OTN Council Membership (2011)


Dalhousie President or designate – Martha Crago, VP Research


Dalhousie Vice-President Finance and Administration or designate – Ken Burt, VP Finance

Dalhousie University Assistant Vice President Research – Iain Stewart

Two senior academic administrators, appointed by the President – Chris Moore, Dean of Science; Kim Brooks, Dean of Law

Chair, OTN Global Project Coordination Committee – Keith Alverson

Chair, OTN Canada Scientific Advisory Committee – Keith Thompson

Industry representative, appointed by the President – Jim Hanlon

Three scientists representing OTN theme areas of research

(appointed by the President) (non-voting) – Katja Fennel (Atlantic), Terry Dick (Arctic), Scott Hinch (Pacific)

OTN Executive Director (ex officio, non-voting) – Fred Whoriskey

OTN Global Scientific Director (ex officio, non-voting) – Ron O'Dor

OTN Canada Scientific Director (ex officio, non-voting) – Sara Iverson

Federal government representative, appointed by the President

(on the recommendation of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, non-voting observer) – Siddika Mithani

CFI representative (non-voting) – Olivier Gagnon


Senior Project Manager – Margaret-Ann Hall

CFI-Dalhousie Liaison – Nancy Hayter