
Photos, maps, bathymetry profiles, instruments, etc.

Phase1, Cape Breton to St. Paul's Island - Size: 57.18 KB - Resolution: 960 x 605

image created using Geomapapp

Phase1, Cape Breton to St. Paul's Island - Size: 2.25 MB - Resolution: 1024 x 768

image captured from Fugawi Marine ENC navigational software

Stations North of St Pauls Island - Size: 54.42 KB - Resolution: 984 x 643

These stations North of St Pauls were recommended by Doug Swain and Luc Comeau as potential hot spot for overwintering cod. These stations span depths of approximately 140 - 370m.

Cabot Strait Phase 1 depth profile - Size: 39.65 KB - Resolution: 830 x 280

Image of the depth profile generated by Geomapapp: Cape Breton to St Paul's Island

Google Earth Map - Size: 707.97 KB - Resolution: 903 x 1014