiler, John -
- PWSPH (NEP): PWSSC Pacific Herring - resource provider Type=Tracker, Records=1120, LastModified=2020-01-21
- Eissenhauer, Felix -
- UNBEEL (OTN): UNB Ecology of the American eel - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=9006688, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Eldøy, Sindre Håvard -
- V2LGAC2 (OTN): Greenland Arctic Charr - researcher Type=Data, Records=5756963, LastModified=2024-11-04
- V2LTROD (OTN): OTN Loan - Salmonids in Trondheimsfjorden - researcher Type=Data, Records=9861100, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Elings, Jelger -
- 2021_Dijle (ETN): Dijle_VPS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Elliot, Brad -
- V2LOLTD (OTN): Fish Tag Receiver Study - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=5, LastModified=2021-07-22
- Elliott, Riley -
- NITS (OTN): NITS - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=24, LastModified=2020-07-17
- Ellis, Robert -
- COBGMA (FACT): COBGOMA Array- Movements of Cobia in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- COBREPRO (FACT): COBREPRO Tags- Cobia reproduction in Florida - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSUGG (FACT): FSUGG Tags- Spawning migration patterns of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSUGGA (FACT): FSUGGA Array- Spawning of the Atlantic ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GGINEC (FACT): GGINEC Tags- Habitat use and movement ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GGINWC (FACT): GGINWC Tags - Goliath grouper in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TBHOG (FACT): TBHOG Tags - Hogfish Movements - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TBHOGA (FACT): TBHOGA Array - Tampa Bay Hogfish ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TBOFF (FACT): TBOFF Array- Tampa Bay Artificial Reef ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TBPERM (FACT): TBPERM Tags- Tracking permit migrations - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Elston, Chantel -
- BLUE (SAF): Endemic blue stingrays in the Knysna ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=30, LastModified=2023-02-10
- ELAS (SAF): spatial ecology of chondricthyans in False ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=30, LastModified=2023-02-10
- Emery, Pamela -
- GOODFO (OTN): Glider of Opportunity - DFO acoustic ... - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=11, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Encarnação, João -
- BlueCrab2022Algarve (ETN): Unravelling the migrations of the invasive ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Engelbrecht, Tamlyn -
- SSST (SAF): Shark Spotters shark tracking - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=177, LastModified=2022-03-18
- Erasmus, Corné -
- BRFT (SAF): Breede River fish tracking - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=116, LastModified=2016-12-07
- Erickson, Daniel -
- ERKSN (NEP): Erickson Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=116, LastModified=2012-07-17
- PGS (NEP): Migration and Habitat Use of Green ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=759678, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Ertle, Tom -
- RUMFS01 (ACT): RUMFS Observatory - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Erzini, Karim -
- INFORBIOMARES (ETN): Inforbiomares - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Espinoza, Eduardo -
- GMR (MIGRAMAR): Galapagos Marine Reserve - researcher Type=Data, Records=63017, LastModified=2022-10-19
- Espinoza, Mario -
- GSECR (MIGRAMAR): Gulfo de Santa Elena Megafauna Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=4931642, LastModified=2023-11-06
- SEBCR (MIGRAMAR): 180khz Tagging in Santa Elena Bay, ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1644909, LastModified=2022-10-07
- Essington, Tim -
- ESS (NEP): Essington Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=103, LastModified=2012-07-17
- Esteban, Nicole -
- SwanseaBristolArray (ETN): Swansea Uni acoustic receiver array: Bristol ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Evans, Melissa -
- IFS1 (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Salmon Smolt DST ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=215, LastModified=2013-07-30
- IFS2 (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Salmon Kelt DST ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=108, LastModified=2013-07-30
- Evans, Simon -
- Usk:2021-2024 (ETN): River Usk receiver network 2021-2024 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Evora, Dario -
- V2LCV (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Cabo Verde: ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=33681, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Ewen, Kristen -
- USCAN (FACT): USCAN Array- U.S. Caribbean Acoustic Network - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Eyler, Sheila -
- SUSQAME (ACT): Susquehanna River American Eel Migration - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Émond, Kim -
- GSLHER (OTN): Gulf of St. Lawrence Herring - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=519115, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Facendola, Joe -
- NCDMFA3 (ACT): NCDMF Cape Fear River Arrays - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFS2 (ACT): NCDMF Anadromous Fisheries Tagging Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFS3 (ACT): NCDMF Multi-Species Tagging Program - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fairclough, David -
- CCK (OTN): Cockburn Sound WA - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2011-03-14
- Fallas-Madrigal, Diego -
- GSECR (MIGRAMAR): Gulfo de Santa Elena Megafauna Tracking - student Type=Data, Records=4931642, LastModified=2023-11-06
- Fallows, Chris -
- V2LDHNR (SAF): De Hoop Nature Reserve Sharks - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=370780, LastModified=2024-06-13
- Falterman, Brett -
- YNWSYR (ACT): NAVFAC York River Array - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fanelli, Emaneula -
- SHAM (SAF): Smooth hammerhead shark tracking in Mossel ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=22, LastModified=2023-02-10
- Fangman, Sarah -
- VMLUSF (OTN): OTN VMT Loan - USF - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=278, LastModified=2022-10-26
- Fangue, Nann -
- UCDCORE (PATH): Core Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=3053, LastModified=2022-07-14
- UCDHIST (PATH): Multi-Agency Fish Tracking Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=59492315, LastModified=2024-08-29
- VMLSOCBS (OTN): A novel approach to observing the ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=18, LastModified=2023-02-10
- Farabaugh, Naomi F. -
- TETSHK (PIRAT): Tetiaroa Sharks - researcher Type=Data, Records=172, LastModified=2024-10-09
- Farmer, Nicholas -
- NOAAMAN (FACT): NOAAMAN Tags- NOAA Manta Ray Conservation ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Farquharson, Susan -
- PBSM (OTN): Quoddy Region Pelagics Telemetry - collaborator Type=Data, Records=45493883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Farrell, John -
- SLMKY (GLATOS): St. Lawrence River Muskellunge Project - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Farrell, Tony -
- PSS1 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=800, LastModified=2011-03-14
- PSS2 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1356863, LastModified=2024-06-24
- TAAS (NEP): Tracking anadromous adult salmonids - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=368, LastModified=2018-04-04
- Farrugia, Thomas -
- PSSME (NEP): PSSME - collaborator Type=Data, Records=48, LastModified=2024-04-22
- Faulkner, Connor -
- RANK (OTN): RANK - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=96, LastModified=2024-06-05
- Faust, Matthew -
- DAMWE (GLATOS): Dam Impacts on Sandusky River Walleye - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSHDO (GLATOS): Understanding Fish Responses to Low Dissolved ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LGLFC (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Lake Erie ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1627107, LastModified=2024-07-26
- WAEMF (GLATOS): Lake Erie Walleye Mixed Fisheries - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- WBWAE (GLATOS): Mixed Stock Walleye in Western Lake ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Feindel, Nathaniel -
- PML (OTN): Port Mouton Lobster - collaborator Type=Data, Records=97975952, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Fenton, Derek -
- SABMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: St. Anns Bank ... - contributor Type=Data, Records=6517895, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Ferguson, Patrick -
- SJRRP (NEP): San Joaquin River Restoration Program - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=756546, LastModified=2023-07-21
- Ferguson, Steve -
- ACS (OTN): OTN Arctic Cumberland Sound Array - collaborator Type=Data, Records=2356030, LastModified=2024-08-23
- ALS (OTN): OTN Arctic Lancaster Sound Array - collaborator Type=Data, Records=34668449, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Fernández Muñiz, Carlota -
- APELAFICO (ETN): Acoustic Ecology of Pelagic Fish Communities - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FISHINTEL (ETN): Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ferreira, Beatrice -
- V2LTAMS (OTN): Effectiveness of a no-take zone - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=199180, LastModified=2023-08-09
- Feunteun, Eric -
- 2011_Loire (ETN): 2011_Loire - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2017_Fremur (ETN): 2017_Fremur - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ESGL (ETN): ESGL - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fidiarisandratra, Léonce -
- NOSYBE (SAF): Madagascar Whale Sharks - technician Type=Data, Records=2200, LastModified=2024-06-20
- Fiedler, Bjoern -
- GOOGMR (OTN): Gliders of Opportunity - GEOMAR - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=5, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Filmalter, JD -
- KLOT (SAF): Dusky Kob and White Steebras Movement ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=30, LastModified=2022-03-14
- MOZS (SAF): Mozambique shark tracking - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=116, LastModified=2022-03-18
- SAIABR (SAF): South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=196, LastModified=2023-02-10
- SAIABS (SAF): South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=82, LastModified=2021-11-08
- Filous, Alexander -
- ALGLFP (PIRAT): Anaa Atoll Bonefish - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=106546, LastModified=2023-11-07
- MNUI (PIRAT): Molokini and Maui Nui - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=203608, LastModified=2024-06-24
- PECO (PIRAT): Palau FAD and EcoBuoy - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=67816, LastModified=2023-10-25
- PLAUTNA (PIRAT): Palau FADs and Tuna - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=24492, LastModified=2023-11-07
- Finger, Dennis -
- DWROTAT2004 (PATH): DWROTAT2004 - researcher Type=Data, Records=1868761, LastModified=2024-06-28
- Finkes, Ben -
- RPS2022GG (ACT): RPS Multi-Client Survey - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Finlay, Caroline -
- SMAFBI (OTN): Seamonitor: River Bush study - collaborator Type=Data, Records=29862, LastModified=2022-06-13
- SMGMIT (OTN): SeaMonitor - GMIT Project - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SMLA (OTN): SeaMonitor - Defining the migration route ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=3852759, LastModified=2022-08-31
- SMUCC (OTN): SeaMonitor - UCC Project - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SMUOG (OTN): SeaMonitor: Defining the Costs and Pathways ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=10050552, LastModified=2024-03-06
- V2LSMQUB (OTN): SeaMonitor - QUB Project - collaborator Type=Data, Records=115, LastModified=2022-02-16
- Finucci, Brittany -
- V2L7GILL (OTN): V2L7GILL - researcher Type=Data, Records=94, LastModified=2024-06-18
- Fischer, Chris -
- CCOCE (FACT): CCOCE Tags- Movements and migration of ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fischer, Fritz -
- BBWAT (GLATOS): Black Bay Walleye Acoustic Telemetry - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fisher, Jonathan -
- NCAT (OTN): Northern Cod Acoustic Telemetry - researcher Type=Data, Records=75153, LastModified=2024-10-15
- Fisk, Aaron -
- ACB (OTN): Integrating acoustic telemetry and genomics to ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=33986340, LastModified=2024-11-04
- ACS (OTN): OTN Arctic Cumberland Sound Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2356030, LastModified=2024-08-23
- ALS (OTN): OTN Arctic Lancaster Sound Array - collaborator Type=Data, Records=34668449, LastModified=2024-07-25
- ANL (OTN): Arctic Nettling Lake - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=4297708, LastModified=2023-03-08
- ASI (OTN): OTN Arctic Scott Inlet Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1817864, LastModified=2022-10-25
- FIMSA (GLATOS): Fighting Island Multi-Species Assessment - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GSECR (MIGRAMAR): Gulfo de Santa Elena Megafauna Tracking - researcher Type=Data, Records=4931642, LastModified=2023-11-06
- JGS (OTN): DFO: Sable Island Greenland Sharks - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=10, LastModified=2012-09-27
- SEBCR (MIGRAMAR): 180khz Tagging in Santa Elena Bay, ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1644909, LastModified=2022-10-07
- TAAS (NEP): Tracking anadromous adult salmonids - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=368, LastModified=2018-04-04
- V2LAMP (OTN): OTN Arctic Monitoring Program - Hussey ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=436139, LastModified=2023-10-31
- V2LPSAP (OTN): V2LPSAP - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=315, LastModified=2024-10-07
- Flaherty-Walia, Kerry -
- TBHOG (FACT): TBHOG Tags - Hogfish Movements - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TBHOGA (FACT): TBHOGA Array - Tampa Bay Hogfish ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Flam, Anna -
- V2LMMFIN (OTN): OTN Loan: MMF - Inhambane - researcher Type=Data, Records=1950, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Flávio, Hugo -
- AWF (OTN): Using acoustic telemetry to study Endangered ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=521, LastModified=2024-10-15
- PEIPARR (OTN): Using Novel Microacoustic Tags to Track ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=268, LastModified=2024-09-10
- SMOLTRACK-Skjern (ETN): DTU-Skjern - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fleming, Charlie -
- MCGTOMCOD (OTN): Shubenacadie River Monitoring Project: Tomcod - contributor Type=Data, Records=6767, LastModified=2021-11-01
- Fleming, Ian A. -
- IFC (OTN): Ian Fleming Cod Tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=160, LastModified=2012-09-24
- IFS1 (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Salmon Smolt DST ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=215, LastModified=2013-07-30
- IFS2 (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Salmon Kelt DST ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=108, LastModified=2013-07-30
- IFS3 (OTN): Salmonids in the north - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=4843754, LastModified=2024-07-25
- TAAS (NEP): Tracking anadromous adult salmonids - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=368, LastModified=2018-04-04
- Fleming, Justin -
- HGSS (NEP): HGSS - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=544, LastModified=2024-10-21
- Flink, Henrik -
- KBTN (ETN): Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Floros, Camilla -
- IWP (SAF): IWP fish tracking - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=128, LastModified=2017-10-19
- Flower, Bill -
- BOOLUNA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity: LunaSea Solutions Wavebuoys - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=322990, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Flower, Walter -
- BOOLUNA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity: LunaSea Solutions Wavebuoys - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=322990, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Fodrie, Joel -
- UNC1 (FACT): UNC1 Array- Movements of bonnethead sharks ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UNCNCS (FACT): UNCNCS Tags- Movements of bonnethead sharks ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fogg, Alexander Q -
- MONGOM (FACT): MONGOM - (Tag) Movement patterns of ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fogg, Michael -
- BTWMOL (OTN): BTW Ocean sunfish - researcher Type=Data, Records=14, LastModified=2022-11-28
- Fontes, Jorge -
- AZR (OTN): OTN Azores Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=329893, LastModified=2024-05-14
- BECORV (ETN): BECORV - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Forget, Fabien -
- CONNECT-MED (ETN): Connectivity of coastal fish in the ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LGOL (OTN): VR2W Loan - Gulf of Lion - collaborator Type=Data, Records=34488, LastModified=2023-11-02
- Forrester, Ruaidhri -
- SMUOG (OTN): SeaMonitor: Defining the Costs and Pathways ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=10050552, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Forsberg, Kerstin -
- MIGHIS (MIGRAMAR): Migramar historical tag data - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=62, LastModified=2019-11-19
- V2LCPSR (MIGRAMAR): Coastal Pacific South America Sharks and ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=136, LastModified=2024-06-11
