Atlantic Sturgeon, Sand Tiger and Oceanographic Conditions

Atlantic Sturgeon and Sand Tiger Acoustic Detections Matched to Oceanographic Conditions in the Mid-Atlantic

Atlantic Sturgeon, Sand Tiger and Oceanographic Conditions - Size: 18.55 MB

This file contains daily-binned acoustic detections of Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus) and Sand Tigers (Charcharias taurus), from VEMCO acoustic receivers (VR2 and VR2Ws) moored within the Delaware Bay and Delaware Coastal Ocean, USA. The dataset includes the acoustic transmitter ID for each individual, as well as associated metadata (fork length (cm), total length (cm), sex, weight (kg)). Detection locations were matched to daily aggregated remote sensing environmental variables measured by the MODIS Aqua satellite sensor and can be found here: