Web Site Usage
Here is OTN's website usage policy statement. Please direct commentary to otndc@dal.ca
Terms of Use for the OTN Website
The OTN website provides “members only” access to a variety of online resources relating to the tracking of marine organisms. See “How to become a Member” to join. We also hope that, in addition to using site resources, OTN members will consider uploading new material for sharing, and thus promote tracking of marine organisms on a wider scale. In any case, use of the OTN website is subject to the following terms. Please read carefully before using the site. By accessing the OTN website, you are agreeing to the following terms, which are designed to ensure proper use and encourage continued success of this site.
Use of Content:
If you use material from this website, please use the appropriate citation(s).
The citation for the OTN website is:
Ocean Tracking Network [date accessed] www.oceantrackingnetwork.org
- Materials posted by individuals should have their own citations, which should be listed by the data providers.
Posting material to the site:
Material must be related to tracking of marine organisms. This website does not host or promote other types of scientific work or non-scientific activity. It is the responsibility of the member to keep individual material within the constraints of the OTN mandate.
When a member requests to join the website, they may also request permission to upload and display their own materials. This posted material is the property and responsibility of the individual uploading it. Individual uploads are expected to each have their own citation (including data, video clips, photographs, publications, etc.).
Material posted by individuals will normally be restricted to appear only on a personal profile page. Additional permission from the webmaster is required to upload material to the general site. If a OTN member (or group of members) feel that a specific project or scientific discussion topic relating to tracking of marine organisms deserves to be profiled at a higher level in the web layout then a specific proposal should be submitted outlining the rationale.
All postings may be subjected to editorial review.
Inappropriate content:
The webmaster reserves the right to remove any material uploaded by an individual that is deemed to be inappropriate and a mis-use of access to the site.
The webmaster may restrict individual access and posting privileges and may ultimately remove an individual from the website, should problems persist with posting of inappropriate material.We request that OTN members notify the webmaster if they encounter problems with the website or if they feel that inappropriate content has been posted so we can keep the site working properly.