- Forsythe, Patrick -
- GBNOP (GLATOS): Green Bay Northern Pike - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fournier, Denis -
- LSB (OTN): St. Lawrence River Striped Bass - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=19322766, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Fourqurean, James -
- FSCAPE (FACT): FSCAPE- (Tag) Integrating reef-seagrass functional connectivity ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSCAPEA (FACT): FSCAPEA - (Array) Integrating reef-seagrass functional ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fox, Adam -
- UGAACI (FACT): UGAACI Tags- Movements of Atlantic Sturgeon ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UGAFOX (FACT): UGAFOX Array- Movements of Juvenile Atlantic ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UGAING (FACT): UGAING Array- Movements of sturgeon in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UGASTM (FACT): UGASTM Array- Sturgeon movements in Georgia - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fox, Dewayne -
- DAS (OTN): DSU: Atlantic sturgeon tagging - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=2, LastModified=2011-03-14
- HRSNS (ACT): Hudson River Shortnose Population Estimate - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SSTDEL (OTN): Atlantic Sturgeon and Sand Tiger Acoustic ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UNCST (FACT): UNCST Tags- Movements of sand tiger ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Franch, Nati -
- MIGRATOEBRE (ETN): MIGRATOEBRE - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Francis, Billy -
- MCGTOMCOD (OTN): Shubenacadie River Monitoring Project: Tomcod - collaborator Type=Data, Records=6767, LastModified=2021-11-01
- Francis, Christian -
- SNMCG (OTN): MCG SOFAR Buoy - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=3, LastModified=2022-05-31
- Franconi, Novella -
- SwanseaBristolArray (ETN): Swansea Uni acoustic receiver array: Bristol ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Frankowski, Jens -
- 2011_Warnow (ETN): 2011_Warnow - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Franks, Bryan -
- CCOCE (FACT): CCOCE Tags- Movements and migration of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JUFBLN (FACT): JUFBLN - (Array) Primary nursery and ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JUKSC (FACT): JUKSC Tags- An examination of sharks ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JUNEFL (FACT): JUNEFL Array- Migration of sharks in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MBSHHA (FACT): MBSHHA - (Tag) The effect of ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MBSHHN (FACT): MBSHHN - (Tag) Effect of environmental ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NYSHARKS (ACT): New York Juvenile White Shark Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LGA (OTN): VR2W Loan - Coastal Georgia - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=40239, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Franks, Jim -
- GULFTT (FACT): GULFTT Tags- Tripletail in the Gulf ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Frantzich, Jared -
- YOLO (NEP): Evaluation of Floodplain Rearing and Migration ... - author Type=Tracker, Records=248, LastModified=2016-08-26
- Fraser, Aaron -
- WBKOR (OTN): Atlantic Salmon Survival and Movement in ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=219, LastModified=2018-10-10
- Fraser, Dylan -
- FPS (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Salmon Tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=88, LastModified=2012-03-26
- Frazier, Bryan -
- FBLTP (FACT): FBLTP Tags- Sexual segregation of the ... - contributor Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SABSTS (FACT): SABSTS - (Tag) Life history of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SABSTSA (FACT): SABSTSA - (Array) Life history of ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCDNRBON (FACT): SCDNRBON tags- Seasonal movement of bonnethead ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCDNRBTP (FACT): SCDNRBTP Tags- Post-release survival of Blacktip ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCDNRNE (FACT): SCDNRNE Array- Post-Release mortality of bonnetheads ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCDNRTIG (FACT): SCDNRTIG Tags- Movement and habitat utilization ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Frechet, Alain -
- MCC (OTN): Gulf and 3Ps Atlantic Cod - researcher Type=Data, Records=728, LastModified=2021-04-15
- Frechette, Danielle -
- ISMRS (OTN): INRS Sainte-Marguerite River salmon - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=24, LastModified=2014-12-16
- Freese, Marko -
- BALANCE (ETN): Silver European Eel escapement success and ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- French, Lindsay -
- CSABUL (FACT): CSABUL Tags - Ecology of young ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fresh, Kurt -
- FRSH (NEP): Fresh Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Freshwater, Cameron -
- HGSS (NEP): HGSS - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=544, LastModified=2024-10-21
- WCVICT (NEP): Adult Chinook salmon distribution within killer ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=139971, LastModified=2024-10-15
- Frey, Alison -
- BIWF23 (ACT): SMAST Block Island Wind Farm - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- COXCOD20 (ACT): SMAST/ MA DMF Atlantic cod spawning - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- COXCODTWO (ACT): SMAST Cox Ledge cod phase II - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Frey, Jessica -
- UCSCALL07 (PATH): UCSC Project - technician Type=Data, Records=6544283, LastModified=2024-06-28
- Frick, Kinsey -
- ADM (NEP): Admiralty Inlet Puget Sound - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=78177, LastModified=2023-10-24
- Friedlander, Alan M. -
- ALGLFP (PIRAT): Anaa Atoll Bonefish - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=106546, LastModified=2023-11-07
- MNUI (PIRAT): Molokini and Maui Nui - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=203608, LastModified=2024-06-24
- MOLOKI (PIRAT): Molokini Tracking Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=371669, LastModified=2024-06-24
- PECO (PIRAT): Palau FAD and EcoBuoy - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=67816, LastModified=2023-10-25
- Siganid_East_Med (ETN): Siganid_East_Med - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Friedland, Kevin -
- CTR0204 (ACT): CT River Sturgeon (2002-2004) - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Friis, Mikkel Emil Lange -
- V2LMJO (OTN): V2LMJO - student Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Frisk, Michael -
- BTWMOL (OTN): BTW Ocean sunfish - researcher Type=Data, Records=14, LastModified=2022-11-28
- FDT (OTN): Frisk and Dunton Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=2, LastModified=2014-02-10
- SBUCONNECT (ACT): SBU New York Connector Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SBUNYLA (ACT): SBU New York Lease Area - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SBUSOMAS01 (ACT): SBU Coastal New York Bight Acoustic ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Fulton, Stuart -
- V2LBFC (OTN): Big Fish Caribbean - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=230, LastModified=2024-04-01
- Funnell, Tyler -
- ULHLW (GLATOS): US Lake Huron Lake Whitefish Movement - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Furey, Nathan -
- CNEMBON (ACT): UNH - Coastal New England MBON ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GBSMELT (ACT): UNH - Rainbow smelt - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LBTC (NEP): Chilko Lake Bull Trout - collaborator Type=Data, Records=5025867, LastModified=2024-04-04
- V2LNHGB (OTN): OTN Loan - Value of estuaries ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=10974, LastModified=2022-07-25
- V2LWNERR (OTN): Movement ecology of invasive green crabs ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=718240, LastModified=2019-10-01
- Fusco, Kirk -
- HCTS (FACT): HCTS Tags- Movements of horseshoe crabs - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HCTSA (FACT): HCTSA Array- Movements of horseshoe crabs - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Futia, Matt -
- LCTRT (GLATOS): Three-dimensional lake trout movement in Lake ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gahagan, Benjamin -
- CHARLS (OTN): Acoustic telemetry in American Shad - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CONRH (OTN): Movement of Alewife in the Concord ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFALOSA (ACT): MADMF Alosine Telemetry - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFAN (ACT): MADMF Striped Bass Acoustic Arrays North - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFCS (ACT): MADMF Striped Bass Migration Ecology Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HRSB09 (ACT): UMCES Lower Hudson Striped Bass Contingents - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MITSG (ACT): MIT River Herring Tracking - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gajdzik, Laura -
- MOLOKI (PIRAT): Molokini Tracking Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=371669, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Gallagher, Austin -
- BTWMOL (OTN): BTW Ocean sunfish - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=14, LastModified=2022-11-28
- V2LBTW (OTN): Beneath the Waves - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2526661, LastModified=2024-11-04
- V2LJPN (OTN): Tracking Hammerhead Sharks in Japan - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=30633, LastModified=2017-11-08
- V2LUMI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Bahamas Tiger ... - author Type=Data, Records=237259, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LURB (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Miami & ... - author Type=Data, Records=636522, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Gallagher, Colin -
- AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=43625155, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Gallagher, Riley -
- CMAST (FACT): CMAST Array- Estimating survival and stock ... - data custodian Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCCOBIA (FACT): NCCOBIA Tags- Stock structure of cobia - student Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gallant, Jeffrey -
- ORSWS (OTN): ORS: Brion Island White shark - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=43, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Gallaway, Ashley -
- SABSTS (FACT): SABSTS - (Tag) Life history of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SABSTSA (FACT): SABSTSA - (Array) Life history of ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Garbett, Amy -
- V2LSMQUB (OTN): SeaMonitor - QUB Project - researcher Type=Data, Records=115, LastModified=2022-02-16
- Garcia Barcia, Laura -
- SRFCEH (FACT): SRFCEH - (Tag) Movements and trophic ... - student Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Garcia de Leaniz, Carlos -
- V2LFALK (OTN): Brown trout in the Falkland Islands - collaborator Type=Data, Records=3691, LastModified=2021-04-05
- García, Elka -
- CPNP (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=4173449, LastModified=2024-06-20
- GUAMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of White Sharks in ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2759132, LastModified=2024-06-20
- MCMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks in the ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=548, LastModified=2024-06-20
- MPMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=6386, LastModified=2024-06-20
- RANP (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2681440, LastModified=2024-02-20
- Gardiner, Jayne -
- BTSNP (FACT): BTSNP Tags and Array- Natal philopatry ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCAN (FACT): SCAN Array- Multi-species movements along west ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gardiner, Ross -
- V2LIMFSTP (OTN): OTN VR2AR Loan - Marine Scotland ... - resource provider Type=Data, Records=42548979, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Garner, Steve -
- V2LGMXSNAP (OTN): Post-release Mortality of Eastern Gulf of ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=47202915, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Gastrich, Kirk -
- FLKSHK (FACT): FLKSHK Tags- Effects of Caribbean reef ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SRFCEH (FACT): SRFCEH - (Tag) Movements and trophic ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TETSHK (PIRAT): Tetiaroa Sharks - researcher Type=Data, Records=172, LastModified=2024-10-09
- Gatch, Alex -
- LOWLT (GLATOS): Lake Ontario Wide Lake Trout - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gates, Andrew -
- BOOPAP (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Porcupine Abyssal ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=8, LastModified=2021-10-27
- Gaudin, Philippe -
- KERG (OTN): Kerguelen Brown Trout Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2240816, LastModified=2023-11-03
- Gauffier, Pauline -
- SGB (OTN): OTN Strait of Gibraltar Line - resource provider Type=Deployment, Records=336642, LastModified=2023-07-21
- Gautreau, Mark -
- CASSB (OTN): UNB Atlantic sturgeon and striped bass ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=10225817, LastModified=2024-10-31
- CBT (OTN): Movements of Brown Trout in the ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1826197, LastModified=2024-06-25
- TNGS (OTN): Assessing the efficiency of the downstream ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=67574, LastModified=2023-11-02
- Gavriely, Tal -
- PIUI (OTN): Spatio-temporal habitat partitioning between lionfish species ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gayes, Paul -
- SMARTRI (FACT): SMARTRI Array- Acoustic receiver detections ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Geissinger, Emilie -
- NLGM (OTN): Effects of seismic activity on groundfish ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=344, LastModified=2023-10-19
- Gelaude, Emilie -
- 2011 Rivierprik (ETN): 2011 Rivierprik - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2012 Leopoldkanaal (ETN): 2012 Leopoldkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2013 Albertkanaal (ETN): 2013 Albertkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2014 Demer (ETN): 2014 Demer - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015 Dijle (ETN): 2015 Dijle - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2015 PhD Verhelst_eel (ETN): 2015 PhD Verhelst_eel - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gelsleichter, James -
- BOOUNF (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - UNF - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=8, LastModified=2014-12-15
- MBSHHA (FACT): MBSHHA - (Tag) The effect of ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MBSHHN (FACT): MBSHHN - (Tag) Effect of environmental ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gendreau, Yanick -
- KURCH (OTN): KURCH - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1379, LastModified=2024-06-25
- QBI (OTN): Quebec Benthic Invertebrates - researcher Type=Data, Records=93989267, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Gendron, Marc -
- V2LENGLB (OTN): VR2W Loan - Englobe - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=14634484, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Gennari, Enrico -
- ORE (SAF): Oceans Research elasmobranch tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=239, LastModified=2023-02-10
- SAIABR (SAF): South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=196, LastModified=2023-02-10
- SAIABS (SAF): South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=82, LastModified=2021-11-08
- SHAM (SAF): Smooth hammerhead shark tracking in Mossel ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=22, LastModified=2023-02-10
- Gervasi, Carissa -
- CGJACK (FACT): CGJACK Tags- Crevalle Jack Movement Patterns - student (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gervelis, Brian -
- HMSWEA (ACT): NEAQ - Offshore Wind Telemetry - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ge, Xiao -
- GOOTAM (OTN): GOOTAM - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gibson, Jamie -
- HRFORCE (OTN): Quantifying fish-turbine interactions using new high ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=8171179, LastModified=2023-10-15
- LHV (OTN): LaHave River: Salmon tagging - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=60, LastModified=2013-07-30
- SMR (OTN): St. Mary's River Salmon Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=3038995, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Gibson, Kesley -
- TAMUARR (FACT): TAMUARR Array- Migration patterns of sharks ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TAMUTAG (FACT): TAMUTAG Tags- Migration patterns of sharks ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LTEXAAN (OTN): Texas Acoustic Array Network - Corpus ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=2708, LastModified=2020-04-29
- Gideon, Katherine -
- RPS2022GG (ACT): RPS Multi-Client Survey - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gierhart, Sam -
- PrePARED (ETN): Predators and prey around renewable energy ... - data custodian Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gillespie, Kyle -
- DFOBFT (OTN): Long-term monitoring of Atlantic Bluefin tuna ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=88, LastModified=2023-05-01
- Gilly, William -
- GLLY (NEP): Gilly Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=48, LastModified=2012-06-08
- Ginat, Noa -
