===FORM START=== 0. Intended/preferred project code, if known? (May be altered by OTNDC) format: XXXX (3-6 uppercase letters that do not already have a representation in the OTN DB. Will be assigned if left blank) 1. Title-style description of the project? format: < 70 words in 'paper title' form 2. Brief abstract of the project? format: < 500 words in 'abstract' form 3. Names, affiliations, email addresses, and ORCID (if available) of researchers involved in the project and their role. The accepted Project Roles are defined as: Principal Investigator: PI or Co-PI. The person(s) responsible for the overall planning, direction and management of the project. Technician: Person(s) responsible for preparation, operation and/or maintenance of shipboard, laboratory or deployed scientific instrumentation, but has no invested interest in the data returned by that instrumentation. Researcher: Person(s) who may use/analyze the data to answer research questions but is not the project lead. Can be a student if their involvement spans past the completion of an academic degree. Student: Person(s) researching as part of a project as part of their work towards an academic degree. Collaborator: A provider of input/support to a project without formal involvement in the project. Please add 'Point of Contact' to the contact(s) who will be responsible for communicating with OTN. format: Firstname Lastname, Employer OR Affiliation, Project Role (choose from above list), email.address@url.com, point of contact (if relevant), ORCID 4. Project URL - can be left blank format: http[s]://yoursite.com 5. Species being studied? format: Common name (scientific name) 6. Location of the project? format: (city, state/province OR nearby landmark OR lat/long points in decimal degree), one per line 7. Start and end dates of the project, if known? format: YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD ('ongoing' is an acceptable end date) 8. Citation to use when referencing this project: format: Lastname, I., Lastname, I. YYYY. [Title from question 1 or suitable alternative] Will be assigned if left blank. ===FORM END===