Publication Data Repository

A list of datasets published in support of various telemetry publications; registered and hosted by OTN.

Title: Immune response genes and pathogen presence predict migration survival in wild salmon smolts.

Authors: Ken M. Jeffries

Journal: Molecular Ecology

PSS2 Metadata

Title: Aquatic Animal Telemetry across diverse scales: discovery, applications and relevance - Supplementary Materials

Authors: Nigel E. Hussey, Steven T. Kessel, Kim Aarestrup, Steven J. Cooke, Paul D. Cowley, Aaron T. Fisk, Robert G. Harcourt, Kim N. Holland, Sara J. Iverson*, John F. Kocik, Joanna E. Mills Flemming, Fred G. Whoriskey

Journal: Science

DataCite Reference

Title: Tagging metadata and detection data for sockeye and steelhead smolts tagged with acoustic transmitters in the Strait of Georgia

Authors: Nathan B Furey

Journal: PLOS One

NSOG Metadata

QCS Metadata

DataCite Reference

Title: Tagging metadata and detection data for Chilko Lake sockeye smolts tagged with acoustic transmitters

Authors: Timothy D. Clark, Nathan B. Furey, Erin L. Rechisky, Marika K. Gale, Ken M. Jeffries, Aswea D. Porter, Matthew T. Casselman, Andrew G. Lotto, David A. Patterson, Steven J. Cooke, Anthony P. Farrell, David W. Welch, Scott G. Hinch

Journal: Ecological Applications

DataCite Reference

Title: Slocum Glider UD275_378 Fall Spring 2013, Mid-Atlantic Fish Telemetery Mission

Authors: Matthew Breece

Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution

OBAS Metadata

DataCite Reference

Title: Data from: Predator swamping reduces predation risk during nocturnal migration of juvenile salmon in a high-mortality landscape. Journal of Animal Ecology

Authors: Furey, NB, SG Hinch, AL Bass, CT Middleton, V Minke-Martin, and AG Lotto.

Journal: Journal of Animal Ecology

DataCite Reference

Title: Conductivity and Temperature data for Nova Scotian and Norwegian Shelf

Authors: Mathieu Dever (compiler)

Sources: DFO Canada, Norway Institute of Marine Research (Havforskningsinstituttet)

Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research

DataCite Reference

Title: Data from: Piscivorous fish exhibit temperature-influenced binge feeding during an annual prey pulse. Journal of Animal Ecology

Authors: Furey, NB, SG Hinch, MG Mesa, and DA Beauchamp

Journal: Journal of Animal Ecology

DataCite Reference


Paper: Piscivorous fish exhibit temperature-influenced binge feeding during an annual prey pulse (10.1111/1365-2656.12528)

Title: Iafrate Detection Data - Canaveral Pile Driving

Authors: Joseph Iafrate

Journal: PLOS ONE

DataCite Reference

Title: Raw detection data for movements of a deep-water flatfish: Establishing marine fisheries management boundaries in coastal Arctic fisheries

Authors: Nigel Hussey

Journal: Journal of Ecological Applications

DataCite Reference

Title: Raw detection data for Transient movements of a deep-water flatfish in coastal waters: implications of inshore-offshore connectivity for fisheries management.

Authors: Barkley, A.N., Nigel Hussey

Journal: Journal of Applied Ecology

DataCite Reference

Title: Atlantic Sturgeon and Sand Tiger Acoustic Detections Matched to Oceanographic Conditions in the Mid-Atlantic

Authors: Danielle Haulsee


DataCite Reference

Title: Detections of Acoustically Tagged Bull Trout in the Kinbasket Reservoir during January 2011

Authors: Kim Whoriskey

Journal: Methods in Ecology and Evolution

DataCite Reference

Title: Migration and apparent survival of postspawning alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in Minas Basin, Bay of Fundy

Authors: Elizabetha Tsitrin & Michael Stokesbury

Journal(s): TBD

DataCite Reference