- V2LLIONFS (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Lionfish (Pterios ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=18, LastModified=2019-09-13
- Giovos, Ioannis -
- V2LCYLIM (OTN): iSea - Guitarfish Project - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Giroux, Alex -
- MPD (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Sturgeon Tracking - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=16824227, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Gisbert, Enric -
- MIGRATOEBRE (ETN): MIGRATOEBRE - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gkikas, Raphael -
- V2LCYLIM (OTN): iSea - Guitarfish Project - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Glass, Amy -
- ZSC (OTN): Scotian Shelf Snow Crab Tagging - technician Type=Data, Records=2351, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Gobat, Jason -
- BOODST (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Davis Strait ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=375759, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Godbout, Lyse -
- GDBT (NEP): Godbout Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=50, LastModified=2012-06-07
- Godwin, Charlton -
- NCDMFA1 (ACT): NCDMF Albemarle Sound Arrays - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFS3 (ACT): NCDMF Multi-Species Tagging Program - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Goethals, Peter -
- 2021_Dijle (ETN): Dijle_VPS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Goetz, Fred -
- GOETZ (NEP): Goetz Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=1052, LastModified=2012-08-29
- Goff, Trevor -
- FPS (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Salmon Tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=88, LastModified=2012-03-26
- Gokturk, Esra -
- WHITR (FACT): WHITR Array- Red drum movements - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- WHITT (FACT): WHITT Tags- Red drum movements - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Golbuu, Yimnang -
- PLAUTNA (PIRAT): Palau FADs and Tuna - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=24492, LastModified=2023-11-07
- Goldner, Victoria -
- SRFCE (FACT): SRFCE Tags - Aquatic Mesopredators in ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SRFCEA (FACT): SRFCAE Array - Mesopredators in the ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Goldstein, Jason -
- V2LWNERR (OTN): Movement ecology of invasive green crabs ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=718240, LastModified=2019-10-01
- Gómez, Miguel -
- CPNP (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=4173449, LastModified=2024-06-20
- GUAMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of White Sharks in ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=2759132, LastModified=2024-06-20
- MCMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks in the ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=548, LastModified=2024-06-20
- MPMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=6386, LastModified=2024-06-20
- RANP (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=2681440, LastModified=2024-02-20
- Gonse, Marine -
- FISHOWF (ETN): FISHOWF_Array_France - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gonzalez, Jaime -
- SOSP (MIGRAMAR): Saving Our Sharks Mexico - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=162029, LastModified=2023-06-16
- Goodell, Whitney -
- MOLOKI (PIRAT): Molokini Tracking Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=371669, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Goossens, Jolien -
- JJ_Belwind (ETN): Belwind temporary acoustic receiver network 2020 ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PhD_Goossens (ETN): PhD_Goossens - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gordon, Katie -
- DWRPREDATOR09 (PATH): DWRpredator09 - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=463, LastModified=2023-05-31
- PSMFCOT08 (PATH): PSMFCOT08 - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=92, LastModified=2024-06-06
- Gorsky, Dimitry -
- ELOCS (GLATOS): Eastern Lake Ontario Cisco and Lake ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LNRLS (GLATOS): Lower Niagara River Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LWLONA (OTN): Western Lake Ontario Nearshore Array - researcher Type=Data, Records=1046291, LastModified=2023-11-02
- Goulette, Graham -
- GMEN (OTN): Gulf of Maine Estuary Network - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=475134, LastModified=2024-10-31
- GMG (OTN): Gulf of Maine NEFSC NERACOOS-GoMOOS Buoys - custodian Type=Data, Records=51911, LastModified=2024-10-31
- KNE (OTN): NOAA Kennebec Salmon Tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=200, LastModified=2016-02-01
- NARR (OTN): Characterizing the behavior and survival of ... - contributor Type=Tracker, Records=704, LastModified=2019-03-13
- NEFSCGOM (ACT): NEFSC_GOM - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEFSCMARI (ACT): NEFSC_MA-RI - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEFSCSB (ACT): NEFSC_SBNMS - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEFSCSBNMS (ACT): NEFSC_SBNMS_FourSanctuaries - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PBN (OTN): NOAA Penobscot Salmon Tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=213829, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Graça, Gonçalo -
- AZR (OTN): OTN Azores Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=329893, LastModified=2024-05-14
- Grace, Saba -
- RMIGLIDERS (ACT): NJ Research & Monitoring Initiative - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Grammer, Paul -
- GULFTT (FACT): GULFTT Tags- Tripletail in the Gulf ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Greenan, Blair -
- BOO53N (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - OSNAP 53N - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=723, LastModified=2022-06-20
- Greenheck, Elizabeth -
- PAXSTB (ACT): PAX Striped Bass CRM - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Green, Jennifer -
- GULFTT (FACT): GULFTT Tags- Tripletail in the Gulf ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Green, Stephanie -
- UVILC (FACT): UVILC Tags - Movement patterns of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Greentree, Wesley -
- V2LSOGCK (NEP): Differential migration behaviour of Chinook Salmon ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=403762, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Greest, Paul -
- Usk:2021-2024 (ETN): River Usk receiver network 2021-2024 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gregory, Randal W. -
- CMAST (FACT): CMAST Array- Estimating survival and stock ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCCOBIA (FACT): NCCOBIA Tags- Stock structure of cobia - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gregory, Robert S. -
- ARLNAIN (OTN): Acoustic Release Loan - Rock Cod ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=232970, LastModified=2021-04-15
- TNC (OTN): Terra Nova National Park Cod - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=10513731, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Griffin, Curt -
- V2LBUZZ (OTN): V2LBUZZ - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Griffin, Lucas -
- BTTFLK (OTN): Spatial Ecology of Permit and Atlantic ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=12631948, LastModified=2024-11-04
- GTALPH (SAF): Response to recreational fishing, Seyechelles - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=4903618, LastModified=2024-06-13
- V2LBUZZ (OTN): V2LBUZZ - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Griffioen, Ben -
- Brasem IJM/MM (ETN): Brasem Ijsselmeergebied - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Drie Delfzijlen (ETN): Delfzijl Drie Delfzijlen - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DZ (ETN): Delfzijl 2014-2015 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- EKI (ETN): Eemskanaal I - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- EKII (ETN): Eemskanaal II - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- EKIII (ETN): Eemskanaal III - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FL (ETN): Friesland 2011-2012 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hunze eel (ETN): Hunze_eel - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- KWZ (ETN): Kornwerderzand - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LW (ETN): Lauwersmeer - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MEP-NSW (ETN): MEPNSW - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Noordzeekanaal 2017-2018 (ETN): Noordzeekanaal 2017-2018 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VPS Duurswold (ETN): VPS Duurswold - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VPS Garmerwolde (ETN): VPS Garmerwolde - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Grill, Mike -
- SJRRP (NEP): San Joaquin River Restoration Program - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=756546, LastModified=2023-07-21
- Griswold, Ryan -
- BOONSW (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - NOAA Salmon ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=440814, LastModified=2023-10-11
- Grothues, Thomas -
- BSRP2 (ACT): RUMFS - BOEM Sand Ridge Phase ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RUMFS01 (ACT): RUMFS Observatory - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RUMFSWIND (ACT): RUMFS Ocean Wind Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Grubbs, Dean -
- ABCOWN (FACT): ABCOWN Tags - Ontogenetic and seasonal ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- APBAY (FACT): APBAY Array- Apalachicola Bay Acoustic Array - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- APFISH (FACT): APFISH Tags- Predator-prey interactions in a ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CACRBH (FACT): CACRBH Tags - Temperature-driven movement patterns ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOSAW (FACT): NOSAW Tags- Movements and habitat ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOSAWR (FACT): NOSAWR Array- Habitat use of smalltooth ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LAND (OTN): Tracking the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=548210, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Gruber, Josh -
- USFWSOT21 (PATH): USFWSOT21 - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=1524811, LastModified=2024-10-24
- Gruber, Samuel -
- V2LBBFSF (OTN): Multi-elasmobranch species telemetry project - researcher Type=Data, Records=5083893, LastModified=2024-07-26
- Guerrero, Michel -
- V2LCPSR (MIGRAMAR): Coastal Pacific South America Sharks and ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=136, LastModified=2024-06-11
- Guertin, Jeff -
- JBLB (OTN): Juno Beach Leatherback Tagging - data custodian Type=Tracker, Records=52, LastModified=2024-07-19
- JTUR (OTN): Jupiter Inlet Green Turtle Telemetry Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=101557, LastModified=2024-10-01
- V2LBRTUR (OTN): Boca Raton Green Turtle Fishing Net ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=4499903, LastModified=2024-10-01
- V2LHITUR (OTN): Hutchinson Island Power Plant Green Turtle ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=23435, LastModified=2024-10-01
- Guidetti, Paolo -
- SARTELTG (ETN): SARTELTG - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Guilbert, Antonin -
- V2LFPI (OTN): OTN Loan - French Polynesia - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=96988, LastModified=2024-07-19
- Guillen, George -
- GUIL (NEP): Guillen Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=48, LastModified=2012-07-17
- Gullage, Nick -
- NLCOD (OTN): DFO-NL Atlantic Cod Telemetry - researcher Type=Data, Records=4013744, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Gullberg, Karl -
- DSM (ETN): Dalalven Smolt Migration - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LBSSM (ETN): Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gutmann Roberts, Catherine -
- Teme barbel 1 (ETN): 2015_PhD_Gutmann_Roberts - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Gutowsky, Lee F.G. -
- KWBT (NEP): Bull Trout in the Kinbasket Reservoir - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Guttridge, Tristan -
- V2LAND (OTN): Tracking the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=548210, LastModified=2024-10-31
- V2LBBFSF (OTN): Multi-elasmobranch species telemetry project - researcher Type=Data, Records=5083893, LastModified=2024-07-26
- Haase, Stefanie -
- THUENEN_BALTIC (ETN): Movements of cod, plaice, flounder and ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Haberlin, Damien -
- CESB (OTN): CMRC European Sea Bass Tracking - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=28, LastModified=2014-02-13
- V2LCETUS (OTN): CETUS: Cetacean, Elasmobranch, Turtle, and Seabird ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=185, LastModified=2023-08-25
- Haffley, Mark -
- EBWSC (GLATOS): East Basin Walleye Spawning Contribution - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hagan, Valerie -
- SRQDEP (FACT): SRQDEP Tags- Human-animal conflict: Shark behavior ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SRQMVMT (FACT): SRQMVT Tags- Coastal shark presence at ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hale, Edward -
- BRAWSHAD (ACT): Brandywine Shad - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Haley, Anne -
- V2LBTW (OTN): Beneath the Waves - student Type=Data, Records=2526661, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Halfyard, Eddie -
- ABC (OTN): West River, Sheet Harbour, Brook Trout - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=84, LastModified=2012-09-27
- ANT (OTN): Sea-Run Brook Trout, Antigonish Harbour, NS ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=362470, LastModified=2014-10-09
- ESIAOI (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Eastern Shore Islands ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=1744223, LastModified=2024-11-04
- IBFS (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Striped Bass - researcher Type=Data, Records=5336479, LastModified=2024-10-31
- SMR (OTN): St. Mary's River Salmon Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=3038995, LastModified=2024-06-25
- V2LNSSA (OTN): Nova Scotia Salmon Association, Sheet Harbour - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=7363792, LastModified=2024-06-25
- WRS (OTN): NS Southern Upland Salmon Tagging - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=930430, LastModified=2023-11-03
- Hall, Alice -
- FISP (ETN): Fisheries Industry Science Partnership - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hall, Penny -
- V2LCELASE (OTN): Sportfish movement in Florida Bay - collaborator Type=Data, Records=20730746, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Hall, Quentin -
- V2LTEXAAN (OTN): Texas Acoustic Array Network - Corpus ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=2708, LastModified=2020-04-29
- Hamilton, Blake -
- CACRBH (FACT): CACRBH Tags - Temperature-driven movement patterns ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hammerschlag, Neil -
- CNEMBON (ACT): UNH - Coastal New England MBON ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LDHNR (SAF): De Hoop Nature Reserve Sharks - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=370780, LastModified=2024-06-13
- V2LSCS (OTN): VR2W Loan - South Carolina Sharks - collaborator Type=Data, Records=38277, LastModified=2024-02-28
- V2LUMI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Bahamas Tiger ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=237259, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LURB (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Miami & ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=636522, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Hammill, Mike -
- IDLM (OTN): Magdalen Islands White Shark & Grey ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=177, LastModified=2024-05-01
- VMLPPWS (OTN): Spatiotemporal associations and interactions between grey ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=660, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Hancock, Bruce -
- NSDFA (OTN): CMAR Nova Scotia Environmental Sensor Sites - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=5795410, LastModified=2024-06-27
- Hancock, Nathaniel -
- NCDMFA1 (ACT): NCDMF Albemarle Sound Arrays - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFS3 (ACT): NCDMF Multi-Species Tagging Program - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hanel, Reinhold -
- BALANCE (ETN): Silver European Eel escapement success and ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - researcher Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- Hanke, Alex -
- DFOBFT (OTN): Long-term monitoring of Atlantic Bluefin tuna ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=88, LastModified=2023-05-01
- Hanlon, Jim -
- BOOSJS (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity – Saint John ... - owner Type=Deployment, Records=8471, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Hansen, Amy C -
- USGSACEAM20 (PATH): USGSACEAM20 - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=3055319, LastModified=2024-10-24
- Hansen, Deena -
- MANGA (FACT): MANGA - (Tag) Habitat use of ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hanson, Brad -
- PSL (NEP): US West Coast Sea Lions - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=710, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Hanson, Robin -
- WBKOR (OTN): Atlantic Salmon Survival and Movement in ... - owner Type=Data, Records=219, LastModified=2018-10-10
- Happel, Austin -
- CRATA (GLATOS): Chicago River Acoustic Telemetry Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Haraldstad, Tormod -
