Telemetry data for 2022, where the network was placed to support adjacent projects tagging sharks, mackerel, herring, and sculpin, as well as monitoring for other species tagged by other researchers. Acoustic receivers (n=157) were placed at various passageways leading to the outer Bay of Fundy from the Quoddy Region and at farm sites, to determine regional use of these tagged species.

Receiver detection files (.csv)Raw .csv receiver detection files
Receiver detection files (.vrl)Raw .vrl receiver detection files
Acoustic receiver metadataMetadata of receiver deployments in the Quoddy Region, Bay of Fundy, in 2022
QRPT-2022-otn-instrument-deployment-short-form_updated_QC.xlsBrent sent updated metadata, I made a new tab called "Update" that just contains the rows that were updated (and these have been fixed in the database)