===FORM START=== 0. Intended/preferred project project code, if known? (May be altered by OTNDC) format: XXXX (3-6 uppercase letters that do not already have a representation in the OTN DB. Will be assigned if left blank) 1. Title-style description of the project? format: < 70 words in 'paper title' form 2. Brief abstract of the project? format: < 500 words in 'abstract' form 3. Names, affiliations, email addresses, and ORCID (if available) of researchers involved in the project and their role. The accepted Project Roles are defined as: Principal Investigator: PI or Co-PI. The person(s) responsible for the overall planning, direction and management of the project. Please note: anyone that is identified as a principal investigator holds decision making power over this data, and in certain situations, all PIs will have to be in agreement (for example, when requesting an embargo for data). Once someone has been named a PI, only they can request to change that role. Technician: Person(s) responsible for preparation, operation and/or maintenance of shipboard, laboratory or deployed scientific instrumentation, but has no invested interest in the data returned by that instrumentation. Researcher: Person(s) who may use/analyse the data to answer research questions, but is not the project lead. Can be a student if their involvement spans past the completion of an academic degree. Student: Person(s) researching as part of a project as part of their work towards an academic degree. Collaborator: A provider of input/support to a project without formal involvement in the project. Please add 'Point of Contact' to the contact(s) who will be responsible for communicating with OTN. format: Firstname Lastname, Employer OR Affiliation, Project Role (choose from above list), email.address@url.com, point of contact (if relevant), ORCID 4. Project URL - can be left blank format: http[s]://yoursite.com 5. Species being studied? format: Common name (scientific name) 6. Location of the project? format: (city, state/province OR nearby landmark OR lat/long points in decimal degree), one per line 7. Start and end dates of the project, if known? format: YYYY-MM-DD to YYYY-MM-DD ('ongoing' is an acceptable end date) 8. Citation to use when referencing this project: format: Lastname, I., Lastname, I. YYYY. [Title from question 1 or suitable alternative] Will be assigned if left blank. ===FORM END===