- V2LSVAL (OTN): Svalbard Tracking Project - technician Type=Data, Records=571895, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Harborne, Alastair -
- FIUARBR (FACT): FIUARBR Array- Movements between an artificial ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FIUARBT (FACT): FIUARBT Tags- Movement of barracuda and ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FIUBULL (FACT): FIUBULL - (Array) Movements of bull ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FIUBULLT (FACT): FIUBULLT - (Tag) Movements of bull ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSCAPE (FACT): FSCAPE- (Tag) Integrating reef-seagrass functional connectivity ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSCAPEA (FACT): FSCAPEA - (Array) Integrating reef-seagrass functional ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PECLRF (FACT): PECLRF Tag- Storm effects on reefish - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Harcourt, Robert -
- BST (OTN): OTN Bass Strait Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1915087, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Hardie, David -
- HRFORCE (OTN): Quantifying fish-turbine interactions using new high ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=8171179, LastModified=2023-10-15
- IBFS (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Striped Bass - collaborator Type=Data, Records=5336479, LastModified=2024-10-31
- MARSS (OTN): Maritimes Region Atlantic salmon marine survival ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=4705244, LastModified=2022-11-16
- MBKELT (OTN): Minas Basin Salmon Kelt - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=100, LastModified=2019-05-23
- PBSM (OTN): Quoddy Region Pelagics Telemetry - collaborator Type=Data, Records=45493883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- V2LATSLM (OTN): SPG - Atlantic salmon migration, survival ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=5386, LastModified=2023-03-08
- Harding, Ian -
- APBKT (GLATOS): Coaster Brook Trout Movement in the ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Harman, Luke -
- V2LCETUS (OTN): CETUS: Cetacean, Elasmobranch, Turtle, and Seabird ... - technician Type=Data, Records=185, LastModified=2023-08-25
- Harnois, Nicolas -
- LSB (OTN): St. Lawrence River Striped Bass - collaborator Type=Data, Records=19322766, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Harper, Danni -
- HALIBT (OTN): HaliBT Project - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=3804326, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Harper, Shawn -
- RSTSNCA (FACT): RSTSNCA Array- North Carolina shipwreck array - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Harrell, Ryan -
- GAARA (FACT): GAARA - (Array) Georgia Artificial Reef ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GADNRRD (FACT): GADNRRD Tags- Georgia red drum tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GADNRSSS (FACT): GADNRSS - (Array) Red Drum Monitoring ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Harris, Les -
- ACB (OTN): Integrating acoustic telemetry and genomics to ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=33986340, LastModified=2024-11-04
- RANK (OTN): RANK - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=96, LastModified=2024-06-05
- Harris, Marcella -
- DNTN (FACT): DNTN - (Array) Dominica National Telemetry ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DTURT (FACT): DTURT - (Tag) Site Fidelity and ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Harrison, Philip -
- UNBEEL (OTN): UNB Ecology of the American eel - researcher Type=Data, Records=9006688, LastModified=2024-11-04
- UNBLMB (OTN): UNB Largemouth Bass - researcher Type=Data, Records=18, LastModified=2023-04-11
- Hartery, Cassandra -
- BOOSOAR (OTN): SOAR Tidal Generation - technician Type=Deployment, Records=528790, LastModified=2024-03-06
- BOOSPM (OTN): Opportunistic receiver deployments in Saint Pierre ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=17, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Hart, Kristen -
- USGSST (FACT): USGSST - (Tag) Sea Turtles in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hartman, Maxwell -
- AMEELA (FACT): AMEELA Array- Migration dynamics of silver ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- AMEELT (FACT): AMEELA Tags- Migration dynamics of silver ... - technician Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hartwigsen, Kyle -
- DWROM20 (PATH): dwrom20 - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Harvey-Clark, Chris -
- CHC (OTN): Photo Identification of White Sharks - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=2, LastModified=2023-02-15
- NSTR (OTN): NSTR - Atlantic Torpedo Ray Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=13356, LastModified=2024-09-03
- ORSWS (OTN): ORS: Brion Island White shark - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=43, LastModified=2022-10-25
- V2LCV (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Cabo Verde: ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=33681, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Hasselman, Dan -
- BOOFORCE (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - FORCE Tidal ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=36372, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LRAP (OTN): FORCE Risk Assessment Program - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=70060500, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Hatcher, Bruce -
- BDK (OTN): Overwinter biology, migrations, and carryover effects ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=222, LastModified=2016-12-20
- BDL (OTN): OTN Bras d'Or Lakes Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2870092, LastModified=2023-03-08
- ESBT (OTN): EFWC striped bass tagging - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=10, LastModified=2014-03-04
- V2LSBERS (OTN): Scatarie Bank Experiential Research Site - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=2, LastModified=2020-09-03
- Hatin, Daniel -
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Haulsee, Danielle -
- DEWEA (ACT): BOEM-DE Offshore Wind Energy Area Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SSTDEL (OTN): Atlantic Sturgeon and Sand Tiger Acoustic ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VMLSOCBS (OTN): A novel approach to observing the ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=18, LastModified=2023-02-10
- Hause, Colby -
- CDFWA15 (PATH): CDFWA15 - researcher Type=Data, Records=2727071, LastModified=2023-10-24
- Hawkes, James -
- GMEN (OTN): Gulf of Maine Estuary Network - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=475134, LastModified=2024-10-31
- GMG (OTN): Gulf of Maine NEFSC NERACOOS-GoMOOS Buoys - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=51911, LastModified=2024-10-31
- KNE (OTN): NOAA Kennebec Salmon Tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=200, LastModified=2016-02-01
- NARR (OTN): Characterizing the behavior and survival of ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=704, LastModified=2019-03-13
- NEFSCGOM (ACT): NEFSC_GOM - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEFSCMARI (ACT): NEFSC_MA-RI - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEFSCMPA (ACT): NEFSC Assessment of MPAs within GoM - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEFSCSB (ACT): NEFSC_SBNMS - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEFSCSBNMS (ACT): NEFSC_SBNMS_FourSanctuaries - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PBN (OTN): NOAA Penobscot Salmon Tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=213829, LastModified=2022-10-25
- PBSM (OTN): Quoddy Region Pelagics Telemetry - collaborator Type=Data, Records=45493883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- PVN (OTN): Harbor Seal Distribution in US waters - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=8, LastModified=2021-11-10
- Hawkes, Lucy -
- FISHINTEL (ETN): Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hawkins, Lorraine -
- V2LIMFSTP (OTN): OTN VR2AR Loan - Marine Scotland ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=42548979, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Hawthorne, Cynthia -
- MARSS (OTN): Maritimes Region Atlantic salmon marine survival ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=4705244, LastModified=2022-11-16
- Hayden, Todd -
- GBWAE (GLATOS): Green Bay Walleye - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HECWL (GLATOS): Huron Erie Walleye Spatial Ecology - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JCISC (GLATOS): Survival and movement of hatchery reared ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LECCI (GLATOS): Les Cheneaux Island cisco - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hayes, Sean -
- HAYS (NEP): Hayes Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HGN (OTN): NEFSC Gray Seal Distribution in US ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=92, LastModified=2023-05-26
- Hazin, Fabio -
- V4LSPSPA (OTN): VR4 Loan - Saint Peter and ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Heaney, Kevin -
- AEON (OTN): AEON NW Atlantic - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hearn, Alex -
- GMR (MIGRAMAR): Galapagos Marine Reserve - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=63017, LastModified=2022-10-19
- MIGHIS (MIGRAMAR): Migramar historical tag data - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=62, LastModified=2019-11-19
- V2LCOCOS (MIGRAMAR): Long-term acoustic monitoring program of endagered ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2040807, LastModified=2023-11-02
- V2LCPSR (MIGRAMAR): Coastal Pacific South America Sharks and ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=136, LastModified=2024-06-11
- Heaslip, Susan -
- ESIAOI (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Eastern Shore Islands ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=1744223, LastModified=2024-11-04
- GULMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Gully Marine Protected ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=76947, LastModified=2024-10-31
- MUSQMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Musquash Marine Protected ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=197883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- SABMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: St. Anns Bank ... - contributor Type=Data, Records=6517895, LastModified=2024-11-04
- V2LNSSA (OTN): Nova Scotia Salmon Association, Sheet Harbour - researcher Type=Data, Records=7363792, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Hebert, Allison -
- INPWS (NEP): INPWS - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=240, LastModified=2024-06-19
- Hebert, Dave -
- GDL (OTN): Glider Operations - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=1292863, LastModified=2024-11-04
- HFX (OTN): OTN Halifax Line - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=905098, LastModified=2024-11-04
- MPD (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Sturgeon Tracking - researcher Type=Data, Records=16824227, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Hedges, Kevin -
- ABO (OTN): Tracking Greenland halibut in Offshore Baffin ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=98397, LastModified=2024-08-22
- API (OTN): OTN Arctic Pond Inlet Array - collaborator Type=Data, Records=14589, LastModified=2022-10-25
- V2LAMP (OTN): OTN Arctic Monitoring Program - Hussey ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=436139, LastModified=2023-10-31
- Heggie, Keira -
- CBASR (ACT): SERC Atlantic Stingray Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBBCF (ACT): SERC Blue Catfish Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CBCNR (ACT): SERC Cownose Ray Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SERC1 (ACT): SERC Acoustic Telemetry Arrays - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Heim, Vital -
- V2LBBFSF (OTN): Multi-elasmobranch species telemetry project - researcher Type=Data, Records=5083893, LastModified=2024-07-26
- Heironimus, Laura -
- DION (NEP): Northeast Pacific Green Sturgeon Tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=740, LastModified=2021-03-11
- Heisey, Aaron -
- CTRBBH (ACT): USGS Conte and USFWS - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Heithaus, Michael -
- FIUBULL (FACT): FIUBULL - (Array) Movements of bull ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FIUBULLT (FACT): FIUBULLT - (Tag) Movements of bull ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FLKSHK (FACT): FLKSHK Tags- Effects of Caribbean reef ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RKBTTI (FACT): RKBTTI - (Tag) Acoustic Telemetry Receiver ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RKBTTIA (FACT): RKBTTIA - (Array) Acoustic Telemetry Receiver ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SRFCE (FACT): SRFCE Tags - Aquatic Mesopredators in ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SRFCEA (FACT): SRFCAE Array - Mesopredators in the ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SRFCEH (FACT): SRFCEH - (Tag) Movements and trophic ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TETSHK (PIRAT): Tetiaroa Sharks - researcher Type=Data, Records=172, LastModified=2024-10-09
- V2LCELA (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Coastal Everglades ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=7355092, LastModified=2024-02-06
- V2LUMI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Bahamas Tiger ... - author Type=Data, Records=237259, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Hellström, Gustav -
- DSM (ETN): Dalalven Smolt Migration - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LBSSM (ETN): Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - researcher Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- VFM_BP (ETN): VFM_BalticProper - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_DSTL (ETN): VFM_DeepSeaTrackingLab - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_GoB (ETN): VFM_GulfOfBotnia - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_Hjalmaren (ETN): VFM_Hjalmaren - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_Malaren (ETN): VFM_Malaren - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_RG (ETN): VFM_RiverGota - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_Siljan (ETN): VFM_Siljan - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_Vattern (ETN): VFM_Vattern - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_WCC (ETN): VFM_WestCoastCostal - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hempson, Tessa -
- V2LMMFIN (OTN): OTN Loan: MMF - Inhambane - researcher Type=Data, Records=1950, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Hemsi, Sophia -
- SRFCEH (FACT): SRFCEH - (Tag) Movements and trophic ... - student Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hendriks, Brian -
- COAST (NEP): Salish Sea Salmon Tracking - student Type=Data, Records=6291, LastModified=2023-05-16
- Henger, Benjamin -
- ALLIMB (OTN): ALLIMB - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=3224549, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Henkel, Sarah -
- ALFA (NEP): Oregon State University - Hatfield Marine ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=66, LastModified=2016-03-16
- Henry, Lea-Anne -
- LESPUR (OTN): Spatial Ecology of spurdog (Squalus acanthias) ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=772453, LastModified=2024-04-05
- He, Pingguo -
- BIWF23 (ACT): SMAST Block Island Wind Farm - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Herbig, Jennifer -
- FLKEYS (FACT): FLKEYS Array- Tracking movements of reef ... - data custodian Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FLKEYST (FACT): FLKEYST Tags- Tracking movements of reef ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Heres, Berlynna -
- HCTS (FACT): HCTS Tags- Movements of horseshoe crabs - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HCTSA (FACT): HCTSA Array- Movements of horseshoe crabs - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PBU (OTN): USGS: Salmon tagging - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=9871, LastModified=2024-02-13
- Hereu, Bernat -
- CTN (ETN): Catalan Tracking Network - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ResMed (ETN): ResMed - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hering, David -
- HERG (NEP): Hering Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=214, LastModified=2012-07-17
- Herman, Katelyn -
- MANGA (FACT): MANGA - (Tag) Habitat use of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hernandez, Francisco -
- 2015_Homarus (ETN): 2015_Homarus - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Cpodnetwork (ETN): cpodnetwork - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PBARN (ETN): BPNS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Westerschelde 1 (ETN): Westerschelde 1 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Herrera, Maria Alejandra -
- V2LSHCOL (OTN): OTN Loan - Small Hammerheads in ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=383000, LastModified=2024-06-27
- Herr, Jeffrey -
- TERP (FACT): TERP Tags- Diamondback Terrapin in Southeastern ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TERPR (FACT): TERPR Array- Diamondback Terrapin in Southeastern ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hervé, Hugo -
- MMERMAID (ETN): MMERMAID_Array_France - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hessenauer, Jan-Michael -
- LSCGD (GLATOS): Lake St. Clair Grid - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LSCNP (GLATOS): Lake St. Clair Northern Pike spawning ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LSCSM (GLATOS): Lake St. Clair Smallmouth Bass Study - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LSCYP (GLATOS): Lake St. Clair Yellow Perch - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MOONE (GLATOS): Exploratory tagging of Mooneye in the ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MUSKY (GLATOS): Spatial Ecology of SCDRS Muskellunge - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Heyman, William -
