action items

OTNDC - Bob B.

  • discovery metatadata...
    • add row to data summary showing date last modified by year
    • add count and or graphic of receivers within range of release points (e.g. 100, 500, 1000 km)
    • provide CGIwithR coverage plot plot with individual detections on top
  • add more constraints to tag release metadata (e.g. life stage)
  • add data citation to all CSV products
  • provide moorings csv and kml data product
  • block diagram...
    • add owner concept to diagram
    • match color of discovery metadata with actual data
  • investigate why VMT not showing as receiver type on SGS

General - John K.

  • sign VEMCO authorization form for NEFSC Field Station
  • work with Joe Z. and Gale Z. to sign for USGS and USM

PBN: NOAA: Salmon tagging - Jim H.

  • add Jim H as second principal invetigator
  • review discovery metadata

GMG: Gulf of Maine GoMOOS Buoys - Paul M.

  • provide new deployment metadata records after buoys are re-deployed
  • provide tag release metadata and or contact info for other known trackers
  • extend to include entire Platform of Opportunity project...
    • include Drifer and TMolt deployments
  • review discovery metadata...
    • propose new long and short name

ACT: Atlantic Cooperative Telemetry - Lori B.

  • work with Dewayne F. to make ACT a collaborative group with OTN