
Orono Workshop March 12 ,2012


  1. ensure PrinciplaI Investigators and Researchers can access their data via web
  2. demonstrate ways and means of summarizing and visualizing basic detection data and sensor data
  3. validation of detected animal data products


  1. Introductions and Objectives
  2. Identify available OTN Websites
  3. Hands On - Discovery Metadata
  4. Overview of hardware and software
  5. Hands On - Google Earth
  6. Overview of data model
  7. Hands On - RStudio
  8. GIS Systems

Detail Agenda

  1. Start Welcome to OTNDC ppt
  2. Introductions and Objectives
    1. Roundtable introductions
    2. Objectives of workshop
  3. Identify available OTN Websites
    1. OTN Global - http://oceantrackingnetwork.org/
    2. OTN Canada - http://otncanada.org/
    3. OTN Members - http://members.oceantrack.org/
      • confrm that everyone can login
      • Review OTN data use policy
  4. Hands On - Discovery Metadata - focus on relevant data collections - http://members.oceantrack.org/data
    1. demonstrate how to find desired records starting from OTNGlobal
    2. give top to bottom overview of the MPD record
    3. quick peek at members.devl.oceantrack.org
      • sharing
    4. WDG in IOBIS.org  - http://iobis.org/mapper/?resource_id=2308
  5. Overiew of major system components
    1. Dal services ...
      1. PLONE - folders, pages and files
      2. PostgreSQL - schemas, tables, rows and columns
      3. GeoServer - layers and properties
    2. Personal Computers
      1. Web Browser - pages and links
      2. Google Earth - WMS and KML
      3. R - WFS and CSV
  6. Hands On - Geoserver and Google Earth
    1. Geoserver - http://global.devl.oceantrack.org:8080/geoserver/web/
      1. Layer Preview
        • openlayers
        • kml
        • csv
    2. Google Earth
      1. load http://www.marinebiodiversity.ca/OTN/etc/ge/OceanTrackingNetwork.kmz
      2. resources vs. stations
      3. left hand menu
      4. symbol legend
      5. station popups
      6. load detections kml
      7. to save or not to save
  7. Overview of data model
    1. stored data
      1. animals
      2. moorings
      3. detections
    2. data products
      1. stations
      2. animal detections
      3. compressed animal detections
      4. ...
  8. Hands on - R
    1. installing and running R and Rstudio*
    2. confirm that R and Rstudio are working
      1. plot(rnorm(100)
      2. library(manipulate)
        manipulate(plot(rnorm(1:x)), x = slider(1, 100))
    3. Ooro and Acadia  .r scripts
      1. RCurl csv downloads
      2. RgoogleMaps
      3. various graphics
    4. Tracks2.R
  9. GIS Systems - using GeoMapApp
    1. http://www.geomapapp.org/
    2. map of station locations
      • http://global.devl.oceantrack.org:8080/geoserver/wms?request=getCapabilities
    3. examine bathymetry