- V2LBFC (OTN): Big Fish Caribbean - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=230, LastModified=2024-04-01
- Higgs, Amanda -
- HRARRAY (ACT): Hudson River array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HRSNS (ACT): Hudson River Shortnose Population Estimate - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HUDRSB (ACT): UMCES-NYSDEC Hudson Striped Bass Spawning - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hill, Anna -
- DRMLP (GLATOS): Yellow Perch Migration-DRML - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hillier, Branden -
- CMMAT (OTN): CMMAT - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=239, LastModified=2024-09-10
- Hill, Jaclyn -
- SLRRT (GLATOS): Tench in the St. Lawrence River ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SLRRT (OTN): Tench in the St. Lawrence River - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=292, LastModified=2020-04-24
- Hill, Jeffrey -
- UFTAL (FACT): UFTAL - (Tag) Habitat Use of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UFTALA (FACT): UFTALA - (Array) Habitat Use of ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hill, Ron -
- NOAACONCH (FACT): NOAACONCH Tags - Movement of Queen ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hinch, Scott -
- COAST (NEP): Salish Sea Salmon Tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=6291, LastModified=2023-05-16
- HNCH (NEP): Hinch Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=392, LastModified=2012-06-08
- JDF (NEP): OTN Strait of Juan de Fuca ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=1162958, LastModified=2024-10-24
- KRSPSF (NEP): Kintama Research Services Loan to Pacific ... - contributor Type=Deployment, Records=2268, LastModified=2021-04-06
- NSOG (NEP): OTN Northern Strait of Georgia Line - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=1331626, LastModified=2024-10-24
- OSS (NEP): Exposure of Free-Ranging Salmon Smolts to ... - contributor Type=Deployment, Records=16281, LastModified=2019-04-10
- PSS1 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=800, LastModified=2011-03-14
- PSS2 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1356863, LastModified=2024-06-24
- QCS (NEP): OTN Queen Charlotte Strait Line - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=258171, LastModified=2024-06-20
- RABY (NEP): Raby Coho Salmon Tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=840, LastModified=2015-05-12
- TAAS (NEP): Tracking anadromous adult salmonids - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=368, LastModified=2018-04-04
- V2LBTC (NEP): Chilko Lake Bull Trout - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=5025867, LastModified=2024-04-04
- V4LPSF (NEP): OTN V4L Loan - Pacific Salmon ... - contributor Type=Deployment, Records=151493, LastModified=2024-10-24
- Hindes, Andy -
- 2020 PhD - Winter (ETN): 2020_PhD_Winter - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Northern Norfolk Broads (ETN): Northern_Norfolk_Broads - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PhD Nolan (ETN): PhD_Nolan - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Teme barbel 1 (ETN): 2015_PhD_Gutmann_Roberts - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hlina, Benjamin -
- V2LPSAP (OTN): V2LPSAP - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=315, LastModified=2024-10-07
- Hobday, Alistair -
- SBT (OTN): CSIRO: SBT tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=240, LastModified=2013-07-30
- Hodgson, Sayre -
- HODG (NEP): Hodgson Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=266, LastModified=2012-07-17
- Hoffman, William -
- DMFAN (ACT): MADMF Striped Bass Acoustic Arrays North - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFBOSWF (ACT): MADMF GOM Winter Flounder Studies - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFCS (ACT): MADMF Striped Bass Migration Ecology Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Höhne, Leander -
- BALANCE (ETN): Silver European Eel escapement success and ... - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hojesjo, Johan -
- Marble (ETN): Comparative study of marble and rainbow ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MRTB (ETN): Marble vs rainbow trout - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Holbrook, Chad -
- SCPLSM (FACT): SCPLSM Live Buoy- Pinopolis Lock Sturgeon ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Holbrook, Christopher -
- HECSL (GLATOS): Huron Erie Corridor Sea Lamprey - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LEPSL (GLATOS): Lake Erie Parasitic Sea Lamprey - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LHRUS (GLATOS): Lake Huron Receivers in U. S. ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SMRSL (GLATOS): St Marys River Sea Lamprey Migration - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SMRSL (OTN): St. Marys River Sea Lamprey - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=7707023, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Holden, Courtney -
- SLRAE (GLATOS): Upper St. Lawrence River American Eel - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Holland, Kim -
- LHWI (PIRAT): Central Pacific Scalloped Hammerhead - collaborator Type=Data, Records=559649, LastModified=2024-06-27
- PFRL (PIRAT): Pelagic Fish Research Lab - Hawaii ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=5898468, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Hollins, Jack -
- AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=43625155, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Holloway-Adkins, Karen -
- ECB (FACT): ECB Array- The Efficacy of Mitigation ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ECBNEAR (FACT): ECBNEAR Tags- The Function of Nearshore ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- KSC (FACT): KSC Array- Sportfish, Sharks, and Sea ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- KSCETM (FACT): KSCETM Tags- Life history of aquatic ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Holloway, Chris -
- MFSAR (OTN): Shark Spatial Ecology and life history ... - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=169, LastModified=2023-06-08
- NLWF (OTN): Newfoundland Wolffish - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=678496, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Holmgren, Annika -
- VFM_GoB (ETN): VFM_GulfOfBotnia - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Holst, Lisa -
- ELOLS (GLATOS): Eastern Lake Ontario Lake Sturgeon - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hondorp, Darryl -
- DRJLS (GLATOS): Detroit River Juvenile Lake Sturgeon - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GTCOR (GLATOS): Spatial Ecology of Cisco and Lake ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HECST (GLATOS): Lake Sturgeon Metapopulation Structure - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- JLSOH (GLATOS): Juvenile lake sturgeon olfactory homing - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LSCSF (GLATOS): Cisco Spawning Site Fidelity - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RGPLT (GLATOS): Round Goby Acoustic Telemetry in Lake ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Honkanen, Hannele -
- SMUOG (OTN): SeaMonitor: Defining the Costs and Pathways ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=10050552, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Honsey, Andrew -
- SRCIS (GLATOS): Spanish River Cisco Telemetry - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hont, Stefan -
- IGH (ETN): IG II Fish Pass - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hooper, Thomas -
- FISHINTEL (ETN): Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hoopes, Lisa -
- MANGA (FACT): MANGA - (Tag) Habitat use of ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hoover Doyle, Aimee -
- LBTCACUR (PATH): Upwell Turtles: California Current Leatherbacks - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=4, LastModified=2022-08-11
- LBTPCR (MIGRAMAR): Leatherback Turtle Tracking in Pacuare Wildlife ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=16, LastModified=2019-06-12
- Horn, Calusa -
- NOAAMAN (FACT): NOAAMAN Tags- NOAA Manta Ray Conservation ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Horne, Ashlee -
- MDDNR1NR (ACT): Maryland Department of Natural Resources - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Horne, Edward -
- ESIAOI (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Eastern Shore Islands ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=1744223, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Horning, Markus -
- PSSME (NEP): PSSME - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=48, LastModified=2024-04-22
- PWS (NEP): OTN Prince William Sound Array - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=2173734, LastModified=2024-11-01
- Horricks, Ryan -
- CMARG (OTN): CMAR Glider Surveys - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=185, LastModified=2021-08-05
- Horton, Thomas -
- FISHINTEL (ETN): Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Horvath, Denise -
- INPWS (NEP): INPWS - collaborator Type=Data, Records=240, LastModified=2024-06-19
- Hostens, Kristian (Kris) -
- JJ_Belwind (ETN): Belwind temporary acoustic receiver network 2020 ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hostetter, Nathan -
- NCGAJ (FACT): NCGAJ - (Tag) Fine-scale movements and ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Houghton, Jonathan -
- V2LSMQUB (OTN): SeaMonitor - QUB Project - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=115, LastModified=2022-02-16
- VMLSOCBS (OTN): A novel approach to observing the ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=18, LastModified=2023-02-10
- House, Betty -
- FPS (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Salmon Tracking - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=88, LastModified=2012-03-26
- Hoyos, Mauricio -
- CPNP (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=4173449, LastModified=2024-06-20
- GUAMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of White Sharks in ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2759132, LastModified=2024-06-20
- MCMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks in the ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=548, LastModified=2024-06-20
- MPMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=6386, LastModified=2024-06-20
- RANP (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2681440, LastModified=2024-02-20
- Hrenchuk, Lee -
- V2LIISD (OTN): V2LIISD - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=143910, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Hubert, Jeroen -
- APELAFICO (ETN): Acoustic Ecology of Pelagic Fish Communities - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hubley, Brad -
- HALIBT (OTN): HaliBT Project - researcher Type=Data, Records=3804326, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Hudson, David -
- TMALIS (ACT): The Maritime Aquarium Long Island Sound ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hueter, Robert -
- CCOCE (FACT): CCOCE Tags- Movements and migration of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CZSBUL (FACT): CZSBUL Tags- Movement patterns of bullsharks ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PERC (FACT): PERC Tags- Highly Migratory Species in ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCAN (FACT): SCAN Array- Multi-species movements along west ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Huff, David -
- SOBAD (NEP): Salmon Ocean Behavior and Distribution - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=692209, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Huisman, Jeroen -
- Eel source to sea (ETN): Eel migration from source to sea - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RBVV2 (ETN): Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2 - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Sudle_IMPULS (ETN): Sud_le_Impuls_voor_Diadrome_Vis - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Sudle_INNOV (ETN): Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VVV (ETN): Vissen_voor_verbinding - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Humphries, Nick -
- MASSMO (ETN): MBA_Massmo - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Wave Hub (ETN): MBA_Wavehub - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- WaveHubTrial (ETN): MBA_Whitsand - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hunn, Dayna -
- FSMOV (FACT): FSMOV - (Tag) Movements of Fat ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LWLPBCERM (FACT): LWLPBCERM - (Tag) Lake Worth Lagoon ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOAAGS (FACT): NOAAGS - (Tag) Spawning aggregations of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hunt, Alannah -
- MCGTOMCOD (OTN): Shubenacadie River Monitoring Project: Tomcod - contributor Type=Data, Records=6767, LastModified=2021-11-01
- Hunter, Kris -
- CARP (OTN): Annapolis River watershed anadromous species - collaborator Type=Data, Records=1030204, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Hussey, Nigel -
- ABO (OTN): Tracking Greenland halibut in Offshore Baffin ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=98397, LastModified=2024-08-22
- ACB (OTN): Integrating acoustic telemetry and genomics to ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=33986340, LastModified=2024-11-04
- ACS (OTN): OTN Arctic Cumberland Sound Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2356030, LastModified=2024-08-23
- ALS (OTN): OTN Arctic Lancaster Sound Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=34668449, LastModified=2024-07-25
- API (OTN): OTN Arctic Pond Inlet Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=14589, LastModified=2022-10-25
- ASCENS (OTN): ASCENS - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ASI (OTN): OTN Arctic Scott Inlet Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1817864, LastModified=2022-10-25
- AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=43625155, LastModified=2024-10-31
- QIK (OTN): Habitat connectivity of Greenland halibut and ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=32210, LastModified=2022-10-25
- V2LAMP (OTN): OTN Arctic Monitoring Program - Hussey ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=436139, LastModified=2023-10-31
- WSMBUW (OTN): Tancook Island White Shark Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=58688, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Hutchings, Jeff -
- V2LATSLM (OTN): SPG - Atlantic salmon migration, survival ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=5386, LastModified=2023-03-08
- Hutchinson, Melanie -
- HCTP (PIRAT): Hawaii Community Tagging Project FADs - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=338981, LastModified=2024-10-29
- HCTPTX (PIRAT): Hawaii Community Tagging Project FADs - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=190, LastModified=2024-02-06
- Huveneers, Charlie -
- V2LFPI (OTN): OTN Loan - French Polynesia - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=96988, LastModified=2024-07-19
- Huysentruyt, Frank -
- 2022_Beaver_Durme (ETN): Research on the impact of management ... - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Hyndman, Will -
- ANL (OTN): Arctic Nettling Lake - contributor Type=Data, Records=4297708, LastModified=2023-03-08
- Hynes, Natasha -
- CHC (OTN): Photo Identification of White Sharks - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=2, LastModified=2023-02-15
- Iafrate, Joseph -
- KSCGLID (FACT): KSCGLID - (Glider Project) Use of ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NAVYKENN (ACT): Navy Kennebec ME Telemetry Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- USNKSC (FACT): USNKSC Tags- Effects of Dredging on ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Iani, Marian -
- IGH (ETN): IG II Fish Pass - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ingram, Evan -
- SBUCONNECT (ACT): SBU New York Connector Array - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SBUEQUINOR (ACT): SBU Empire Wind Site Assessment - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SBUINGRAM (ACT): SBU - Ingram - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SBUNYLA (ACT): SBU New York Lease Area - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Innis, Charles -
- NEAQSHA (ACT): NEAQSHA: New England Aquarium Array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQTURTLE (ACT): NEAQTURT: Sea turtle tagging - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Inuktalik, Isaac -
- AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking - technician Type=Data, Records=43625155, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Irani, Aly -
- GSFP (OTN): Quantifying grey seal foraging pressure (abundance ... - student Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2024-04-16
- Ireland, Stacey -
- SDBUT (GLATOS): St. Clair-Detroit River Burbot - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Isaac, Denny -
- GMRCAE (OTN): American Eel within the Restigouche and ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=58, LastModified=2017-06-22
- Isermann, Daniel -
- GBFRM (GLATOS): Green Bay Fox River Muskellunge - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GBWLM (GLATOS): Green Bay Whitefish Latent Mortality - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GLSMB (GLATOS): Great Lakes Smallmouth Bass Connectivity - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LMLSM (GLATOS): Lake Michigan Lake Sturgeon Movement - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MRSMB (GLATOS): Menominee River Smallmouth Bass and Walleye - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ivanova, Silviya -
