Données d'échantillonnage

Marine invasive species: Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea

Dernière version Publié par Ocean Tracking Network le 6 novembre 2024 Ocean Tracking Network
Date de publication:
6 novembre 2024
Publié par:
Ocean Tracking Network
CC-BY 4.0

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This is the OBIS extraction of the Ocean Tracking Network and Tel Aviv University (TAU) Marine invasive species: Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, consisting of the release tagging metadata, i.e. the location and date when the tagged animal was released, and summarized detection events of tagged individuals. If readers are interested in the source dataset they may also inquire with the project PIs as listed here or on the OTN web site (

Abstract:Marine invasive species have become a widespread phenomenon, with devastating ecological and economic consequences. Current research focuses mainly on monitoring the ecological impacts of invasive species, rather than aiming to understand the mechanisms facilitate or drive them. Landscape characteristics such as substrate configuration, patchiness, and resource availability, are known determinants of the behavior and distribution of marine species. Such components change substantially over space and time, and little is known on how the impact of invasive species may vary accordingly. This research focuses on an invasive rabbitfish species Siganus rivulatus, previously native to the Indo-Pacific. Along the Mediterranean coast, S. rivulatus is shown to have devastating impacts on biodiversity, ecosystems� resilience, and community structures. My research aims to understand how the species� behavior and impact are facilitated or restricted by the surrounding landscape, directly comparing the native and invasive ranges of this species. By employing state-of-the-art technology, previously unused in Israel, fish movements will be recorded in real-time through acoustic tags. Data of such high resolution will enable to quantify fundamental parameters such as home range kernels, habitat utilization, and movement trajectories. By conducting a similar study at the native region (Red Sea; Eilat) and the invaded region (Mediterranean; Sdot-Yam) I will gain insight into the behavioral landscape ecology of S. rivulatus, and the behavioral shifts that may have occurred as a result of invading a novel ecosystem. Finally, movement patterns of S. rivulatus can be used to understand the degree of landscape connectivity in the Mediterranean, thereby predicting further expansion.

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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Belmaker, J., Kiflawi, M., Pickholtz, R. 2013. Home & Away: The Spatial Ecology of an Invasive Herbivorous Fish (Siganus rivulatus) in its Native and Invaded Range. Accessed via the Ocean Tracking Network OBIS IPT on INSERT DATE


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L’éditeur et détenteur des droits de cette ressource est Ocean Tracking Network. Ce travail est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0.

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Marine invasive species: Eilat, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea ASCII HTM


Jonathan Belmaker
  • Fournisseur De Contenu
Tel Aviv University
Ocean Tracking Network Data Centre
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Data Manager
Ocean Tracking Network
Dalhousie University
B3H 4J1 Halifax
Nova Scotia
+1 (902) 494-4101
Jonathan Pye
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
Data Manager
Ocean Tracking Network
Renanel Pickholtz
  • Chercheur Principal
Tel Aviv University
Moshe Kiflawi
  • Fournisseur De Contenu
Ben Gurion University and the Inter-University Institute for Marine Science

Couverture géographique


Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [29,5, 34,91], Nord Est [29,51, 34,92]

Couverture taxonomique

Species included below are tagged by this project and have left any embargo. Other individuals or species may later be appended to this dataset.

Species Siganus rivulatus (marbled spinefoot)

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 2013-03-03 / 2014-05-21

Données sur le projet

Marine invasive species have become a widespread phenomenon, with devastating ecological and economic consequences. Current research focuses mainly on monitoring the ecological impacts of invasive species, rather than aiming to understand the mechanisms facilitate or drive them. Landscape characteristics such as substrate configuration, patchiness, and resource availability, are known determinants of the behavior and distribution of marine species. Such components change substantially over space and time, and little is known on how the impact of invasive species may vary accordingly. This research focuses on an invasive rabbitfish species Siganus rivulatus, previously native to the Indo-Pacific. Along the Mediterranean coast, S. rivulatus is shown to have devastating impacts on biodiversity, ecosystems� resilience, and community structures. My research aims to understand how the species� behavior and impact are facilitated or restricted by the surrounding landscape, directly comparing the native and invasive ranges of this species. By employing state-of-the-art technology, previously unused in Israel, fish movements will be recorded in real-time through acoustic tags. Data of such high resolution will enable to quantify fundamental parameters such as home range kernels, habitat utilization, and movement trajectories. By conducting a similar study at the native region (Red Sea; Eilat) and the invaded region (Mediterranean; Sdot-Yam) I will gain insight into the behavioral landscape ecology of S. rivulatus, and the behavioral shifts that may have occurred as a result of invading a novel ecosystem. Finally, movement patterns of S. rivulatus can be used to understand the degree of landscape connectivity in the Mediterranean, thereby predicting further expansion.

Titre Home & Away: The Spatial Ecology of an Invasive Herbivorous Fish (Siganus rivulatus) in its Native and Invaded Range
Financement OTN is a research and technology development initiative headquartered at Dalhousie University, in Halifax Nova Scotia. OTN is funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and is grateful to have once received funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). OTN is also grateful for the continued support from Research Nova Scotia, and OTN's host institution, Dalhousie University.
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche No study area description for this project was provided to OTN for publication.
Description du design A wide range of aquatic species are tagged with small electronic transmitters, surgically implanted or attached externally, which can operate for up to 20 years. Acoustic receivers arranged in line on the ocean floor as well as attached to buoys, gliders and large animals (e.g. grey seals) pick up the coded acoustic signals from these tags identifying each tagged sea creature that passes within half a kilometer of the receiver. Data collected by these listening stations are subsequently uploaded to one of many compatible data nodes, adding to the reach of an intercompatible network of networks designed and maintained by the Ocean Tracking Network, producing current and reliable records for every part of the globe. Certain classes of electronic tags and listening equipment (receivers) may also be outfitted or co-located with sensors to measure the ocean's temperature, depth, salinity, currents, chemistry, and other properties.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Renanel Pickholtz

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Acoustic tags released.

Etendue de l'étude Program started 2013-03-03 and ran until 2014-05-21
Contrôle qualité OTN species names are verified using the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). If species names on new data cannot be verified against (a) known valid names in OTN, and/or (b) WoRMs the Data Provider will be notified so they can check they are correct. Names that cannot be placed after checking with WoRMS are, where possible, placed on the basis of other authoritative sources, such as the Fishbase or ITIS; and once completely verified a request will be sent to WoRMS for addition of the verified species name.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. This resource was created by the Ocean Tracking Network Data Centre as a summarized representation of animal presence determined by electronic tagging efforts. Darwin Core (DwC) records were extracted from the OTN database and filtered and summarized according to international agreed-upon standards.

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Belmaker, J., Kiflawi, M., Pickholtz, R. 2013. Home & Away: The Spatial Ecology of an Invasive Herbivorous Fish (Siganus rivulatus) in its Native and Invaded Range In: Ocean Tracking Network Data Centre, Halifax Canada / Retrieved: 2018-10-05 from

Métadonnées additionnelles

Access Constraints: none Use Constraints: Acknowledge the use of specific records from contributing databases in the form appearing in the 'Citation' field thereof (if any); and acknowledge the use of the OBIS facility. For information purposes, email to the full citation of any publication made (printed or electronic) that cites OBIS or any constituent part. Recognize the limitations of data in OBIS. See for more details

Objet These data are for display on the OBIS portal and associated mapping programs and for download to personal computers for ad-hoc end-user analysis.
Identifiants alternatifs 10.14286/fc3a21