- LOTPI (GLATOS): Lake Ontario Lake Trout & Chinook ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Iverson, Sara -
- BDLSPG (OTN): Apoqnmatulti'k - Bras D'Or Lake - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=23195965, LastModified=2024-11-04
- NCAT (OTN): Northern Cod Acoustic Telemetry - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=75153, LastModified=2024-10-15
- SGS (OTN): OTN Canada Sable Island Grey Seal ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1033220, LastModified=2024-08-28
- Izzo, Lisa -
- LCJLS (GLATOS): Lake Champlain Juvenile Lake Sturgeon - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jackson, Zachary -
- YOLO (NEP): Evaluation of Floodplain Rearing and Migration ... - resource provider Type=Tracker, Records=248, LastModified=2016-08-26
- Jacobs, Keelan -
- SSLRS (OTN): SSLRS - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=170, LastModified=2024-06-04
- V2LENGLB (OTN): VR2W Loan - Englobe - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=14634484, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Jacobs, Yves -
- 2011 Rivierprik (ETN): 2011 Rivierprik - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- 2012 Leopoldkanaal (ETN): 2012 Leopoldkanaal - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jacoby, David -
- V2LCASP (OTN): Canaries Angel Shark Project - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2277153, LastModified=2024-09-18
- V2LJPN (OTN): Tracking Hammerhead Sharks in Japan - author Type=Data, Records=30633, LastModified=2017-11-08
- V2LLOBOS (OTN): V2LLOBOS - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jaine, Fabrice -
- BST (OTN): OTN Bass Strait Array - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1915087, LastModified=2024-03-06
- PRT (OTN): OTN Perth Line - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=260911, LastModified=2024-06-24
- James, W. Ryan -
- FSCAPE (FACT): FSCAPE- (Tag) Integrating reef-seagrass functional connectivity ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSCAPEA (FACT): FSCAPEA - (Array) Integrating reef-seagrass functional ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LCELASE (OTN): Sportfish movement in Florida Bay - collaborator Type=Data, Records=20730746, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Jaric, Ivan -
- MacFish (ETN): MacFish - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TeRi (ETN): TeRi - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jarvis, Nick -
- GWS (OTN): WAFish/CSIRO - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=10, LastModified=2011-03-17
- Jeanes, Eric -
- VRTT (NEP): Verretto Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=162, LastModified=2012-06-08
- Jeddore, Skyler -
- BDLSPG (OTN): Apoqnmatulti'k - Bras D'Or Lake - technician Type=Data, Records=23195965, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Jeffery, Nick -
- ESIAOI (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Eastern Shore Islands ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=1744223, LastModified=2024-11-04
- GULMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Gully Marine Protected ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=76947, LastModified=2024-10-31
- SABMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: St. Anns Bank ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=6517895, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Jeffries, Ken -
- PSS2 (NEP): OTN Canada Pacific Sockeye Salmon Tagging ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=1356863, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Jeffries, Steven -
- PSL (NEP): US West Coast Sea Lions - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=710, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Jenkins-Degan, Jacqui -
- CFMTP (ACT): CFCC Marine Tech CFR - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jenkins, Jeff -
- DWROTAT2004 (PATH): DWROTAT2004 - researcher Type=Data, Records=1868761, LastModified=2024-06-28
- Jenkins, Peter -
- CBLEW (GLATOS): Central Basin Lake Erie Walleye - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jenkyns, Reyna -
- BOOONC (NEP): Buoys of Opportunity - ONC - data custodian (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=10270, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Jenner, Blaise -
- NGOMWS (ACT): MEDMR White Shark Monitoring - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jepsen, Niels -
- SMOLTRACK-Skjern (ETN): DTU-Skjern - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - researcher Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- Jerome, Corey -
- LRLAS (GLATOS): Little River Band Manistee Sturgeon - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jerome, Jake -
- FSBBAY (FACT): FSBBAY - (Tag_ Shark nursery utilization ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSBBAYA (FACT): FSBBAYA - (Array) Shark nursery utilization ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LSRCBAY (OTN): SRC - Biscayne Bay - researcher Type=Data, Records=83945, LastModified=2024-11-04
- V2LSRCMRT (OTN): SRC Miami Reef Tract - researcher Type=Data, Records=4600, LastModified=2024-06-27
- Jessen, Brita -
- NOAANERR (FACT): NOAANERR Tags- Fish telemetry at Rookery ... - contributor Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ROOKNERR (FACT): ROOKNERR Array- Fish Telemetry at Rookery ... - contributor Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jessopp, Mark -
- SMUCC (OTN): SeaMonitor - UCC Project - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jimenez Alvarado, David -
- V2LCASP (OTN): Canaries Angel Shark Project - contributor Type=Data, Records=2277153, LastModified=2024-09-18
- V2LLOBOS (OTN): V2LLOBOS - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Johnsen, Kori -
- ECB (FACT): ECB Array- The Efficacy of Mitigation ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ECBNEAR (FACT): ECBNEAR Tags- The Function of Nearshore ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Johnson, Christopher -
- V2LPMQ (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Alewife Migration ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=11923, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Johnson, Jo -
- STREG (GLATOS): St. Regis River Sturgeon - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Johnson, Kevin -
- TQCSPP (FACT): TQCSPP Tags- Apex predators in coastal ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TQLMB (FACT): TQLMB Tags- Apex predators in coastal ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Johnson, Ladd -
- QBI (OTN): Quebec Benthic Invertebrates - collaborator Type=Data, Records=93989267, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Johnson, Nicholas -
- CHBSL (GLATOS): Cheboygan River Sea Lamprey Escapement - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Johnson, Ryan -
- OCRSA (SAF): OCEARCH shark tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2013-06-19
- ORS (SAF): OCEARCH raggedtooth shark tracking - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- USGSACEAM20 (PATH): USGSACEAM20 - technician Type=Data, Records=3055319, LastModified=2024-10-24
- Johnson, Stephen -
- NCDMFA1 (ACT): NCDMF Albemarle Sound Arrays - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFS3 (ACT): NCDMF Multi-Species Tagging Program - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Johnson, Tim -
- HAQUA (GLATOS): Parry Sound Aquaculture - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LODCR (GLATOS): Lake Ontario deepwater cisco range test - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LODWC (GLATOS): Lake Ontario Deepwater Cisco - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LOIBM (GLATOS): Lake Ontario Interbasin Movement - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LOLWF (GLATOS): Lake Ontario lake whitefish - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LPSAP (OTN): V2LPSAP - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=315, LastModified=2024-10-07
- Johnston, Emmett -
- VMLSOCBS (OTN): A novel approach to observing the ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=18, LastModified=2023-02-10
- Johnston, Myfanwy -
- YOLO (NEP): Evaluation of Floodplain Rearing and Migration ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=248, LastModified=2016-08-26
- Johnston, Stephen -
- COAST (NEP): Salish Sea Salmon Tracking - student Type=Data, Records=6291, LastModified=2023-05-16
- Jones, Kirsty -
- ASCENS (OTN): ASCENS - collaborator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jones, Michael -
- V2LBUZZ (OTN): V2LBUZZ - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jonsen, Ian -
- ESRF (OTN): ESRF Atlantic Salmon Offshore Tracking Project - collaborator Type=Data, Records=25088809, LastModified=2024-10-31
- SGS (OTN): OTN Canada Sable Island Grey Seal ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=1033220, LastModified=2024-08-28
- Jordaan, Adrian -
- MITSG (ACT): MIT River Herring Tracking - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Joré, Eric -
- NOSYBE (SAF): Madagascar Whale Sharks - technician Type=Data, Records=2200, LastModified=2024-06-20
- Josef, Noam -
- V2LLIONFS (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Lionfish (Pterios ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=18, LastModified=2019-09-13
- Josh, Kohut -
- INVENERGY (ACT): Invenergy Monitoring - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- REVCOD (ACT): REV Cod - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jouni, Tulonen -
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - researcher Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- Joyce, Shelby -
- RIWFCC (ACT): Narragansett Bay Cable Corridor Monitoring - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Joyce, Warren -
- JGS (OTN): DFO: Sable Island Greenland Sharks - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=10, LastModified=2012-09-27
- JPBS (OTN): DFO: Porbeagle and Blue Sharks - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=139, LastModified=2017-09-19
- V2LWSAMP (OTN): White Shark Acoustic Monitoring Program - technician Type=Data, Records=629773, LastModified=2024-02-28
- WDG (OTN): Bay of Fundy: Spiny Dogfish - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=39, LastModified=2012-10-01
- Juanes, Francis -
- CCSALMON (NEP): Mortality, Movements, and Migration Timing of ... - co-investigator Type=Data, Records=420757, LastModified=2019-12-20
- V2LCOBS (NEP): VR2W Loan - Cowichan Bay Salmon - collaborator Type=Data, Records=817947, LastModified=2024-06-19
- V2LSOGCK (NEP): Differential migration behaviour of Chinook Salmon ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=403762, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Jubb, William -
- LamTre20/21 (ETN): River_lamprey_River Trent_2020/21 - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LamYorOus18-20 (ETN): River_Lamprey_Yorkshire Ouse_2018-20 - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Jublier, Noémie -
- Csapidus_monitoring_Occitanie_Southern_France (ETN): Blue crab telemetry monitoring in three ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Juniper, Kim -
- BOOONC (NEP): Buoys of Opportunity - ONC - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=10270, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Jurica, Kristi -
- PWS (NEP): OTN Prince William Sound Array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=2173734, LastModified=2024-11-01
- Kagley, Anna -
- ADM (NEP): Admiralty Inlet Puget Sound - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=78177, LastModified=2023-10-24
- FRSH (NEP): Fresh Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kahn, Jason -
- YORKAOX (ACT): NMFS, USN, Ches Sci Atlantic sturgeon - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kaiser-Wilks, Phoebe -
- SMUOG (OTN): SeaMonitor: Defining the Costs and Pathways ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=10050552, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Kajiura, Stephen -
- BLKTP (FACT): BLKTP Tags- Migration of blacktip sharks ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FAUK (FACT): FAUK Array- Blacktip migration Western Atlantic - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FBLTP (FACT): FBLTP Tags- Sexual segregation of the ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SHKBTA (FACT): SKKBTA Array - Shark Bite Study - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SHKBTT (FACT): SHKBTT Tags - Shark Bite Study - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kalinowsky, Chris -
- COBCRP (FACT): COBCRP Tags- Determining the stock boundary ... - contributor Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GAARA (FACT): GAARA - (Array) Georgia Artificial Reef ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GACRA (FACT): GACRA Array- Georgia Offshore Coastal Receiver ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GADNRMISC (FACT): GADNRMISC Tags- Multi-Species Tagging Project. - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GADNRRD (FACT): GADNRRD Tags- Georgia red drum tagging - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GADNRTT (FACT): GADNRTT Tags- Monitoring movement and survival ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GAOS (FACT): GAOS Array- Monitoring movement and survival ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GAWAS (FACT): GAWAS Array - Red Drum Monitoring ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GULFTT (FACT): GULFTT Tags- Tripletail in the Gulf ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kamman, Jan -
- Fish_Mig_Wad_Sea (ETN): Fish migration from source to Waddensea - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Swimway Vechte (ETN): Swimway Vechte - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kanigan, Adam -
- V2LBTC (NEP): Chilko Lake Bull Trout - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=5025867, LastModified=2024-04-04
- Kärgenberg, Einar -
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - researcher Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- Karlsen, Ørjan -
- SPAWNSEIS (ETN): SPAWNSEIS - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Karsten, Richard -
- MPD (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Sturgeon Tracking - researcher Type=Data, Records=16824227, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Kawabe, Ryo -
- SBT (OTN): CSIRO: SBT tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=240, LastModified=2013-07-30
- Kazyak, Dave -
- HRSNS (ACT): Hudson River Shortnose Population Estimate - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Keay, Ian -
- CCK (OTN): Cockburn Sound WA - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2011-03-14
- PRT (OTN): OTN Perth Line - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=260911, LastModified=2024-06-24
- WST (OTN): WAF Shark Tracking - technician Type=Data, Records=123, LastModified=2015-09-10
- Keiling, Toniann -
- SBUEPSRW (ACT): SBU Eco-Pod - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SBUNYOS (ACT): SBU NY Ocean Indicators - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kelble, Christopher -
- V2LCELASE (OTN): Sportfish movement in Florida Bay - collaborator Type=Data, Records=20730746, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Keller, Bryan -
- SCDNRBON (FACT): SCDNRBON tags- Seasonal movement of bonnethead ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Keller, Jessica -
- FLKEYS (FACT): FLKEYS Array- Tracking movements of reef ... - data custodian Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FLKEYST (FACT): FLKEYST Tags- Tracking movements of reef ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FLKSHK (FACT): FLKSHK Tags- Effects of Caribbean reef ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kelly, Craig -
- PBGC (OTN): Placentia Bay Green Crab - resource provider Type=Data, Records=495511, LastModified=2019-08-22
- Kelly, John -
- CDFWA15 (PATH): CDFWA15 - researcher Type=Data, Records=2727071, LastModified=2023-10-24
- Kemuksigak, Roland -
- GBT (OTN): Gilbert Bay Telemetry - collaborator Type=Data, Records=21878912, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Kenchington, Ellen -
- SPONGE (OTN): OTN Sponge Ground Landers - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=628, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Kendall, Matt -
- EEMPTAG (FACT): EEMPTAG - (Tag) Fish movements between ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FFC (FACT): FFC - (Tag) Study of Fish ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FFCA (FACT): FFCA - (Array) Study of Fish ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GRNMS (FACT): GRNMS Array- Connectivity of Gray's Reef ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GRNMSTAG (FACT): GRNMS Tags- Connectivity of Grays Reef ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOAAEEMP (FACT): NOAAEEMP - (Array) Fish movements between ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOAANERR (FACT): NOAANERR Tags- Fish telemetry at Rookery ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOAASARI (FACT): NOAASARI Tags- MPA Boundary Efficacy and ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOAASARIR (FACT): NOAASARIR Array- MPA Boundary Efficacy and ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ROOKNERR (FACT): ROOKNERR Array- Fish Telemetry at Rookery ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kennedy, Janelle -
- ANL (OTN): Arctic Nettling Lake - contributor Type=Data, Records=4297708, LastModified=2023-03-08
- Kennedy, Richard -
- SMAFBI (OTN): Seamonitor: River Bush study - researcher Type=Data, Records=29862, LastModified=2022-06-13
- Kenworthy, Matthew -
- UNC1 (FACT): UNC1 Array- Movements of bonnethead sharks ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- UNCNCS (FACT): UNCNCS Tags- Movements of bonnethead sharks ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Keretz, Kevin -
- LEGRD (GLATOS): Lake Erie Grid - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LENSA (GLATOS): Lake Erie Nearshore Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SRVPS (GLATOS): Sandusky River Vemco Positioning System - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kerwath, Sven -
- BRFT (SAF): Breede River fish tracking - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=116, LastModified=2016-12-07
- Kessel, Steve -
- ACB (OTN): Integrating acoustic telemetry and genomics to ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=33986340, LastModified=2024-11-04
- EST (OTN): Exuma Shark Tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1296920, LastModified=2023-11-02
- JLS (OTN): Movements and migrations of mature lemon ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=4595940, LastModified=2024-10-31
- V2LBBFSF (OTN): Multi-elasmobranch species telemetry project - researcher Type=Data, Records=5083893, LastModified=2024-07-26
- Kester, Denise -
- BOOPIRATA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - PIRATA - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=242, LastModified=2024-06-19
- BOORAMA (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - RAMA - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=171, LastModified=2024-02-14
- Ketchum, James -
- BOOMBARI (NEP): Acoustic Receiver on CICESE Buoy in ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=2, LastModified=2018-03-19
- CPNP (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=4173449, LastModified=2024-06-20
- GMR (MIGRAMAR): Galapagos Marine Reserve - researcher Type=Data, Records=63017, LastModified=2022-10-19
- GUAMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of White Sharks in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2759132, LastModified=2024-06-20
- MCMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks in the ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=548, LastModified=2024-06-20
- MIGHIS (MIGRAMAR): Migramar historical tag data - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=62, LastModified=2019-11-19
- MPMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=6386, LastModified=2024-06-20
- RANP (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2681440, LastModified=2024-02-20
- Kidd, Karen -
- V2LIISD (OTN): V2LIISD - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=143910, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Kieffer, Micah -
- GMS (OTN): Gulf of Maine Sturgeon - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=982, LastModified=2019-12-02
- Kiflawi, Moshe -
- SCIUI (OTN): Stress On the Reef - author Type=Data, Records=987444, LastModified=2022-10-25
- SIUI (OTN): Marine invasive species: Eilat, Gulf of ... - contributor Type=Data, Records=1272411, LastModified=2024-07-26
- SMED (OTN): Sdot Yam, Haifa District: The ... - contributor Type=Data, Records=1820438, LastModified=2024-07-26
- VEMTB (OTN): High-resolution tracking of parrotfish in the ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=8576296, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Kilfoil, James -
- TETSHK (PIRAT): Tetiaroa Sharks - researcher Type=Data, Records=172, LastModified=2024-10-09
- Kilgour, Morgan -
- CDFWGS (NEP): California Department of Fish and Wildlife ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=42, LastModified=2021-05-12
- CDFWJGS (NEP): California Department of Fish and Wildlife ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=156, LastModified=2022-10-07
- Killgore, K. Jack -
- AMEELA (FACT): AMEELA Array- Migration dynamics of silver ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- AMEELT (FACT): AMEELA Tags- Migration dynamics of silver ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kim, Edward -
- HMSWEA (ACT): NEAQ - Offshore Wind Telemetry - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQACK (ACT): NEAQ: Nantucket Shark Tagging - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQLT (ACT): NEAQ: Little tunny acoustic monitoring - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQSHA (ACT): NEAQSHA: New England Aquarium Array - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQSHT (ACT): NEAQSHT: Shark tagging - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kimmel, Kayla -
- AMEELA (FACT): AMEELA Array- Migration dynamics of silver ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- AMEELT (FACT): AMEELA Tags- Migration dynamics of silver ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- King, Benjamin -
- ARLNAIN (OTN): Acoustic Release Loan - Rock Cod ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=232970, LastModified=2021-04-15
- King, Craig -
- KENNEBEC (ACT): Merrymeeting Bay Acoustic Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- King, Jackie -
- WCVICT (NEP): Adult Chinook salmon distribution within killer ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=139971, LastModified=2024-10-15
- Kinney, Sean -
- AMEELA (FACT): AMEELA Array- Migration dynamics of silver ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- AMEELT (FACT): AMEELA Tags- Migration dynamics of silver ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kinnison, Michael -
- GMS (OTN): Gulf of Maine Sturgeon - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=982, LastModified=2019-12-02
- PBU (OTN): USGS: Salmon tagging - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=9871, LastModified=2024-02-13
- Kirchhoff, Stephane -
- V2LNSCC (OTN): Halifax Harbour Array - NSCC Oceans ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=75708, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Kiszka, Jeremy -
- NOSYBE (SAF): Madagascar Whale Sharks - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=2200, LastModified=2024-06-20
- Kleiman, Lauren -
- LWLSNAP (FACT): LWLSNAP Tags- Habitat Utilization by ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kleitou, Periklis -
- V2LCYLIM (OTN): iSea - Guitarfish Project - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Klenkenberg, Ross -
- AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking - technician Type=Data, Records=43625155, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Klimley, A. Peter -
- JGS (OTN): DFO: Sable Island Greenland Sharks - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=10, LastModified=2012-09-27
- KLIM (NEP): Klimley Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=835, LastModified=2014-11-17
- UCDCORE (PATH): Core Array - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=3053, LastModified=2022-07-14
- UCDHIST (PATH): Multi-Agency Fish Tracking Array - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=59492315, LastModified=2024-08-29
- YOLO (NEP): Evaluation of Floodplain Rearing and Migration ... - author Type=Tracker, Records=248, LastModified=2016-08-26
- YRK (NEP): Northern DPS and Southern DPS Green ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=90, LastModified=2012-08-29
- Knap, Anthony -
- GOOTAM (OTN): GOOTAM - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kneebone, Jeff -
- HMSWEA (ACT): NEAQ - Offshore Wind Telemetry - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MMFSTS (OTN): MMF Sand Tiger Sharks - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=130, LastModified=2014-02-25
- MURMI (ACT): Monmouth University - NJDEP RMI - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQACK (ACT): NEAQ: Nantucket Shark Tagging - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQLT (ACT): NEAQ: Little tunny acoustic monitoring - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQSHA (ACT): NEAQSHA: New England Aquarium Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQSHT (ACT): NEAQSHT: Shark tagging - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQTURTLE (ACT): NEAQTURT: Sea turtle tagging - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Knickle, D. Craig -
- MCPSB (OTN): Striped Bass tagging in PEI - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=40, LastModified=2023-07-24
- Knotek, Ryan -
- NEAQSHA (ACT): NEAQSHA: New England Aquarium Array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NEAQSHT (ACT): NEAQSHT: Shark tagging - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Knudsen, Rune -
- V2LNR (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Norway - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=15380039, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Kocik, John -
- BOONSW (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - NOAA Salmon ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=440814, LastModified=2023-10-11
- GMG (OTN): Gulf of Maine NEFSC NERACOOS-GoMOOS Buoys - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=51911, LastModified=2024-10-31
- HGN (OTN): NEFSC Gray Seal Distribution in US ... - contributor Type=Tracker, Records=92, LastModified=2023-05-26
- PBN (OTN): NOAA Penobscot Salmon Tracking - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=213829, LastModified=2022-10-25
- PBU (OTN): USGS: Salmon tagging - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=9871, LastModified=2024-02-13
- Kock, Alison -
- ELAS (SAF): spatial ecology of chondricthyans in False ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=30, LastModified=2023-02-10
- OCRSA (SAF): OCEARCH shark tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2013-06-19
- SSST (SAF): Shark Spotters shark tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=177, LastModified=2022-03-18
- TBRO (SAF): Ecology of the Copper Shark - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=82, LastModified=2023-02-10
- Koed, Anders -
- 2004_Gudena (ETN): 2004_Gudena - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SMOLTRACK-Skjern (ETN): DTU-Skjern - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- V2LLIMS (OTN): Pinnipeds and Salmonids in the Limfjord, ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=16800808, LastModified=2024-06-22
- Koenig, Christopher -
- FSUGG (FACT): FSUGG Tags- Spawning migration patterns of ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Koksvik, Jan Ivar -
- RNP (OTN): NTNU River Nidelva Project - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=3589922, LastModified=2023-12-19
- Konrad, Christoph -
- V2LEMERA (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Emera Snow ... - contributor Type=Data, Records=42540329, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Koob, Elise -
- DMFAN (ACT): MADMF Striped Bass Acoustic Arrays North - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFBOSWF (ACT): MADMF GOM Winter Flounder Studies - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DMFCS (ACT): MADMF Striped Bass Migration Ecology Study - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Koopman, Natalie -
- V2LCBHNP (OTN): Cape Breton Highlands National Park salmon ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=163203, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Koropatnick, Tanya -
- MUSQMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Musquash Marine Protected ... - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=197883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Koutrakis, Emanuil -
- 2019_DTUAQUA (ETN): North Aegean Anguilla Tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kowalchyk, Cara -
- NCDMFS3 (ACT): NCDMF Multi-Species Tagging Program - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kraska, Peter -
- PBSM (OTN): Quoddy Region Pelagics Telemetry - custodian Type=Data, Records=45493883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Kratville, Daniel -
- CDFWA15 (PATH): CDFWA15 - researcher Type=Data, Records=2727071, LastModified=2023-10-24
- Krause, Jacob R -
- CMAST (FACT): CMAST Array- Estimating survival and stock ... - author Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCCOBIA (FACT): NCCOBIA Tags- Stock structure of cobia - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kraus, Richard -
- LECIS (GLATOS): Lake Erie Cisco - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- TOHWE (GLATOS): Thermal Optical Habitat for Walleye - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kristensen, Martin Lykke -
- DTU-Aqua_RE (ETN): Running_eel - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Limfjord (ETN): Limfjord - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Reelease (ETN): Reelease - technical contact (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LDBS (OTN): Danish Belts and Sounds - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=253180, LastModified=2023-06-08
- V2LLIMS (OTN): Pinnipeds and Salmonids in the Limfjord, ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=16800808, LastModified=2024-06-22
- Kroetz, Andrea -
- NOAAMAN (FACT): NOAAMAN Tags- NOAA Manta Ray Conservation ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOSAW (FACT): NOSAW Tags- Movements and habitat ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NOSAWR (FACT): NOSAWR Array- Habitat use of smalltooth ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LAND (OTN): Tracking the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=548210, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Kropp, Franz -
- V2LEOR2 (OTN): American Eel Assesment at Hydropower Facility - collaborator Type=Data, Records=3269771, LastModified=2023-11-08
- Krueger, Charles -
- V2LGLFC (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Lake Erie ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=1627107, LastModified=2024-07-26
- Krumme, Uwe -
- THUENEN_BALTIC (ETN): Movements of cod, plaice, flounder and ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kubaia, Maros -
- 2016_MDS (ETN): Middle_Danube_sturgeons - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Kulchylski, Tim -
- V2LCOBS (NEP): VR2W Loan - Cowichan Bay Salmon - collaborator Type=Data, Records=817947, LastModified=2024-06-19
- Kurtay, Evrim -
- STRAITS_TSTN (ETN): Turkish Straits Detection Data - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LTSTN (OTN): Bluefish migration between the Black and ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=512077, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Kurth, Ryon -
- DWRPREDATOR09 (PATH): DWRpredator09 - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=463, LastModified=2023-05-31
- LaBelle, Jake -
- WCSSHARKST (ACT): WCS New York Sand Tiger Shark ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Labourgade, Pierre -
- FISHOWF (ETN): FISHOWF_Array_France - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LaClair, Christopher -
- SERCNC (ACT): SERC NC Coast Array - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LaCroce, Melissa -
- CRFLII (FACT): CRFLII Array- Persistence and Habitat Use ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GALAP (FACT): GALAP - (Array) Galapagos-Assessing the Interacting ... - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCCFOS (FACT): NCCFOS - (Array) Completing the Pamlico ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lacroix, Gilles -
- KEN (OTN): Kennebecasis Basin Salmon Tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=8, LastModified=2013-07-30
- Ladino, Felipe -
- MALP (MIGRAMAR): Sanctuary of Malpelo Acoustic Telemetry - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=34, LastModified=2023-10-03
- MIGHIS (MIGRAMAR): Migramar historical tag data - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=62, LastModified=2019-11-19
- Lambert, Catherine -
- V2LCREA (OTN): Developing Knowledge on the Status of ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=13135440, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Lamberth, Steve -
- BRFT (SAF): Breede River fish tracking - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=116, LastModified=2016-12-07
- GEFT (SAF): Goukou Estuary fish tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=66, LastModified=2013-09-10
- Lamont, Margaret -
- GOMMIG (FACT): Coastal and marine vertebrate migratory activity ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GOMMIGA (FACT): GOMMIGA - (Array) Coastal and marine ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lampitt, Richard -
- BOOPAP (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Porcupine Abyssal ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=8, LastModified=2021-10-27
- Lance, Monique -
- PSL (NEP): US West Coast Sea Lions - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=710, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Landovskis, Shannon -
- BDLSPG (OTN): Apoqnmatulti'k - Bras D'Or Lake - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=23195965, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Lane, Steve -
- 2020 PhD - Winter (ETN): 2020_PhD_Winter - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Northern Norfolk Broads (ETN): Northern_Norfolk_Broads - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Langford, Gabriel -
- FSCTB (FACT): FSCTB - (Array) Long-term assessment of ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FSCTBT (FACT): FSCTBT - (Tag) Long-term assessment of ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Langford, Meredith -
- SAIHU (FACT): SAIHU Tags- Winter elasmobranch composition in ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Langness, Olaf -
- DION (NEP): Northeast Pacific Green Sturgeon Tagging - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=740, LastModified=2021-03-11
- Lang, Shelley -
- GSFP (OTN): Quantifying grey seal foraging pressure (abundance ... - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2024-04-16
- Lapointe, Nicolas -
- V2LEOR (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Eels in ... - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=58610, LastModified=2018-05-28
- V2LEOR2 (OTN): American Eel Assesment at Hydropower Facility - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=3269771, LastModified=2023-11-08
- Lara Lizardi, Frida -
- CPNP (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=4173449, LastModified=2024-06-20
- GUAMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of White Sharks in ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=2759132, LastModified=2024-06-20
- MCMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks in the ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=548, LastModified=2024-06-20
- MPMR (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=6386, LastModified=2024-06-20
- RANP (MIGRAMAR): Movement patterns of sharks and rays ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=2681440, LastModified=2024-02-20
- Larocque, Sarah -
- ANL (OTN): Arctic Nettling Lake - custodian Type=Data, Records=4297708, LastModified=2023-03-08
- BQATL (GLATOS): Bay of Quinte Atlantic Salmon movements - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- CRATL (GLATOS): Credit River Atlantic salmon movements and ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- DCATL (GLATOS): Duffins Creek Atlantic Salmon Juvenile Movements - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LOSAL (GLATOS): Lake Ontario Salmonids - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- RAEON (GLATOS): Real-time Aquatic Ecosystem Observation Network - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- WNDCD (GLATOS): Windemere Carp and DO device - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- La Rose, Jake -
- BQEEL (OTN): Bay of Quinte Eel Tracking - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=402, LastModified=2018-01-10
- BQEEL (GLATOS): Bay of Quinte Rare Fishes - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Larsson, Per -
- KBTN (ETN): Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Laurans, Martial -
- FISHINTEL (ETN): Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- FISHOWF (ETN): FISHOWF_Array_France - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Laurel, Benjamin J. -
- ALB (NEP): ALB - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=608550, LastModified=2024-10-24
- Lauridsen, Rasmus -
- SAMARCH Tracking network (ETN): SAMARCH - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lauzon, Ryan -
- LHBTP (GLATOS): Lake Huron Bima'azh Telemetry Project - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lavallee, Charlene -
- V2LVFS (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Vieux-Fort Salmon - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=14205, LastModified=2014-10-31
- Lavoie, Kimberly -
- ASIARRAY (ACT): ASI - Acoustic Array - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ASISPINNER (ACT): ASI Spinner Shark Study - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ASIWHITE (ACT): ASI White Shark Study, Southern NE - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ASIWHITE21 (ACT): ASI & O'Seas - White Shark ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lavoie, Marie-France -
- CIL (OTN): Crow Island Lobster - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=7215635, LastModified=2024-06-25
- KURCH (OTN): KURCH - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=1379, LastModified=2024-06-25
- PBSM (OTN): Quoddy Region Pelagics Telemetry - researcher Type=Data, Records=45493883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- PML (OTN): Port Mouton Lobster - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=97975952, LastModified=2024-10-31
- QBI (OTN): Quebec Benthic Invertebrates - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=93989267, LastModified=2024-10-31
- TOUR (OTN): Tourelle benthic invertebrates - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=112628701, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Law, Jason -
- SEBOO (FACT): SEBOO Array - Southeast Buoys of ... - technician Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lawrence, Michael -
- MUSQMPA (OTN): Maritimes Conservation Network: Musquash Marine Protected ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=197883, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Lawrence, Mike -
- FWS (NEP): OTN Canada Fraser River White Sturgeon ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=1632226, LastModified=2024-10-24
- Lea, Ellen -
- AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=43625155, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Leander, Johan -
- VFM_BP (ETN): VFM_BalticProper - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_GoB (ETN): VFM_GulfOfBotnia - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_RG (ETN): VFM_RiverGota - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- VFM_WCC (ETN): VFM_WestCoastCostal - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Leber, Ken -
- SCAN (FACT): SCAN Array- Multi-species movements along west ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- LeBlanc, Paul -
- IBFS (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Striped Bass - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=5336479, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Lebrato, Mario -
- V2LMOZ (SAF): Tracking large sharks in the coastal ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=73463, LastModified=2023-12-05
- Le Bris, Arnault -
- NCAT (OTN): Northern Cod Acoustic Telemetry - researcher Type=Data, Records=75153, LastModified=2024-10-15
- Lecaillon, Gilles -
- FISHOWF (ETN): FISHOWF_Array_France - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Ledoux, Cynthia -
- LDUX (NEP): Ledoux Bloom Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=198, LastModified=2012-07-17
- Lee, Craig -
- BOODST (OTN): Buoys of Opportunity - Davis Strait ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=375759, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Lee, John -
- LEE (NEP): Lee Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=96, LastModified=2012-07-17
- Lee, Max -
- SRQDEP (FACT): SRQDEP Tags- Human-animal conflict: Shark behavior ... - collaborator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lees, Kirsty -
- TOUR (OTN): Tourelle benthic invertebrates - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=112628701, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Légaré, Jérôme -
- LSB (OTN): St. Lawrence River Striped Bass - technician (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=19322766, LastModified=2024-07-25
- QSLR (OTN): St. Lawrence River Fish Monitoring - technician Type=Data, Records=11496245, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Legault, Michel -
- JDE (OTN): OTN Canada American Eel Tracking - collaborator Type=Data, Records=695686, LastModified=2022-10-25
- LSB (OTN): St. Lawrence River Striped Bass - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=19322766, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Legett, Henry -
- CBRIVERS24 (ACT): SERC Chesapeake Bay Rivers Array - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Leguizamon Velez, Martin Esteban -
- BDL (OTN): OTN Bras d'Or Lakes Array - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=2870092, LastModified=2023-03-08
- Leibold, Patrick -
- GOOGMR (OTN): Gliders of Opportunity - GEOMAR - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=5, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Lembke, Chad -
- GOOUSF (OTN): Gliders of Opportunity - University of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=1559, LastModified=2024-06-18
- VMLUSF (OTN): OTN VMT Loan - USF - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=278, LastModified=2022-10-26
- Lenfant, Philippe -
- FISHOWF (ETN): FISHOWF_Array_France - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- ResMed (ETN): ResMed - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lenhardt, Mirjana -
- IGH (ETN): IG II Fish Pass - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lennox, Robert -
- AWF (OTN): Using acoustic telemetry to study Endangered ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=521, LastModified=2024-10-15
- BDLSPG (OTN): Apoqnmatulti'k - Bras D'Or Lake - researcher Type=Data, Records=23195965, LastModified=2024-11-04
- BTN (OTN): The Bergen Telemetry Network - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=272914, LastModified=2021-07-28
- BTTBFA (FACT): BTTBFA - (Array) Identifying Bonefish Pre-spawning ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- HFX (OTN): OTN Halifax Line - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=905098, LastModified=2024-11-04
- IBOFK (OTN): Inner Bay of Fundy Kelts - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=70, LastModified=2024-06-17
- NSCM (OTN): Nova Scotia Coastal Monitoring - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PEIPARR (OTN): Using Novel Microacoustic Tags to Track ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=268, LastModified=2024-09-10
- PLAUTNA (PIRAT): Palau FADs and Tuna - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=24492, LastModified=2023-11-07
- SOBI (OTN): OTN Strait of Belle Isle Array - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SUPERSAT (OTN): Southern Norway brown trout - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=4514669, LastModified=2024-10-18
- V2LCBHNP (OTN): Cape Breton Highlands National Park salmon ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=163203, LastModified=2024-07-25
- V2LCREA (OTN): Developing Knowledge on the Status of ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=13135440, LastModified=2024-11-04
- V2LNASTI (OTN): V2LNASTI - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=430, LastModified=2024-10-09
- Leonardos, Ioannis -
- 2019_DTUAQUA (ETN): North Aegean Anguilla Tracking - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Leone, Farrah -
- SBUSOMAS01 (ACT): SBU Coastal New York Bight Acoustic ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Leon, Mike -
- INPWS (NEP): INPWS - collaborator Type=Data, Records=240, LastModified=2024-06-19
- Lerquet, Marc -
- Walloneel (ETN): Silver Eel downstream migration in the ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Leszkiewicz, Thomas -
- ORSWS (OTN): ORS: Brion Island White shark - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=43, LastModified=2022-10-25
- Levenson, Jacob -
- MANGA (FACT): MANGA - (Tag) Habitat use of ... - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- USNKSC (FACT): USNKSC Tags- Effects of Dredging on ... - resource provider Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lewandoski, Sean -
- PWSPC (NEP): PWSSC Pacific Cod - collaborator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=250, LastModified=2015-05-08
- Lewis, Justin -
- V2LGBI (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Finding Bonefish ... - resource provider Type=Data, Records=8493201, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Lewis-McCrea, Leah -
- CMARG (OTN): CMAR Glider Surveys - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=185, LastModified=2021-08-05
- NSDFA (OTN): CMAR Nova Scotia Environmental Sensor Sites - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=5795410, LastModified=2024-06-27
- Lewis, Paul -
- PLT (OTN): WA Fisheries: Tailor tag releases - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=16, LastModified=2011-03-14
- Ley, Jarman -
- SNMCG (OTN): MCG SOFAR Buoy - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=3, LastModified=2022-05-31
- Liao, James -
- WHITR (FACT): WHITR Array- Red drum movements - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- WHITT (FACT): WHITT Tags- Red drum movements - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lidgard, Damian -
- GSFP (OTN): Quantifying grey seal foraging pressure (abundance ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=80, LastModified=2024-04-16
- SGS (OTN): OTN Canada Sable Island Grey Seal ... - collaborator Type=Data, Records=1033220, LastModified=2024-08-28
- VMLPPWS (OTN): Spatiotemporal associations and interactions between grey ... - researcher (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=660, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Lilly, Jessie -
- HRFORCE (OTN): Quantifying fish-turbine interactions using new high ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=8171179, LastModified=2023-10-15
- SMUOG (OTN): SeaMonitor: Defining the Costs and Pathways ... - student (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=10050552, LastModified=2024-03-06
- Limardo, Melayna -
- MDRSHARK (ACT): COA Shark Study - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lindley, Steve -
- LIND (NEP): Lindley Tags - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=216, LastModified=2012-07-17
- PGS (NEP): Migration and Habitat Use of Green ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=759678, LastModified=2024-06-24
- Linenfelser, Joshua -
- V2LCELASE (OTN): Sportfish movement in Florida Bay - technician Type=Data, Records=20730746, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Linnansaari, Tommi -
- CASSB (OTN): UNB Atlantic sturgeon and striped bass ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=10225817, LastModified=2024-10-31
- TNGS (OTN): Assessing the efficiency of the downstream ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=67574, LastModified=2023-11-02
- TNGS (OTN): Assessing the efficiency of the downstream ... - researcher Type=Data, Records=67574, LastModified=2023-11-02
- UNBEEL (OTN): UNB Ecology of the American eel - researcher Type=Data, Records=9006688, LastModified=2024-11-04
- UNBMIR (OTN): UNB Miramichi River - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=7367860, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Lino Costa, José -
- PTN/ATLAZUL (ETN): Temporary acoustic network in the SW ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PTN/MEROSW2021/duskygrouper (ETN): Temporary acoustic network in the Sines ... - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PTN/PROTECT2012 (ETN): PTN/PROTECT2012 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PTN/PROTECT2013 (ETN): PTN/PROTECT2013 - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- PTN-Silver eel-Mondego (ETN): PTN-Silver eel-Mondego - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lippi, Daniel -
- V2LTAMS (OTN): Effectiveness of a no-take zone - author Type=Data, Records=199180, LastModified=2023-08-09
- Lirette, Camille -
- SPONGE (OTN): OTN Sponge Ground Landers - technician Type=Deployment, Records=628, LastModified=2024-02-28
- Li, Shihan -
- BOOCAMP (OTN): BOOCAMP - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=95, LastModified=2024-06-25
- Litt, Aline -
- V2LEOR2 (OTN): American Eel Assesment at Hydropower Facility - student Type=Data, Records=3269771, LastModified=2023-11-08
- Litvak, Matthew -
- MFNLS (GLATOS): Mississagi River and Delta Lake Sturgeon - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- MPD (OTN): OTN Canada Atlantic Sturgeon Tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=16824227, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Liu, Shanshan -
- V2LOLTD (OTN): Fish Tag Receiver Study - researcher Type=Deployment, Records=5, LastModified=2021-07-22
- Locascio, Jim -
- GGSPAG (FACT): GGSPAG - (Tag) Acoustic tagging of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- GGSPAGA (FACT): GGSPAGA - (Array) Acoustic tagging of ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- SCAN (FACT): SCAN Array- Multi-species movements along west ... - collaborator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Loeffler, Michael -
- NCDMFA1 (ACT): NCDMF Albemarle Sound Arrays - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFA2 (ACT): NCDMF Tar-Pam Neuse Arrays - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFA3 (ACT): NCDMF Cape Fear River Arrays - principal investigator Type=Deployment, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFS1 (ACT): NCDMF Sturgeon Tagging Study - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFS2 (ACT): NCDMF Anadromous Fisheries Tagging Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFS3 (ACT): NCDMF Multi-Species Tagging Program - principal investigator Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- NCDMFS4 (ACT): NCDMF American Shad Tagging Study - researcher Type=Tracker, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Lok, Altan -
- ART (OTN): Artificial Reef Study - Turkey - researcher Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- V2LTSTN (OTN): Bluefish migration between the Black and ... - principal investigator Type=Data, Records=512077, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Lombardo Cifuentes, Luis -
- SOSP (MIGRAMAR): Saving Our Sharks Mexico - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=162029, LastModified=2023-06-16
- Long, Christopher -
- GBSTG (GLATOS): Movement and Fidelity of Green Bay ... - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Longfellow, William -
- V2LPMQ (OTN): OTN VR2W Loan - Alewife Migration ... - resource provider Type=Data, Records=11923, LastModified=2024-07-25
- Long, Rachel -
- SJRBL (OTN): Coastal Environmental Baseline program, Maritimes Region - technician Type=Deployment, Records=1015093, LastModified=2024-11-04
- Lorenz, Jason -
- GLTKZ (GLATOS): Gun Lake Tribe Lake Sturgeon Migration - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=NA, LastModified=NA
- Loria, Jorge -
- SOSP (MIGRAMAR): Saving Our Sharks Mexico - collaborator Type=Data, Records=162029, LastModified=2023-06-16
- L’Orsa, Sue -
- CMARG (OTN): CMAR Glider Surveys - technician Type=Deployment, Records=185, LastModified=2021-08-05
- Loseto, Lisa -
- AULUFSH (OTN): Arctic - Ulukhaktok Fish Tracking - principal investigator (Point of Contact) Type=Data, Records=43625155, LastModified=2024-10-31
- Lothian, Angus -